A king’s Love

Betrothed to the son, but in love with the father.

Sarya, a dark elf who's promised to Legolas, but who's in Love with Thranduil. Events leading up to "The battle of the five armies", ends with a marriage, but to who? The son, who's in love with adventure, or the King who's still in love with his first wife, the mother of his child.

"But he's wonderfully handsome, what reservations could you possibly still have?"

In my rooms, my sister makes her case, to have me married within the week, to Legolas, the Elven Prince of Mirkwood. He is as she says, beautiful as all elves are, and how I wish, that he wasn't, then all of this would be easier.

A handsome face isn't lost on me, but his father... King of the Woodland Realm of Northern Mirkwood, now that's a very large title, and the man that carries it, is great indeed!

The silent strength emanating from him, makes me hotter than an elvish summer. Fair-haired, icy blue eyes, and a regal bearing, the thought of those large hands of his on my body, sends a delightful quiver through me.

"Is he in love with another?"

"I don't know, I rarely see him, as he's always off on some adventure, you know how the young ones are."

"Don't pretend that daring exploits, and mischief are foreign to you. How many times, did father have to send the guards to find you, after you'd run off with some young gentleman caller?"

"Too many times." I state, laughing at the memories.

"Your lips should have been raised in a kiss, but instead your sword was, in challenges to your would be husbands."

A playful pull on my hair, and she commences with her brushing of it.

"And I forget his name, but not the time that the guards, intruded upon your marriage ceremony, to that march warden of Lothlórien." She adds.

"Haldir..." Memories of him, brings a loving smile to my face.

"I'd never seen father so furious."

"I received a month in the dungeons, for that one."

"Oh sister... what am I to do with you? He cannot be that bad..."

"It's nothing to do with him."

"Then what is it?"

I'd never admitted it to anyone, I'd held my secret in silence, but as the day draws nearer to my union with Legolas, I can't go through with it. It must be made known, I love another...

"Why would I want the son, when I could have the father."

"Now I know that you've lost your wits... Thranduil?"

"Is there something wrong with him? What woman wouldn't want him as a husband, are you blind?"

"Don't take that tone with me, Sarya Imryll Norvalur!"

Well she must be mad...

"He's the King, it's a insult to barter me to the son, when it's the unwed father with all the power."

"Oh... you've always reached too high."

"Too high, just because you settled for the second son, with no title and..."

A slap, loud and stinging shuts me up. Cradling the spot, where her palm landed, we're both in a state of shock.

Her... breathing deeply, to control her anger, and me... well... I'm just surprised, she's never laid a hand on me.

"I want to return home, to the second son... my husband, and I can't do so with news of you wishing, for something that will never happen."

"You act as if what I ask for, is unable to be attained."

"The king is still in love with his wife, his light will dim, and fade with him, alone. It's what he wants, and he's unable to be moved from his plan."

"I know what I want, and it's him." I state, saving my hair from her vicious brushing.

"You're not the first to fall for the King of Mirkwood, sister. You know fathers anger, and his wrath."

All too well...

"Turn your attention to the Prince, share in his adventures, it's what you crave. And even if the king did accept you, you know that you wouldn't want to spend your days, in this prison cell."

"You're right, I've always had a love for hazardous activities." Sharing a laugh, her hands return to my hair, braiding it.

"But I would give it all up, to remain here... with him, in this palace that you call a prison, by his side till the end of my days."

Her gaze meeting mine in the mirror, she offers a small smile in resignation.

"Then you must truly be in love, and I'm happy for you sister, and saddened also, as you'll not get what you want."


The king's ordered that the palace is to be closed off to the world, no one enters and no one leaves. Except him, his son, and the army...

In the gardens, a marble pavilion surrounded by the wonders of nature, I'm in awe of the heaven, that the king has made for his people.

It stretches for miles, trees and flowers of every species. Even some of the exotic magical ones of my people, the dark elves.

I sense his approach before I hear him. It's the king himself, robed and drawing nearer. His aura... my heart quickens, and a warmth spreads below, when he speaks.

"We go to war with the dwarves of Erebor."

"I'd heard... seems unfair to take something that you've never had a claim to." I reply, finally facing him.

"I don't want their kingdom, I have my own."

"So it is true then... you'll spill blood for the white gems of Lasgalen, a necklace that you had commissioned, for your wife long ago."

"The queens gems, they belong to us, to her memory."

His words of affection for his wife, pulls at my heart, makes me jealous. If only I could have a love like his...

"And why do you seek my audience?" I state, visibly upset and pained, although trying to hide it.

"I ask for your approval."

"You don't need it." I advise, confused.

"But I seek it, you're to be Queen of Mirkwood, one day, your support in matters such as this, is desired."

I don't know how to respond, a war over Jewels is foolish if you ask me, but lives have been sacrificed over lesser materials than gems.

"If those gems are worth lives being ended, then..."

"You would understand, if you've ever truly loved someone, and besides... it's the principle of the matter." His cold calculating stare, and bold statement, causes a fluttering within my belly.

"Those greedy thieving dwarves, stole them. They'll return the gems or I'll remove every one of their heads to get them back." I hate to say it, but a part of me is turned on by his hate filled passion.

"If they mean so much to you, then I agree, war is warranted." I say quietly, as the loud rhythmic thumping beating between my thighs, has my full attention.


"Lord Legolas." An announcement, that follows a few brisk knocks on my door.

"Come in." I answer.

My sister may be right, King Thranduil is not to be had. He's not shown an ounce of interest in me, never looked upon me with much more than a nod in acknowledgement.

He'd gone to war with the dwarves, and I'd waited with barely concealed patience, for his return.

I had hoped that it was him at my door, wishful thinking at it's best.


"I'm in here."

His appearance unsettles me, temporarily. Light haired, like his father, and an ethereal beauty.

Unclothed in a bath, his back is immediately turned to me. I wonder if the father, has such modest reservations.

"I would like to have you, see me off."

"The war has been ongoing for days, where were you?

"Attending to other matters. If you would please join me, I can't linger for to long."

Exiting the bath, an attendant helps me into a robe.

"Then I shouldn't keep you, from your task."

Bowing to him, the robe's undone, and opens to fully expose my breasts.

The light silken material brushing against the peaks, arouses a sexual need.

His hand in mine, he pulls me to my feet. "When I return, we'll marry."

His lips gently touching my hand, doesn't have the expected results.

There's no rapid beating of my heart, no soft intake of breath, no desire to feel his lips on mine.

"As you wish." Is all that I can manage.


What do I wish... I wish to be in his fathers bed, in his arms. His pale golden head between my thighs, calling out his name, as he drinks from the essence of my femininity.

That's what I want..

The war's over with, at last... and preparations are being made for the celebration.

Dressing, to receive the king and his army, I'm resigned to my fate.

I'll marry the prince, and bear his children. Dismissing the helpers, I admire the reflection looking back at me.

Sepia colored skin tone, long dark tresses, and eyes the color of the darkest night.


His deep baritone, startles me.

"My king, I didn't know that you'd returned."

I didn't even hear the horns, annouce his homecoming.

"I have something for you." He says, drawing nearer.

Watching his advancement, through my mirror, every step accelerates my heart beat.

"A wedding gift."

I have to catch my breath, at the sight of the jewels, dangling from his hand.

Beautiful white gems, and fastening the jewelry around my neck, my hand shakes as I finger the treasure.

"I want you to wear them, on your wedding day."

Enthralled by the sparkling jewels, I can only nod in agreeance.

"And nothing but them, on your wedding night."

My gaze locking with his in the mirror, he's watching me intently, as if to gauge my thoughts.

"Its beautiful, but it's too generous."

"What's mine is yours... if you will have me."

Where is this coming from? I must not have heard him correctly.

"And how fares my betrothed?"

"He's gone..."

My sister's going to have a fit...

"And when will he return?"

"Not anytime soon."


"I don't understand..."

Legolas has gone, to seek his own path, and now it falls upon me to marry you.

I want to jump up and down with glee, but his choice of words smothers my excitement.

"You're marrying me, because duty demands it."

"My alliance with your father, demands it."

I want him, but not without love.

"Then I don't accept you, but I will keep these." I state, toying with the gems, as I march past him, to join the others in the festivities.

She'd come to us, a joining of houses, with her marriage to my son.

I would have taken her for myself, if she wasn't being used to keep my son from straying too far.

A plan that failed, and in the end, she's left to me. Staking my claim, she refused me. Had I read her incorrectly?

I thought that I knew her heart, she's unsure, when in my company. Her eyes said what she dared not, a lust filled craving in their depths.

I saw it in her eyes, as she watched me, as I watched her through her mirror. I'd given her the Queens Gems, and she'd denied me.

Watching her now, in the arms of another, my jealousy is at it's highest. Accepting a refill of my drink, my attention's returned to her, and the hand that lingers too long at her waist.

I want to hack it off, do the owner harm, and shaking off those violent thoughts, I turn my attention to the other couples.

Locked together in loving embraces, it's gatherings such as this, that hits me the hardest.

It's been too long, since I've felt a woman's touch, too long since I've been loved in return. The many nights of war, has left me drained, body and soul.

With a heavy heart, tired body, and weary mind, I take my drink to the gardens. One spot in particular, a great distance away, where I've memorialized my wife.

I rarely visit this part of the garden, and tonight will be my last time. Sarya won't have me without love, and if I'm to have her, then my heart must be free to love again.

Making my confession of love to her, I'm finally able to grieve for my loss. It's liberating, and mentally freeing...

"I give you leave to return home."

If she wants love, then she shall have it, and so much more. But, I cannot give her something, and get nothing in return.

Over supper, she nearly chokes on her wine at my statement.

"I had thought, that this was my home, your people are now my people."

"But you're not one of us, by blood or marriage."

In her silence, she moves about uncomfortably.

"You can go tomorrow, the jewels will stay... I cannot have you here, when the other suitresses arrive." I add.

"You gave them to me, as a gift." Indignation's, evident on her face.

"They are the queens gems, and you are not the queen."

"You're going to have to rip them from my body, because I'm not giving them to you."

"That can be arranged..."

"You wouldn't dare!" She states, going to her feet.

"Tomorrow then?"

"I'll leave tonight."

"It isn't safe."

"What do you care, I'm just a suitress that didn't accept you."

Her departure echoing loudly in the hall, there's a loud clamorous bang, followed by running footsteps.

Smiling inwardly, Princess Sarya has a temper, that boils my blood in a good way.

She's packed and ready to leave, when I have her detained in her rooms.

"You'll let me leave, or so help me... I'll..."

"Yes?" Inquires, the guard with her.

"I'll gut you!"

"If you were wielding something other than a grooming brush, I'd be afraid." He replies.

Outside of her room, I can hear her struggling to remove the guard, from the entryway.

A loud rap on the door, and it's opened to me.

"King Thranduil..."

Dismissing him with a nod of my head, he exits the room, closing the door behind him.

"I'm being held against my will."

"You're free to go, if you would just return the jewels."

"They're mine...!"

"Then you are the Queen of Mirkwood, yes?"

Awaiting her admittance of what she feels for me, her acceptance as my wife, she responds with a small humorless laugh.

That's not the response that I was expecting, nor the reaction.

The removal of her clothing, slowly... teasingly, I watch her expression for any signs, of this being a game. "What are you doing?"

"You said that I should wear the jewels, and only the jewels on my wedding night. I'm obeying your request."

Waiting expectantly, she's down to her undergarments, when I notice a slight quiver of her fingers.

"Aren't you going to have the decency, to look away?"

"No, I plan to see it through."

Her chin set defiantly, the challenge isn't accepted. My gaze wanders past her angry expression, to the dark circles straining against the sheer fabric.

She's lovely, standing before me, and reaching out to touch the curve of her hips, she takes a step back. I should let her be, but my arrogance and desire reigns supreme.

Her retreating steps from my advancement, has her backed up against the bed.

Unable to shy away from my caress, she tolerates it in silence. My fingers gently brush her soft skin, and her eyes closing, her lips greet the back of my hand.

I love her scent, a light floral aroma, mixed with her natural fragrance. My hands straying lower, her breasts rise and fall... quick intakes of breaths, as a tremble involuntarily racks her body.

Her dark eyed stare widens, and a small gasp escapes her lips, when my roaming fingers makes contact with her thigh.



"Do you accept me?"

The king's words, before his lips lightly graze my neck, elicits a soft moan from me.

Yes, I accept him...

My body's ablaze with a heat, that started below and has moved upwards. His hand upon my neck, I love his aggressive nature.

"Yes." I state, disrobing him, my arms circling his neck.

"Yes, what?" He probes, lifting me, my legs opening, straddle his waist.

A light breath leaves my lips, as his hard body connects with mine. The bedpost, pressed against my back, causes a slight discomfort, but I'm too consumed with lust, to pay it any mind.

Those icy blue eyes, regards me with a passion filled longing, as his fingers seek out and tenderly tease my nub.

Breathtaking... the fire in his gaze, has my legs shaking, my body trembling with pleasure. "Yes?" He inquires, again.

"Yes... I want you." I make out.

"That's not what I asked."

"Mmm..." My murmur of approval, is met with an increase in the pressure of his hand, on my bud.

"Yes... I accept you." I state, giving in to his request.

"Good." His teasing has stopped, and his lips meet mine hotly. Demanding, aggressive... my flower's slick with anticipation.

His clothing's quickly discarded in between kisses, and his staff, hard and thick fills my sex.

Clinging to him, I inhale deeply at his assault. Holding tightly to him, his quick deep strokes, has me moaning his name.

Keeping pace with his tune, I'm loving his strength, and the heat of his bare skin on mine.

Craving every inch of his length, I stop him, pushing him away. A small smile at his questioning gaze, my back is turned to him, grasping at the post, my rear's arched, legs spread, an offering, that he accepts.

His hand pressed into my back, forcibly directs me lower, and his unrestrained invasion, warm and welcoming, quickens my breathing.

A swell of sensations, sparks of pleasure, at his rough handling of me, is intoxicating.

The pressure building from his forceful thrusting, I grind back on his stroke.

A groan of sexual gratification from him, and his fingers entwined in my hair, I receive a vicious yank, his request for me to let him lead.

I do so with a soft moan... Immersed in ecstasy, I love his sexual savagery.

I've always been rebellious, why should I stop now?

My hips continuing their rhythmic rocking, he tries to bring me to heel again, and fails. My pace increasing, his grip on my hips tightens, and his seed spills forth into my core.

The king's stamina is wondrous... awakened multiple times throughout the night, for a few sessions of passion, I can barely keep my eyes open.

He's left me, and returned hours later, staying in my rooms, until the early hours before the sun had risen.

I'd managed to get in a few more hours of sleep before he'd returned, his kisses awakening me.

Bathed, and refreshed before the assembled masses, there's another celebration, in honor of the alliance between our houses.

Seated next to the king, his hand on my thigh, his fingers laced in mine, neither of us says anything. We watch the good-humored crowd, with disinterest.

"Maybe we should retire to my rooms." He says, at my attempt to stifle a yawn.

"No, I'm sleeping alone tonight."

I'm in need of a good nights rest, without interruption.

"You can share my bed, I'll let you rest." He says, with a small smirk.

"Prince Legolas."

The announcement, leaves me empty-handed... literally. The King's released my hand, as Legolas makes an appearance.

A few females smile invitingly, as he passes, heading in our direction.

A slight bow to his father, before his attention is turned to me. "Princess..." He says, offering me the same greeting.

"Your father told me, that you'd left."

"I did, but I couldn't... not before I honored our arrangement."

"You're free to do as you please, you... owe me no allegiance." I state, trying to be as delicate as possible.

"That may be so..."

"But my son will honor the arrangement." Interrupts Thranduil.


I'm at a loss for words...

"After everything, I'm to be passed along, like some common whore!"

"It was just one night."

"Yes, where you bred the hell out of me."

"Lower your voice."

"No, don't tell me to lower my voice! I'll scream it to the whole Kingdom...!"

"My son, would be better suited for you."

"Oh... really?"

I'm beside myself with anger and delirium. "What... wha..."

Giving up, my back to him, I settle for trying to keep my tears contained.

"You'll marry, within three days time." He says, with finality.

"If you want to stay in Mirkwood." He adds.

"I thought that you at least cared for me, felt something for me." I state, trying to keep the hurt from my voice.

"You mistake lust for love." He says, after some time.


"News from Thyssari... father sends his blessings."

On a leisurely stroll through the forest, I'm resolute at the Thranduil's rejection of me. He tossed me aside as if I meant nothing to him, used and discarded like refuse.

"Sister, please... you've been like this for days. Whatever is the matter?"

Our horses stopping to graze, I make my decision. I am a dark elf, Princess of Thyssari, I am not to be taken lightly. He will give me what I want.

"I cannot marry him."

"Not this again."

"King Thranduil has shared my bed."

"Then why would he give you to his son?"

I won't be used... he may love his son but he'll love me more!

"I don't know."

"I warned you. You'll marry one of them tomorrow, or father will disown you. You cannot return home unwed, Sarya."

Shoving the letter from father into my hands, with a yell she charges back to the palace at full gallop.

Reading it, I'm not upset or sad. If you want something, sometimes you have to fight for it.

The guards watching from a distance, I call forth my magic sending them into a deep slumber.

Leading my horse in the opposite direction of the palace, my heart is light.

The journey is long and I'd thought that I'd put a great distance, between my location and Mirkwood.

"Two elves, to what do we owe the honor?"

The attendant remarks, upon someone's entrance. The guest's of the inn keep with their bawdy conversations and merriment.

Motioning for her to pour another cup of wine, she does so without hesitation. Watching him his eyes slowly perusing the crowd comes to a halt on me.

Making note of his slender frame, long flaxen hair and beautiful countenance, images of Thranduil comes to mind.

The anger at his betrayal consumes me and my drink shakes in my hand.

"Do I upset you so?" He inquires.

"I was expecting your father."

Taking a seat, we're both silent listening to the whispered treachery behind mugs.

"I see... and did he promise you his heart?"

"No, he didn't."

"Well, maybe I can give you mine instead."

"You know nothing about me, why would you do such a foolish thing?"

"You were going to marry me and you knew nothing about me."

He's right, that was until I'd met his father. I want him...

"Perhaps we should get to know each other and we can decide then if we want to be joined as one."

It wouldn't hurt to entertain him, to see what I'd be giving up.


Resting, a fire's blazing high and gathered close to him, I think of my time spent in Thranduil's arms.

His chest rising and falling with each breath, my fingers gently fiddle with his locks.

He sleeps but I'm unable to. Our destination is my home but things aren't going according to plan.

Legolas is sweet, caring and doting. He's been the perfect gentleman, enough so to sway my heart just a little from its course.

Angry with myself, for allowing Thranduil to force me to return to my willful ways, I push away from his embrace.

"What's wrong?" He asks alert, his hand going for his sword.

"We need to leave now." I state, gathering my things.

"In the dark?"

"How is it that I can see clearly and you cannot?"

"I didn't say that I couldn't... You miss him, is that it?"

His statement stops me cold.

"I remind you of him?" He inquires.

Yes and yes..."

"We'll arrive at your home in a few days time, I hope by then you'll have accepted me as I've accepted you."

Leaving me to put out the fire, I follow him at a fast pace, trying to keep up with him.

She thought that I didn't know about my father and her.

When she'd left, he'd demanded that I stay at the palace while he searched for her.

I knew then his love for her. If not love, then a strong feeling for her.

I'm happy for him, it's time that he moved on... loved again.

Sarya's strong, beautiful and wild enough to keep any man's interest for a lifetime.

My role in this game is to force her to see that she loves him. Force her back into his arms, forgive him... choose him, as he's chosen her.

"What's this, two elves? What are you doing on the road to Carn Dum?"

We've been traveling for days when we're accosted by men.

"I thought that this was a free road."

"Sarya..." I caution.

"Is this your wife?" Asks another.

"That's none of your business, now allow us passage." I demand as they're blocking the road.

"And what if we don't?"

"Then we'll give you all a good death." Replies Sarya.

I just love how she speaks for us both.

"It's five of us and two..."

Her swords already at the throat of one and going for my bow, an arrow's placed in the eye of one, and the chest of another.

Waiting... the two that are left, look to each other before making a hasty retreat.

Excitement streaming from her pores, I'm rewarded with a kiss. Her soft lips lightly caressing mine, lust is warranted she's a beautiful woman.

The intensity building below, I pull away from her. I shouldn't feel this way, she's going to be my step-mother.


"Oh come on, you would turn your back on me? Join me..."

A waterfall, she's bathing in the waters below.

"It wouldn't be proper."

"For a wife and husband to bathe together?"

"We're not married yet."

"But we will be soon enough."

This isn't going the way that I had planned. Get her to show just enough interest in me, to make my father jealous and then they would see the error of their ways.

He cares for her, and she feels the same, they just need a push in the right direction.

Apparently, I'm susceptible to her charms also.

"Welcome home Princess Sarya."

One of her kinsmen greets her with a bow and a stern disposition.

"Where's my father?"

"He awaits your presence in the great hall."

"You'll see that my companion is properly received."

"Your companion, by now we had hoped that you would return to us with a husband."

"And here he stands... Perhaps we'll celebrate my marriage here in Thyssari." She states, leaving me with the unfriendly looking male.

"My lord... if you will." He says, moving quickly down the long corridor.


It's been a long time since I've been to Thyssari, it's a beautiful place, magical and colorful. The magic's within all of us but with the dark elves, it runs deep.

Standing before the king, his hard gaze upon me, Sarya's by his side. A crowd's gathered watching the spectacle and she doesn't look happy.

"I was promised a union between you and my daughter. Why is she still unwed?"

"A date was set."


"I've been busy."

"Do you find her lacking?"

"Of course not."

"Than what is it?" He demands.

"I wasn't sure if she was ready."

"She's more than ready."

"I'd like to hear it from her."

"Leave us!" His voice's loud, echoing throughout the room.

The assembly exists quietly but quickly.

"You also." He adds.

"Father, you can't..."


Angry but unable to do anything about it, she obeys.

Hands clasped together, his head pressed against them, he exhales loudly.

"It seems that women are led by their hearts."

"Are we not also?"

His small smile softens his harsh features. I know little of the King but I do know that he like my father, loves hard and endlessly.

After the death of Sarya's mother, he's yet to take another to mate.

"My eldest has forsaken our kind and joined with man, a man without rank or title. I won't see my kingdom pass into the hands of man and a commoner at that!"

So it falls upon Sarya to marry well and of our people.

"Sarya has always been uncooperative and rebellious, I won't have it anymore. She'll do as I ask or Thyssari will no longer be her home."

"Marriage or not, she'll always have a place amongst my people." I state.

"That may be so but your father and I are of the same mind. Marriage to her joins not only our people but our lands."

"There will be a marriage, give me some time with her.

My words bring about a scowl of death, that would have a lesser man quaking in his boots.

"How much time?"

"Just a few days is all that I ask."

I've been feigning happiness, Legolas is a good friend and I love him as so.

"Those flowers belong over there!" Barks my sister.

She's definitely been in good spirits, she and her husband won't be tossed out on their slender rears.

They'll get to stay in Thyssari but the kingdom will pass to me and my husband.

"How many times do I have to tell you, we cannot seat the Cornans with the Tharnat's. Redo it...!" She admonishes.

"I care not for the dinner seating, let him do as he wishes."

"No, they've had a falling out and I don't want it spilling over into your wonderful happy day."

Well... at least she's excited.

I love seeing the merriment and excitement flooding the palace and don't want to take away from the happiness. So, I mostly stay in my rooms but apparently, that's not a safe space either.

The fittings, the grooming, the noisy chatter...

"Beautiful..." Says my sister. She's standing behind me as I examine the results in the mirror.

Smiling half-heartedly, I'm graced with a kiss on the cheek. "Cheer up... if it's love that you seek, it will come with time. You'll grow to love him."

She's right, I may as well make peace with my fate. I love him already as a friend, that will change and hopefully soon.

"Let's this get this over with." I state, with a deep sigh.


For an impromptu wedding, I'm surprised to see so many in attendance. Guests are seated at tables in preparation of the feast, after the brief ceremony. Walking the long path to my father, the groom isn't with him.

Stares and smiles as I quickly make the journey to my future, the attention focused on me is starting to make me uncomfortable.

"If he doesn't show, his disrespect will be rewarded with a war." I'd made it to him, without collapsing.

My father's growing increasingly agitated, he was never one for patience.

"There are other suitors..."

"Yes, but we want this specific one."

A marriage of convenience, for his interests. Such is the life of a princess...


Twenty minutes in and I'm starting to get worried. The chatter amongst the crowd has increased from light whispers to full out gossiping.

Insinuations, and accusations that echo off the walls of the massive room...

They make attempts at discretion but with our sense of hearing, they might as well had shouted across the room.

"There will be no uniting of houses today!"

Silencing the crowd, my heart sinks at his statement. Knowing him all too well his word is his bond.

"We feast tonight and prepare for battle tomorrow! Thranduil, King of the woodland realm is held in breach of contract!"

"I honor my agreements, to say otherwise would be vilification."

His voice sends a chill throughout my body. It can't be... even though I want it to be.

The murmurs from the crowd confirms it but I'm too afraid to even look, afraid that the wine that I'd consumed earlier is taking effect.

The light sounds of his footsteps brings him closer to me and if I wasn't on the verge of officially swooning, I'd lift my skirts and run the rest of the way to him.

Woodsy, masculine and wonderful... are the scents that I pick up from him.

He's beside me and I'm still in disbelief keeping my eyes trained on the floor, as I try to control my breathing.

"Why don't you look at me?"

If I do I might keel over.

Taking my hands in his I'm forced to face him.

The sight's amazing, I haven't seen him in weeks and a flood of emotions overwhelms me.

His gaze is always analytical causing me unease but his small smirk after, reassures me.

"Today we celebrate a joining of two houses, Sindarin and Shadow. You have my blessings, may you have prosperity, balance and a legacy of happiness!" It's rare to see my father smile but when he does it lightens my heart.

All blessings aside, a resounding celebratory cheer follows and it isn't customary but I can't help myself... I love him. I'm in his arms, our lips meeting, his scent invading my senses turns me on.

"And now we feast!" States, my father.

Gazing into his eyes I don't want to release him, for fear that this might be a dream and if it is so, I don't want to wake up.

"Whose idea was this?"

"My son, it seems that he's a romantic at heart."

"You were really going to let me marry him?"


The guests congratulate us in passing, and nodding in acknowledgment he seems tense.

I now know how to handle him, his feelings aren't easily shared. If you don't demand, you don't receive.

"At the risk of what?" I inquire.

"My heart."

I'm giddy with excitement, happy. "I care deeply for you and If you would accept me, I know that that love will continue to grow and never end."

Overjoyed is an understatement and taking his hand, I lead him away from the curious stares and knowing smiles. I intend to show him just how happy I am!


Thanks for reading! I hope that you enjoyed my story!