A Witch’s Love: The Shifter-Wolf


An 80s song blares from my speakers as I dance around the room, getting dressed for school. The doorbell rings, and I glance at my alarm clock. She’s early, Briana, my BFF, since grade school. This is a first. Buckling my pants and quickly slipping on my shoes, I run a brush through my hair and head downstairs.

Rummaging through the cabinets, I locate the small jar of peanut butter. Opening it, it’s but a few spoonfuls left inside. “Mom… we’re out of peanut butter!”

“I’ll pick some up from the store later!” She yells back from the front door. I can hear her letting Briana in, and although it’s a big house, I don’t have to strain to listen to her footsteps. “Is there something that you wanna tell me?”.

“What?” I ask, dropping the peanut butter into my bag.

“What is your infatuation with peanut butter?”

“I don’t know. I’m just craving it.”

“Are you pregnant?” She whispers, concerned.

“Who would I be pregnant by?” I state sarcastically.

“Good point.”

“C’mon… let’s go.”

She’s standing there gaping at me, which causes me to fidget.

“What’s wrong?”

“Everything, you are not going outside looking like that.”

“Looking like what?”

“Your hair is a mess, and you look like you just rolled out of the bed and put your shoes on.”

Checking myself in the hallway’s mirror, I look acceptable to me. My hair is parted and hangs loosely down my back. My attire’s just a tee, leggings, a pair of hoop earrings, and a few bangles. “It’s like the 80s just threw up all over you.” She says from behind me. “What gives?”

“I don’t know… it’s like, things that I thought mattered before, don’t.”

“Like combing your hair and being the squad leader….”

“Not anymore. I quit.”

“What… we graduate in a few months, and now you decide to quit?”

“Girls, you’re going to be late!” Yells my mother from upstairs.

“Bye, Mom!” I yell back as we hurry out the door.

My neighbor, the older guy…who I’ve had a crush on for years, comes out the door at the same time. “Hi, Dominic…” Says Briana, all smiles, twirling her hair. “Hey Briana, Duchess.” He says before quickly making his way to a waiting car—Twenty-two six feet tall, scruffy beach boy look and gorgeous.

“Who’s the chick?” I ask, getting into my car.

“That blond femme fatale is Nikki.”

“Nikki, who?” I ask, confused.

“Girl, you’ve been so disconnected… you remember her—the dark-haired, anti-social, gothic chick.

“That’s Nikki?” I state, pulling out of the driveway. Briana’s straining her eyes to see through the tinted window. I have no problem seeing them both. She’s a platinum blond bimbo, although I can’t lie, she’s transformed into a beauty… although superficial.

“Yeah, and guess what? They’re getting married.” She says, applying lipstick in the mirror. Hitting the brakes causes her to make a zip zag across her mouth. “What in the hell….”


“Yeah, I Know… there goes your chances.” She says, wiping off the excess lipstick.

I want to cry. I’m so confused. In my vision, Dominic’s a part of my future, and we’re together.

“I want my freaking happily ever after!” I state, banging the wheel.

“Omg… where the heck did that come from?” Says Briana with a laugh.

Lately, the unexplainable has been happening. I’ve been able to see things before they happen intermittently, and I’ve been keeping a journal of it. I was supposed to be with Dominic, not this twit.

Gunning the engine, I drive recklessly to school, weaving in and out of lanes, honking the horn, and screaming for drivers to get out of the way. At school, Briana’s out of the car before I’ve come to a complete stop. “You know what? I think you need to see the school’s counselor.” Says Briana as I exit the car.

I’ve finally calmed down, and the realization hits me like a punch to the gut. “I think that I’m having a mid-life crisis.” I was the most popular girl at school, with tons of friends, and now I’m a social shut-in who’s taken an interest in the occult, of all things.

And then it overwhelms me, one of my visions… It’s a jolt to the senses. I see Briana and my Ex-boyfriend locked together in an intimate embrace, his kiss deepens, and then I’m back at the car.

“Hello…?” States Briana, irritatedly snapping her fingers at me. A basketball bounces off of my window. Startled, I turn and come face to face with Dax. Six-feet-two, beautiful chocolate skin tone, a small afro pulled back by a band, and Captain of the basketball team.

He used to be the love of my life and, unbeknownst to me, secretly dubbed the “cherry popper.” Apparently, he had too much time on his hands and needed more than kisses and some extreme petting. So, I had to let him go, better now than later… he was supposed to be a distraction while I waited for Dominic anyways.

“Hey.” He says after retrieving the ball.

“Hi.” I broke up with him under duress, but a few months have passed, and I’m over him… somewhat. –Those eyes… and those lips.

“My parents will be out of town this weekend, and I’m having a masquerade party. I would love it if you showed.” Just like him, to end the last year of high school with a bang.

“Who is Richie Rich flaunting his wealth to now?” His family’s from old money and owns half the town. His light chuckle’s music to my ears and that award-winning smile is fantastic.

My heart skips a beat, and I can’t help reflecting on the times before I found out about his indiscretions. He’s a genuine sweetheart, an honor roll student who excels at everything he does. But alas, we are not to be…

“I can’t make any guarantees, but I’ll see.”

“Yeah, please try.” He says with a wink before making his way back to his friends.

In history class, it’s an effort to appear alert and attentive. Our projects were to research our family history as far back as possible, going back at least two hundred years. The lights are dimmed as we watch a projection screen. The student shows us pictures of family members as he lists names, dates of birth, and deaths. He gives a detailed story of the lives where the person lived and a brief history of their personal life.

“And that’s the history of the Jenson family, as far back as seventy years.” He says. A few scattered slow claps, followed by an enthusiastic, fast one, come from a guy up front. “We have time for one more if it’s brief… anyone?” Asks the teacher as the lights come on.

“No? All right, teachers choice then.” His eyes scroll down the list as he decides on a selection. “Miss. Winslow?”

“Um… I’m not finished with mine.”

“Okay, Miss. Mitchell?”

“Yeah, I’m not done either.”

“Aren’t you here on a scholarship, Mrs. Mitchell?”

“Yes.” She responds quietly.

“So, it would behoove you to keep your grades at a satisfactory level by actually doing your work. This used to be a prestigious academy. They’ll let anyone in now… The bar has plummeted….”

A few chuckles follow, and I can’t help scoffing at his aggravated huff, the audacity. Bored and feeling wicked, I try my hand at controlling the bottled water on the teacher’s desk. Discreetly trying to move it, it flies across the room.

A few surprised yells echo across the room as it hits the wall, exploding upon impact. “Calm down. It was just the wind!” Says the teacher, rattled but trying to keep the students calm. I hadn’t meant to do all that, but on a roll, I want to pay him back for being rude and downright mean. I try for something bigger.

The podium starts to rattle, and as everyone’s attention is drawn to it, I focus even harder. Pandemonium ensues as it topples over and slides across the room. Everyone scrambles for the exit, with the teacher leading the way, and I have a self-satisfied smirk plastered on my face when I feel someone’s eyes upon me.

Dark-haired, with brown eyes, and clothed in a sweater, tweed jacket, and jeans, he’s a hipster, cute. His gaze never wavers from mine, and feeling that I’d been caught red-handed, I gather my things and head for the exit.


I’m writing in my dream journal inside the gym while Briana practices with the squad. The vision of Briana kissing Dax returns. The pen starts to slow, and the writing continues in slow motion before it comes to a complete stop.

As I stare at the page, the words start to blur, and I’m pulled into a vision. This time it’s me running through the woods, and something is chasing me. Looking back, I trip and fall on a tree limb. A pair of boots come into view. Breathing hard from the run, I’m too afraid to look up.

Squatting in front of me, my chin’s lifted as my eyes close. He waits as I inhale deeply to control my emotions. Finally, I find the courage to face my stalker. My eyes open, and the sight is breathtaking. Hazel eyes, long dark hair flowing past his shoulders, all-black attire, with a dark overcoat. Standing, he pulls me to my feet. “I’ve been waiting a long time for you.” He says with an amazingly sexy accent.

I want to stay in this dream, but sensing the danger in him, I try to force myself out of it. He’s latched onto my arm. His nails digging into my skin draws blood to the surface, and he backs away from me as if stung. Confused by his peculiar behavior, I advance a few steps as he moves backward a few.

“You’re afraid of blood?” I ask as he’s watching my wounded arm intently. His penetrating gaze makes me uncomfortable, and with a wave of his hand, I’m out of the dream. Back in the gym, my eyes fall to the journal. I’d written a name. “Andrei Petrescu…” I say aloud. Gathering my things, I quickly leave. I have some research to do.

“Will you snap out of it?” Briana’s fingers clicking together in my face again brings me from my musings. “What’s going on with you?” She whispers. I hate that I agreed to go on this double date with Dax and his friend, who she’s been obsessed with recently.

More like stalking… and like Dax, he’s a descendant of one of the twelve families that founded Crestview Summit. His family’s rolling in the dough also, and she’ll be damned if she doesn’t bag her one of the sons of the twelve “founding fathers.”

“Dax has found it in his heart to give you another chance. The reason why you broke up with him in the first place is ridiculous.” She bears the name of one of the oldest families in Crestview, but one with no money. Squandered by a five-time great-grandfather, her family has their name to fall back on. But that can only get one but so far…

Dressed to the nines for some swanky fundraiser gala, I’m still hungry after the microscopic servings we ate. I’m irritated, tired, and in need of a colossal fudge sundae with all the trimmings.

“You should be grateful, but instead, you’re unresponsive, inattentive ….”

“Look, Miss. Snooty Booty…” I’ve had it with her and her “Money hungry man-hunting ways,” which seem to have escalated now that we’re about to graduate.

“What did we miss?” Asks Brent.

Him and Dax rejoining us save her from a verbal lashing.

“Nothing, girl-talk,” I respond, taking a deep breath to calm myself. Briana’s narrowed-eyed gaze warns me that I’d better not mess this up for her.

“Would you do me the honor of another dance Briana?”

“Yes, thank you.” She replies, quickly accepting his offered hand with a smile.

With a roll of my eyes, I take a large gulp of the fizzy drink. Dax is watching me, and I offer a small smile.

“I know that you did this for Brie, but have you thought about us?”

“There is no us.”

“We were great together, and I miss you.”

“We had our time, and it was nice, but we have to move past that.”

“I can’t.”

“Well, you’re going to have to try.”

“I think about you all of the time, now even more than when we were together.”

“It’s nothing more than an infatuation Dax, you had it, and now that it’s gone, you want it even more.”

“It’s not that. It’s like I was okay with you breaking up with me. I mean, it’s not what I wanted, but if that’s what you wanted, then so be it. Then … I don’t know, you’re all that I can think about. It’s gotten worse as the days go by. I want you back, and this time it’s for forever.”

I care about him. I mean, we were together for three years, but I’m good. My heart belongs to Dominic, no matter who I’m with.

“This is way too much and too soon. We’ve been broken up for how long?”

“About two months, which isn’t long. We just took some time off.”

“Dax, how much have you had to drink?”

“You’re going to play that card?”

Sitting across from me, he’s stone-cold sober, and his sexy dark-eyed scrutiny speeds up my heart rate.

“I’m serious. Just think about it.”

With his hand on mine, he gently strokes my fingers. It doesn’t take much for me to give in. I don’t object to his fingers entwining with mine. It wouldn’t hurt to keep my options open.

“Miss. Van der berg?”

“It’s not finished,” I say automatically, which causes a few outbursts of laughter.

“You can present what you have then.”

Taking my folder up to the projector, the lights dim. Clearing my throat, I place a photo of my father on the projector. “

This is Richard Van der Berg, my father. I have no clue as to where he’s from originally. He moved here when he was eighteen and passed four years ago. He was a financial advisor and a loving father.”

Removing the image, I replace it with a picture of my mother.

“And this is my mother, Claudia Van der Berg. She met my father on a bus on the way to Crestview Summit. On that bus ride, he charmed her into moving here with him.”

“A bus?” Interjects a student.

“So, she just met a stranger on a bus and followed him to wherever he was going?” Asked, a male student.

“Yeah, or so I was told.”

“I think it’s uber-romantic.” States a female student, and a few other females clap in agreeance.

“Yeah, if you’re poor….” A female student jokes.

A few chuckles follow that comment, and I continue.

“She’s a domestic worker, chef, teacher, counselor, best friend, and an awesome mother… and that’s it.” I finish.

“That’s it? Asks the teacher as the lights come on.

“I told you that I wasn’t finished.”

“You guys have had two months to complete this.”

“Well, I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’ve been working on mine,” I state defensively.

“And in two months, this is all that you have?”

“It’s kind of hard to locate my relatives. My parents never talked about their families.

“No cousins, aunts, grandmother?” Asks Mr. Sparks.

“I’ve never met them.”

“So… who wants to help Miss. Van der Berg, locate her long-lost relatives for extra credit?” Everyone’s quiet. No one wants to do the project, let alone help someone else.

“Don’t all volunteer at once….” One student at the front slowly raises his hand, the hipster.

“Mr. Rivers and Miss. Van der Berg, please come back on Monday with at least four more relatives. The bell rings, and students quickly make a beeline for the door. Collecting my books, the hipster intercepts me.

“Hi, I’m Julien.” Accepting his offered hand, an electric shock shoots up my wrist.

“Sorry.” He states as I quickly release his hand.

“It’s no problem. I’m Duchess.”

The memory of him watching me practice my magic on the bottle and podium makes me uncomfortable, but a sense of familiarity puts me at ease.

“When did you want to get started?”

“Sunday evening is fine,” I answer.

“I don’t like to wait until the last minute.”

“Okay fine, tomorrow at four, my place?”

“Yeah, sure.”

His uncertainty makes me nervous, and I start to fidget with my books. “What?” I inquire about his scrutiny.

“You’re beautiful. You shouldn’t just let random guys come to your home. It’s not safe.”

“I’m sure that I can take you if you try anything,” I state, amused.

His smile lights up his face and accentuates his features. “Oh?”

“My dad taught self-defense classes on the weekends, and I’ve had one on one training twice a week since I was seven.”

“Well, it’s good to know that you can kick my ass if I go all psycho on you.”

I can’t help the laugh that bubbles forth.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah,” I reply, blushing.

He’s almost out the door when I remember. “Hey, I forgot to give you my address.”

“I know where you live.” A raised eyebrow is my response as I try to remember if I’d met him before. “You had a party a year back, and a friend invited me.”

“Oh,” I state, slightly embarrassed.

“See you tomorrow.” He says with a small smile.


In my living room, I’d given Julien the required information and let him have at it. He’s trying to locate my relatives as I bang on the keyboard in agitation while on the couch.

“You can take a break if you like.” He says, not looking up from his screen.

“I’m sorry. It’s just frustrating, is all.” I say, closing the laptop.

Andrei Petrescu has become my passion, and trying to locate him has become a nightmare. I know he’s real… I know it.”

“What about you, any luck?” Sitting next to me, I take a peek at his screen.

“No, and actually… I think that your dad may have been living a double life. Are you sure that Richard Van der Berg was his real name?”

“Of course, and he worked for Schwab Asset Management, is survived by his daughter and wife...”

“Funny, that when I called, they said that they’ve never had an employee by that name that worked there… ever.”

“They must have been mistaken then.”

“No… birth, or medical record, credit card, bank account, marriage certificate. I think that there’s something that your mother isn’t telling you. I mean, this is crazy. Are you guys under witness protection or something?”

“Okay, so now you’re being offensive and borderline freaking me out.”

“I’m sorry, I just can’t believe that there’s no paper trail for him.”

“This shouldn’t be that hard. Maybe we need to dig a little deeper.”

“I don’t think there’s anything to dig up, but we can meet tomorrow.” He says, rubbing his neck and stretching.


“Tired?” I ask, literally wanting to ease the discomfort that he’s feeling. Well, that’s strange, and so not me.

“Not really, I just need a break.”

Feeling compelled to seize the moment, I take a small breath and go for the gamble. “Well… I was thinking of going to the Kincaid masquerade ball, and I sorta don’t have a date.”

“I wasn’t invited, and I have to finish researching your dad’s non-existent history.”

“Oh c’mon, it’s not that serious. If we don’t find anything, I’ll live.”

“Okay, um... I don’ have a mask.”

Quickly producing one from underneath the pillow, I hand it to him. Yeah, so what? I planned this.

“I have an extra one.”

“It’s not my scene…”

“Are you really going to let me go by myself? It’s not safe.”

My playfulness gets the desired effect, an infectious smile. I don’t know how I never noticed him. He’s so… Edward Cullen, but way sexier.

“Well... since you put it that way, I’ll think about it.” He says, preparing to leave.

“I’ll make sure that you’re on the list, just in case,” I add, seeing him out.

Leaning against the door, I can’t stop smiling. “What in the entire hell am I doing?” I say, shaking my head in exasperation, as I make my way up the stairs to get ready for the ball.

It’s packed, everyone who was invited and then some is in attendance. Briana’s left me to go chase after Brent. Standing on the landing of the stairs, I watch the dancers below. Dax joins me.

“You look beautiful.” He says, handing me a drink. Clad in a simple black, low cut, free-flowing maxi dress with black heels, his arm circles my waist.

“Thanks,” I state, moving from his embrace. He’s handsome as ever in his suit and black half mask. I let him apply mine. We’re both silent as his gaze slowly wanders over all of my assets. “Maybe later, you’ll save a dance for me.”

“Sure.” Another long watchful pause, and I receive a brief kiss on the cheek before he leaves. If only things could have been different. Taking a sip of my drink, the bubbles tickle my nose, and I get the sensation of being watched.

My gaze is drawn to a guy with a white and gold Venetian phantom of the opera mask. He’s watching me from the sea of dancers. I know who he is, and I can’t help smiling. Mr. Edward Cullen.

Handing my drink to a passing server, I make my way slowly down the stairs. He’s waiting for me at the bottom, offering his arm. “I’m glad that you came,” I say, accepting it.

“Yeah, me too. You look amazing.”

“You don’t look too shabby yourself.” In fact, he’s freaking stunning.

“Yeah, well... I tried.”

“Oh, please. You know that you’re gorgeous.”

My shameless flirting knows no bounds, which is another so not me moment.

“Thanks, may I?” He asks as a slow song comes on.

“Yes, you may.”

I’m pulled close, and my arms circle his neck. His hands on my waist, he leads me into a dance. I’m aware of the attraction, the pull. For some reason, I feel secure and protected when in his company. Those dreamy brown eyes watching me, the butterflies are having a field day in my stomach.

“I shouldn’t say this, being as how I just met you, but I don’t know… I like you.” I say.

“That’s good because I like you too.” He responds. There’s no hint of mischief or humor in his expression.

“I think it’s more than that. I’m attracted to you.”

“Well then, it’s a shared attraction because I feel the same way, and… I think that we both need a…”

“Cold shower.” I finish, matter-of-factly.

“I was going to say a drink.” He says with an amused smirk.

“Oh… yeah.” I respond, mortified.

And there it goes again… that incredibly endearing devious smirk that has my body responding in ways that I’ve never felt before.

Taking my hand, he leads me over to the bar, where Dax is chatting it up with Madison. My used to be arch-enemy and now captain of the cheer squad. “Hey, I didn’t know you were coming. I thought that you would sit this one out, as you’ve been doing of late.” She says.

“No, I just decided at the last moment.”

“Well, that doesn’t look like a last moment dress.” She says, throwing shade.

We both belong to the “shady bunch” family, so I give her two small twists to showcase my wares. “You like?”

“It’s too tacky for my tastes.”

Eyeing her outfit, it’s elegant. But I can’t help feeding her what she fed me. “I like yours. It’s a bit “prommie” though.”

“Ladies… you both look nice.” Says Dax, trying to diffuse the situation.

Let me be the mature one…

“Dax, this is Julien, Julien… Dax, and that over there is Madison.” I state.

“Julien, it’s been a while.”

“Yeah, it has.” He responds, removing his mask. I’m not the only one to notice the tension between the two, as Madison moves about uncomfortably.

How do they know each other?

“Are you the designated “on standby, friend zone” guy-friend?” Asks Dax, handing us drinks.

I should have known better.

“I don’t know… what are we doing?” Inquires Julien of me.

“Well… I thought that per our recent conversation, we were attracted to each other.” I state, playing along.

“Yeah, we were.” He adds.

“So, I guess… we’re a couple?”

“Yeah, I guess we are.”

I know him, and inside he’s fit to be tied. On the outside, he’s cool, calm, and collected.

“Well, it’s nice seeing you again, Julien.”


“Enjoy the party.” He says, leaving with Madison on his heels. We’re both silent, neither of us knowing what to say, and then I shrug, which causes him to laugh.

“You have an amazing smile.”

“You know, with all these compliments, my head is gonna be like “poof.” He says, gesturing with his hands, as to the inflated size of his ego.

“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I don’t know what’s gotten into me. It’s like… I’m all confused, unsure, and…”

I’m pulled into his arms as his lips gently meet mine. It takes only a second for me to get over the shock. My arms go around his neck, and I melt into his embrace. This feels so right that I don’t want to let go, and I’m more than a little bit miffed when he ends the kiss.

“I’ve wanted to do that since the first time that I saw you.”

“Which was?”

“A year ago.”

I’m not at all creeped out about it. I’m speechless at the romanticism of it all when he comes into view ending Julien’s hold on me.


“Hey, Duch.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I’m here with Nikki.”

“Yeah, I heard… your fiancée,” I reply, with a touch of sarcasm.

“Yeah, we’re getting married. One day I woke and decided that I wanted to marry her.”

“There’s a lot of that going around, impulsive actions.”

“I know, but that’s what makes it so exciting.”

“How did you two meet again? I mean, I never saw her at your house.”

He doesn’t have time to respond before the she-devil interrupts us.

“Hi, is my future husband bothering you guys?”

In a dark, mysterious way, she was pretty before, but now she’s all light, chipper, and most definitely model material.

“Hi, Nikki.”

“Duchess?” Wow… you’re still as beautiful as ever, one would think that the fall from grace would be rough on one’s ego.”

“I actually didn’t fall. I decided to part ways.”

“Yeah, but it’s hard to walk away from the limelight. I was thinking depression… followed by a little bit of suicide, would be your outcome.”

“Well, that’s harsh.”

“Yeah, well do unto others as you would have them do onto you.”

What the hell is wrong with her?

“This is getting kind of bleak and dreary. You want to get out of here?” Asks Julien.

“Yep, sure do.”

Parked outside of his home, I take in my surroundings. “It’s beautiful…” I state as the lone light pole illuminates the grounds—a cottage, a mile into the woods, away from the main house beside a brook. Unlocking the door, he turns on the light, and I’m amazed at the modern furnishings. “Wow…”

“Welcome to my humble abode.”

“This is your place?”

“Yeah, my father lost interest in being a father after my mom passed. He gifted me this place. Out of sight, out of mind, I guess.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“No, it’s fine. I like having my own space. I get to do what I want when I want how I want.”

“Well… it’s nice.”

Glancing at his watch, he leaves me waiting at the door as he quickly disappears around a corner. Reappearing, he has a bottle of whiskey and two shot glasses. “C’mon, we’re going to miss it.” Leading me back outside, it doesn’t take long for a campfire to be ignited. He barely has the drinks poured when a streak of light shoots past us.

“Oh, wow...!”

“Just wait...” He says, taking a seat next to me.

“Knocking my shot back, the burn on the way down doesn’t last long, when a mass of lights illuminates the night sky as they zoom by. “This is amazing!” I exclaim, almost knocking his drink out of his hand when I turn to him.

His smile slowly disappears, and confused, I’m concerned… my smile dropping.

“I’m sorry,” I state.

“No, it’s not that. Your eyes sparkle when you’re excited. It’s an amazing sight.” And I am genuinely amazed at all of this. Too much is happening and so fast. “Thanks, you have a nice setup here. I wish that I had somewhere that I could go, to get away from it all.” I say, changing the subject.

“You’re welcome to come here anytime. I’ll give you the code to the house.” Woah, what is really going on? I’m throwing myself at some random classmate. He’s offering me the key to his home, and I’m… I’m about three shots away from mentally breaking down.

“No, I couldn’t.”

“I want you to. It would be nice to have someone to talk to. It gets kind of lonely at times.”

Can he be even more amazingly charming and sweet?

“You don’t even know me.”

“I trust you.”

Those are the last words that I remember upon waking in a bed that I’m unfamiliar with. A glance around the room, and I’m still confused. Rolling over, there’s a body hidden underneath the covers. “Damn,” I whisper. I hope that I didn’t lose my virginity last night because I remember nothing, aside from the meteor shower and his last words that warmed my heart. – I trust you.

A throbbing pain in my ankle has me reaching under the covers. My hand makes a connection with a bandage. I’m trying to take a peek at it when he flips onto his side, pulling the coverlet up to his chin.

I’m watching him as he sleeps, and I’m officially turned on. It’s something about a guy’s vulnerability when they’re asleep that makes them so attractive. His eyes open, and my heart skips a beat. I say a mental prayer in the hope that I didn’t give the goodies up yet. I want to remember everything when it does happen.

“Were you watching me sleep?”

“I was,” I say, unashamed.

That sleepy-eyed smile... high pitched scream!

I’m pulled into his embrace, and my body stiffens. “What’s wrong?”

“My mom...” and on cue, my mobile rings.

“Shit...” I have thirty missed calls.

“Hey, mom.”

I have to move the phone away from my ear, as her shouting is too loud and It’s too early.

“I know, I know, I should have called.”

“I stayed at a friend’s.”

“Briana isn’t my only friend.”

“Fine, his name’s Julien.”

“What? Rivers… Why?”

“So that’s it?”

“I’ll see you in a few.”

Disconnecting the call, I let it drop back onto the nightstand.

“Is everything okay?” He asks, getting out of bed.

“Yeah, my mom’s bugging.”

Noticing the pain again, I check my ankle. “What happened?” I inquire about the bandage.

“You were bit.”

Removing the bandage, my ankle looks puffy, and I see teeth marks. “By what, a dog?” I ask alarmed.


Trying hard, I’m unable to recollect anything after the shooting stars.

“It will heal in a couple of days.”

“Do I need to get a rabies shot?”

“No, it was my dog.”

“I am so suing you.”

“It’s your word against mine, and you don’t even remember what happened.” He replies playfully.

“Terrible,” I state, reapplying the bandage.

“There’s another shower in the other bedroom.”

“So, you could have slept in the other bedroom.”

“I didn’t want to create more work for the maid.”

“Yeah, that’s why you didn’t sleep in it,” I state, trying to hit him with the pillow. Easily dodging my hit, he draws me to him. My legs around his waist, my hand goes to his face. His kiss is soft and sweet.

“I still have everything that I came here with, right?”

His chuckles deep and incite a sexual stirring below.

“I didn’t take advantage, although it was tempting when you begged me to.”

“I did not!” I reply, throwing the pillow at his back as he exits the room.

“Oh my god, we look amazing!” Says Brie, examining herself in the mirror.

Backstage in the Auditorium, it’s a throwback to the Victorian period. We’re with twenty-plus girls, dressed in period ball gowns, waiting to go on stage.

“Did you hear?”

“Hear what?”

My ankle’s bothering me. It’s still a little sore, but I’m able to walk just fine.

“All twelve of the sons are here.” Says Brie.

“Whoop de doo,” I state uncaringly.

“Yeah, but I bet you didn’t know that your Romeo was one of them.”


“Yep, did a little investigating, and Romeo’s the sole heir to the “Rivers fortune,” and it is a vast fortune, says my father.”

“I knew that he had money, but I didn’t know that he was one of them.”

“I am so getting me, “one of them.” You lucked up twice, and you better not let this one get away from you.”

“Welcome all to the Debutante ball auction.” We hear loud and clear over the PA system. A man and woman collaborate on hosting, as the helpers make sure that corsets are correctly tied, hair’s perfect, and gowns are immaculate.

”We’re auctioning dates with a few of the most sought after debutantes so that we can make this a memorable event for all. The gown’s that they’re wearing will be donated to those who want to attend but can’t afford the proper attire.”

“All funds will go towards the purchase of additional gowns and attire for the less fortunate, and any remaining funds will be donated to a local charity.”

Feedback from the microphone causes us to cover our ears as they complete the introduction. “This year’s debutante ball will be historically themed, the Victorian, Edwardian, or Georgian era, and gothic period pieces are allowed. We don’t discriminate.”

“In return, you get a guaranteed date of your choice to the ball. If you win the bid.”

“Let us begin!”

Taking my hand, Briana leads me to the front of the line.

“Hey!” Says a brunette as Brie elbows her out of the way.

“May we have the first two ladies, please?”

“It’s now or never.” She says, smiling from ear to ear.

Following her out onto the stage, there are more guys in attendance than I expected.

“Ah, Miss. Briana Doyle and Duchess Van der Berg.”

There’s a commotion at the front. Brent has stepped in between Dax and Julien.

“You’ve marked her!” Dax’s eyes appear to be glowing a bright yellow for just a few seconds.

“Did you see that? I ask.

“Yeah, it must be nice to have two of the twelve fighting over you.” Responds Brie.

Yeah… no.

“Is there a problem?” Asks the host.

“Not here.” Says Brent.

He and Julien are silently eyeing each other before I hear a light growl from one of them.

“There’s no problem,” Dax replies, retaking his seat.

“Good, shall we carry on?” Inquires the hostess.

“Miss. Duchess has on a lovely dove grey Victorian piece and Miss. Briana is wearing a dark blue Edwardian gown.”

“We’ll start the bid off with a thousand dollars each. “

A few blue slips of papers are raised, followed by a few gray ones. Dax, seated at the front with the twelve, presents his gray marker.

“That must be them,” I whisper to Brie.

“Yes, the crème de la crème.” She whispers back.

“Let’s narrow this down a bit. We don’t have all day… four thousand dollars?”

My eyes fall to each one in turn. They’re all attractive, like superior quality.


“I know, right?” She replies smartly.

They seem to be doing a thorough inspection of us, and I wouldn’t say that I like it. My attention’s drawn to Julien, seated a few seats down from the rest.

“Good, Six thousand?”

His gray marker’s raised. Catching my gaze, he has a sexy smirk.

“Terrible.” I mouth, with a small smile.

Dax seeing the exchange, has a deep scowl plastered on his face before his is also raised.

“Eight thousand?”

They both raise their markers at the same time.”

“And, ten grand?”

Once again, it’s the same result.

“Okay, so the limit has been reached, and it’s now lady’s choice.” States the hostess shoving the microphone in my face. Oh shit, I wasn’t aware that I would have to choose if no one outbid each other.

Oh well, it is what it is…

“I choose Julien,” I say, quietly.

There’s a round of applause.

“Mr. Rivers has won the bid for Miss. Van der Berg and for Miss. Doyle…”

With a chilling gaze directed my way, Dax raises his blue marker.

“Oh, the bid is still ongoing for Miss. Doyle, is that eight?”

“It’s ten.” Says Dax.

“Anyone else?”

No other bids, she closes

“Mr. Kincaid has won the bid for Miss. Doyle.”

Retrieving a folder and a book from my locker, they slip from my hand, and the papers scatter. Picking them up, I can’t help smiling as a hand comes into view, assisting with the mess. I’d know that arm anywhere.

An intricate tatoo of a moon design on his wrist, I don’t know what it is about him, but I can’t help the smile that lights my face.

“If i’m rewarded with that, every time that I’m near you, I’ll make it my business to always be near you.” His playful smile, I can’t resist, I have to; I want him to, no words are needed.

His knowing expression, and I can hardly contain myself. I want him to kiss me, to feel his solid body pressed against mines, his lips taking control as I meet his kisses, need for need.

I only see him, as he pulls me into him, safe and secure. His watchful gaze, says it all, he wants me as much as I want him. My heartbeat skyrockets, when his lips meet’s mines. My eyes close, as a scorching heat makes its way downwards.

“Mmm...” A sound of pleasure escapes my lips, as the intensity of his kiss has me wanting to come out of my clothing. “Ahem...”

Releasing me, he takes my hand in his, his fingers lightly caressing mines.

“You guys are making it official and I don’t even know you.”

“I’m Julien.”


I try calming myself with a few deep breaths, and his solicitous smirk has me wanting to throttle him, in a good way.

“Well, Julien... you definitely have my friend in a state of sexual hysteria.”

And... her statement brings me out of it.


“If you don’t mind, I’d like to borrow my friend, please.”

“Sure, only If I get to see you tonight.”

“Yeah.” I state, my body finally calming down, from his touch.

“See you later.”

I receive a quick kiss on the check, before he leaves us, and Briana’s looking at me through slitted eyes.


“When’s the wedding?”

“Girl stop it.”

“No, I’m serious, I hardly see you anymore.”

I have been neglecting her, I can’t help it, I’ve gotten a dose of Julien and it’s like I’m addicted to him. I have to constantly be around him, or it’s like I can’t sit still, I get antsy.

“Please don’t tell me, it’s because of what Dax did.”

“No, of course not... I’m happy with Julien, I think that I’m in love with him.”

“It is way too early to be rocking the “L” word.”

“I know, but it’s what I feel.”

“Well, I’m happy for you.” She says, hugging me. “But try not to forget about me, I am your best friend, treat me as such.” She adds, with a smile.

“I’m sorry, I will...”

Coming down the stairs, my mom’s waiting for me. She has a neutral countenance, and I can’t help feeling some type of way. Confusion, skepticism, and fright. I’d been avoiding her, sneaking in while she was out and grabbing some clothing for a few nights stay at Julien’s.

“The River’s boy, you didn’t tell me that you were seeing him.”

“I didn’t know that you knew him.”

“His parents were longtime friends of ours.”

“Were? And it’s kind of odd, that I never met them.”

“We just grew out of touch, but I’m happy that our children bridged the gap, and... made a connection?”

“If you’re asking if I slept with him, the answers no.” I say, heading to the kitchen to get my peanut butter fix.

“But you do like him?”

“Yes, a lot.”

Her frown upsets me, I’m crazy about him, and expect her to be happy for me.

“You don’t think that it’s too soon, after Dax?”

A huge spoonful of the tasty brown concoction locking my jaws together, I can only stare at her, as I try to get the mess to go down my throat.

“I mean, your senior year is coming to a close, you want to stay focused on your grades.” She states, giving me a bottled water.

“Mom, what is this about?” I ask, the water relieving my jaws from the “PB” prison.

“I just don’t want you to go through another heartbreak, so soon after the last one.” She says, becoming serious.

“FYI, I wasn’t heartbroken, I was just extremely disappointed, and Julien’s a good guy, he does his own thing.”

She’s watching me earnestly, in an attempt to discern my true feelings.

“Okay, if you say so, when is he coming over for dinner?”

Putting the jar in my bag, I’m so not happy with the way this conversation is going. “Mom, I just met him.”

“And yet you’ve already moved into his place.”

“It’s just something about him... I don’t know what it is, but he makes me feel good.”

“It’s the same way, I felt when I met your dad.”

“That fateful day on the bus...” I state, with a I’ve heard it all before attitude.

“Well something you don’t know, is that it wasn’t fateful.”

I can’t believe what i’m hearing.

“You stalked dad?”

“I wouldn’t say stalk...”

“You didn’t...”

C’mon, it’s time that you were made aware of who we are.”

Following her to the door of the basement, I’m more than intrigued, but short on time.

“How long is this going to take?”

“I’ve felt the changes in you, your magic is strong.”

“Come again?”

“Don’t play with me, I know what happened at the school. You must be discreet, when using your magic, no show boating.”

Unlocking the door, its pitch black, my eyes adjusting I can see everything clearly. It’s a smorgasbord of relics and books on the occult. Witch. Pausing, her back to me, she snaps her fingers and the candles inside instantly light up, illuminating the room.

“And a damn good one.”

“What’s wrong? You’re being unusually quiet.” We’re on his boat, it’s a beautiful day, the Sun’s shining brightly, there’s a wonderful light breeze coming off of the water, and I’ve withdrawn into my inner thoughts.

“I’m sorry, i’ve been out of it lately, I have a lot of things on my mind.”

“It might help if you talk about it.”

“You wouldn’t understand.”

“Try me.” He says, handing me a shot of something.

“What’s this?”

“My dad’s ten grand a bottle scotch.”

“Ten-grand for liquor, he’s going to kill you.”

“We haven’t spoken in months, i’m long overdue for a good scolding.”

“I don’t get it, what happened for you and your dad to not be on speaking terms?”

Moving beside me, I take a sip of the scotch and shudder. “Let’s not make this about me, what’s going on with you?” He inquires, adding a small amount of water to my drink.

“You have to promise me, that you’ll keep this between us.”

“I promise.” He says, without hesitation.

I’m unsure on how to proceed, and take a huge gulp of the scotch, swallowing it down with a grimace. A few deep breaths as the liquor burns on its way down, and i’m ready.

“Ive been having these visions, and dreams, most have been about my friends and... my really gorgeous neighbor, but now they’re solely about this one man.”

“I’m always running from him, he’s beautiful, and he never hurts me, but I can sense... I know that he’s dangerous.”

Tucking my hair behind my ear, I finish the drink and continue on.

“Coming out of my first vision of him, I saw that I’d written his name down. I’ve been trying to locate him, which has failed, but I have to find him, I need to know who he is.”

He’s quiet, watching me for a few seconds.

“So, you have a crush on your neighbor?”

“Is that the only thing that you got from all that?”

“I’m kidding...” He says, an arm going around my waist.

Sneaking a quick kiss, I return the favor, giving him a return peck on the lips. “Okay, you’ve been having visions about this guy, who you’ve never met?”


“And you got his name from your vision, and you’ve been attempting to locate him...because why?”

“I feel that he’s important to me, I have to find him.”

“What’s his name?”

“Andrei Petrescu, he has a heavy accent.”

Now it’s his time to be quiet.


“Yeah, you know what... I think that’s what it is.”

“Tall, long black hair, slender build, dark clothing...?”

“Okay now i’m starting to get creeped out.”

Removing his arm from around me, he goes to the wheel. “How long have you been having visions of him?”

“They just started a few weeks ago, but how did you know what he looked like?”

“That’s not important.”

“Like hell it isn’t.”

The speed’s increased, and I take a hold of the rail to keep my balance.

“Where are we going?”

“Back, I just remembered that I have something to do.” His cool detachment hurts my feelings, was it something I said?

“It was everything you said.”


“Did you not hear me?

“I heard you, but I didn’t say that out loud, and you answered me.”

“You must be mistaken...”

“I’m not, I would know if I...”

“Look, just drop it.”

Julien has been ignoring my calls and texts, and upon seeing him in school, he quickly dismisses me. Next time I’ll listen to my mother, she warned me to keep it too myself.

I wanted to go running to Briana with my issues with Julien, but I’m tired, and time spent away from him feels draining. “Everyone’s going to Willow Bay, are you coming?”

Joining me at my table in the courtyard, she takes a pickle from my salad. I need to get Julien off of my mind, and so I accept.

The Beach is crowded, the waves are coming in crazy, and I’m expiring in this heat. Even under our umbrella it’s gotta be a hundred plus degrees.

Squirming beside me, Brie flips onto her back and gives up on trying to be cute. “Let’s go take a dip, I don’t know whose idea this was, but I’m about to die.”

Um... yours...

Removing our tees, we head to the water, which I have some reservations about as a six-foot wave comes crashing towards the shore. I have an ill feeling and trying to ignore it, I stay close to the shore as possible.

The water’s refreshing, and submerging my whole body in the water, I come up floating, letting the water take me where it may. Eyes closed, my thoughts stray to my father, and of when he taught me how to swim.

I was seven, and his idea of teaching me, was throwing me in the water, and yelling for me to swim or drown. A few repeated sessions and I was able to keep my head above water at least.

Smiling at the memory, I open my eyes, treading the water. Wiping the excess water from my eyes, I’ve drifted farther than I intended to.

Looking for Brie, I see people running to the shore, yelling incoherently, and a quick glance around me, swimmers are quickly making their way to the shore.

Fear gripping my soul, I’m unable to do anything. I know why everyone’s heading in, and finally managing to look behind me, I see a large fin, heading towards me. It disappears underwater and I try to control my sporadic breathing.

“You can do this, you can do this... Knowing that I can’t out swim it, I make an attempt at using my powers to save myself. The commotion on the shore’s shaken my confidence, but I want to live, and so I go underwater also.

It’s upon me quickly, and striking at it, I close my eyes. A muted explosion, and I can feel my body being pushed backwards by a great force.

I don’t know if it was from fright or the power of the explosion, but I blanked out a few times. I remember being pulled from the water and being fussed over.

“Was she bit!”

Something rough being dragged along my body.

“It’s not her blood!”

“What happened?”

“I don’t know...”

“She’s my friend... Duch? Is she breathing?”

A siren.

And then there’s Andrei, we’re in the woods again. “You’re a powerful witch.” He says, circling me.

“Who are you?”

“Whoever you want me to be.”

“You’re real, not a ghost or just a dream?”

“I am.”

“You know what I can do?”

“Of course.”

“What can I not do?”

“Fly.” He says, with a smile.

I have a million and one questions, but this seems to be the most important to me.

“Why was I afraid of you?”

“Was, you are no longer?”



Coming to, there’s the sound of distance voices, and the beeping of a monitor.

“What were you thinking?”

“Mom... don’t start...”

She’s sitting on the side of my bed, with a frown permanently etched on her face.

“You used your powers in view of a whole beach full of people.”

“I did it under the water, and what was I supposed to do, die?”

An aggravated sigh, and she’s off the bed, pacing the floor.

“I told you, our gifts most be kept a secret. The coven rules...”

“I know.” I state, plucking the IV from my arm. Locating my clothes, I proceed to put them on quickly. I was just almost eaten by a shark, and she’s concerned about the rules and regulations of the coven. I’m so done...

“What is that?”


“That.” She says pointing to my stomach.”

Following her eyes, there’s a bite mark on my side. It’s too small to be a shark bite. “I don’t know.” Examining it closer, her eyes widen. “What?” I ask.

“It’s nothing, you haven’t been discharged yet.” She says, tiredly.

Grabbing my shoes, I head to the window. “You deal with it, the same as you’ve been dealing with everything else since father died... Smile, nod, and just go along with it.”

She’s unable to stop the hurtful expression that comes across her face, but she’s quick to disguise it with anger.

I’m not up for a fight right now, and leaping through the window, I land on my feet. A small laugh comes forth, as I wonder what the limits are to my magic. Taking a deep breath, I feel exhilarated, brand new, and looking up at the three-story window that I just leapt through, my mom’s watching me.

I’ve been avoiding everyone, I don’t want to be bothered. Coming from the restroom of a diner, I run into Dominic. “Hey.”

He’s a welcome sight after being alone for a week plus.


“I heard about what happened at the bay, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good...just a little shock is all.”

“Crazy, what happened to the shark.”

“Yeah, you’re on a dinner run for the missus?” The shark thing isn’t something that I want to relive again.

“Yeah, her wish is my command.”

“Well, I release you from whatever hold Nikki has on you.” I state, jokingly.

His curious expression turns to confusion, and an awkward silence follows.

“You have a good night.”

“You to.” He says, still standing there with a confused look.

Taking a booth, a waitress comes over.”

“Hi, what can I get you drink?”

An older lady, hair pulled back into a scraggly bun, she has a warm smile.

“A strawberry shake, please.”


Looking the menu over, the bacon cheeseburger looks promising.

“Are you dining alone?”

It’s Dominic, standing in the bright lights of the diner, in all of his glory.

“Yeah, I am.”

“Do you mind if I join you?”

“No, but isn’t your fiancée expecting you?”

“She can order in.”

“If you love her, she should be top priority.”

I can’t believe I just said that, I should be championing for him to leave her all together.

“That’s just it, I don’t.”

“Oh, I didn’t know that someone was joining you.” Says the waitress, placing the shake on the table. “What can I get you to drink, sir?”

“A coke, please.”

“I’ll be right back.”

“You don’t love her, but you’re marrying her?”

“I’m not, I don’t know what I was thinking. She just showed up at my front door one day, looking for directions, and it was an instant attraction or something.

I should be doing flips, but I’m curious as to how this can be.

“She’s not even my type, but whatever it was, it’s gone now.”

“Crazy, but okay...”

“So, about you...”

“What about me?”

“You’ll be graduating soon, any plans?”

“Straight to the point...”


It’s a wonderful night, one that I’ve been waiting for, for forever. Dominic’s everything that I hoped he would be. A gentleman, smart, a sense of humor, a great listener... just perfect.

Walking me to my car, I’m nervous. I know that I shouldn’t expect anything except a goodbye, but I want more. I want him to make this an epic night.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For allowing me to join you for dinner, I really enjoyed your company.”

“I enjoyed our time spent together also.”

“I’d love to see you again, on an official date.”

“Yeah, sure.”

Taking my hand, he applies a kiss. Not epic, but definitely... a night to remember.

I’m exiting the shower, when a text comes through.

Where have you been?

It’s Brie, I’ve been so focused on finding me that I haven’t had time for anyone. I went on hiatus for a few weeks, checked into a motel, and spent some time trying to perfect my magic.

My mom understood, she didn’t attempt to make me come home, I suspect that she knew where I was anyways.

Answer me!

I’m fine, I’ll be back on Monday.

You could have let me know that you were okay.

My mom didn’t tell you?

No. “When she’s ready, she’ll contact you.” - (Sad emoji)


You have some explaining to do.


While getting dressed my phone rings, and upon seeing the name, my stomach does a flip. He never once checked up on me, when I had the shark situation. No call within the last few weeks, and now he decides to contact me.

“Not today, Julien.”

Sending him to voicemail, I finish getting dressed and head out the door.

He’s parked next to my car, no smile greets me as he watches me make my way over. I’m more than surprised, I’m severely ticked off that he’s leaning against my car.

I have a lot of things to say, but I’m unsure of how to say it. The anger builds from the way he’s surveying me, and the audacity of his silence. He should be apologizing, not just scrutinizing me.

“What do you want?”

It’s quick, being pulled into his arms, his lips softly grazing mines. I want to pull away, but I can’t. Taking control, my arms go around his neck, leading him towards the room.

Much to my vexation he’s the one to put a halt to that and everything else. “I’ve missed you.”

“Really, I couldn’t tell.”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, are you?”

“Look there’s something that I need to tell you.”

“I’m waiting...”

“I know how you survived that shark attack.”

Removing myself from his embrace, I decide that lying is the best resolution.

“How do you know?”

Huh? Where the hell did that come from?

His amusement not only confuses but refuels my anger. “Shifter-wolves give off a chemical scent that makes prey agreeable, makes them feel safe. It acts almost like a truth serum, where you feel comfortable enough to tell us your true feelings and to be unable to lie to us.”


“And vampires.”

Shifter-wolves, and vampires... So much to take in. The twelve founding fathers were descendants of Shifter-wolves. A hereditary trait to the males in the lineal heirs.

Dax is to inherit the alpha title from his father once he retires. To become the leader of the pack, and since he’d chosen me for his alpha mate, there’s a problem.

Julien has bitten me, apparently a couple of times to mark me as his, and now Dax is calling for his banishment for treason.

“There’s to be a Judging in a few weeks, after the Debutante ball.”

“After they’ve chosen their mates, that makes no sense.” Says, Julien father.

I’ve finally met the man, and the genes in this family are awesome. Dad’s all male, handsome, athletic, with a sick man bun, and the beard game definitely matters.

I can’t help blushing when he addresses me. “And you’re Claudia’s daughter?”


“She’s a tasty morsel, but a witch? You know that we don’t mix with them.”

Hold up and pump the brakes.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Exactly how it was said.”

“Yeah, so what’s wrong with witches?”

“You think you’re better than us. As I recall it, we’re nothing but mangy beasts, is what your people refer to us as.”

“Duchess isn’t like them, she doesn’t feel that way about us.”

“Shes new to her powers, hasn’t been fully indoctrinated by them, but it won’t take long for her to show her prejudice to our kind.”

I was impressed before, but now I’m disenchanted. To assume that I would so blindly follow the convictions of others, that I don’t have a mind of my own is insulting.

“And this is where I take my leave.”

His words give us pause, as I’m leaving with Julien in tow.

“You’re the rightful heir of the pack, but there can only be one Alpha, and if you both desire the same mate, then it will have to be a fight to the death.”

The alarm going off, brings me from my dream, it’s of him again. Running, always running, and falling, and he’s there to help me to my feet. His eyes seem to see right through me, they’re mesmerizing, enchanting... beautiful brown depths.

Julien’s palm coming down on the clock, silences it, and turning back over, I quietly and stealthily get out of bed and head to the shower. I’m at his place now, four to five days out of the seven days in the week.

I love being near him, he brings me comfort and joy. The warm water making its way down my body, the steady beat of it cascading down my neck is soothing. One hand on the wall, I imagine Julien’s lips lightly kissing the back of my neck, my hand going to my breast, I imagine that it’s his hand.

His thumb gently teasing my nipple, a warmth ignites between my legs, and I plant my other hand on the wall, to steady my shaking legs. Imagining his hand trailing lower, my body trembles with surprise and need, when I actually feel a hand touch my body.

“Let me...”

“Julien...” I manage, as I move closer to the wall. My arms splayed on the shower wall, his erection pressing against my behind, I spread my legs wider as his hand moves lower. “Yes...” I encourage him, all inhibitions gone.

“His warm hand making contact between my legs, he pauses, as a few spasms send delicious jolts through my body. Slowly his fingers stroke my sex, causing me to move rhythmically to his beat.

Our bodies moving in sync, his strokes quicken, and I ride his hand harder. The intoxication of it all, his closeness, our bodies in tune, It doesn’t take long for the pressure to build. His lips gently touching the nape of my neck, I can feel my orgasm cresting, and I quickly welcome it, surrendering to his spell.

“Julien...” Letting the waves subside, my body relaxes. Facing him, his sexy smirk has my body heating up for round two. My arms going around his neck, I’m pulled into him as his kiss weakens my knees. I know for sure now, that I’m in love with him.

“I still can’t believe it, you almost getting bitten, and then going ghost on me” Says, Briana.

“Look, I’m sorry, I just needed to get away.”

Taking our seats at our usual table in the dining hall, I check my hair in my small hand mirror.”

“Well at least you’re caring about what you look like again.” She says, in reference to my floral print Chiffon blouse, blue skinny jeans and strappy sandals.

“Oh... and did you hear, Dominic broke it off with Nikki.

“Um... hmm...”

Now that, I didn’t know...but knew that it was coming, after our spontaneous dinner date at the local diner.

“The word is... that she spotted “guess who” at some rinky-dink diner, getting all cozy with her man. You have got to do better, you didn’t tell me that you were seeing Dominic.”

“I’m not... I mean... I wasn’t, it just happened. I was at the diner, and he was there, and we just ate dinner together.”

“So, you aren’t dating him?”

“There may be plans for a second real date.”

I feel his presence, before I see him. I don’t know how, but his seems to overpower everyone else’s in the room.

“Not if I can help it.”



His hand moving my hair to the side, I inhale loudly, as his fingers brush my neck. Exhaling, my eyes close as he applies a few kisses. Releasing me, he takes my hand in his and pulls me to my feet.

“What is this all about?” I ask, my arms doing what comes natural, when I’m in his arms.

“I need to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

“I love you.”

“Crazy, I was thinking the same thing.”

A small smile, that drives me mad... before our lips meet, breathtaking... “I want you.” I whisper.



Another slow provocative kiss, that makes my knees weak. My hand gently touching his face, as his tongue explores mines.

“Oh my god, you two...”

Hand in hand we both half speed-walk, half run for the exit.

“Whoa!” States Dax, as we hurry past. His hand on my arm stopping me. “Where’s the fire?”

“Between my legs...” I state, with a laugh, as Julien pulls me from his grasp, leading me quickly out the door.

We’ve both missed a week of school, enjoying each other’s company. Learning, teaching and exploring each other’s bodies. The alarm wakes me, from my dream, it’s of him again, Andrei.

Inhaling his scent, it’s wonderfully male and taking a few more breaths, I’m turned on.

“I love it when you do that.” He says, eyes slowly opening, half lidded.

His voice thick with sleepiness, has me lightly kissing his neck. “You keep that up and we’re going to miss another day.” Drawing me closer to him, my leg entwines with his, as I stroke the nape of his neck.

“C’mon we’re going to be late.” I state, reluctant to get out of bed. I wish that I could stay here forever. “Wake me when you’re done showering.” He says, turning back over.

I hate Mondays, they seem to drone on forever, and sitting through another boring lecture on genetics, my mind strays to Julien, he’s forever in my thoughts.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that he’d cast a spell on me. I was given a history lesson on my mother’s side of the family. We come from a long line of powerful witches, this magic has been passed down to me, and gives me the gift of sight, among other untapped skills.

Practice, practice, practice... That’s all we’ve been doing, she had to threaten me with the spell of “compliance”, in order to get me to reduce my time spent in Julien’s company. I thought a witch, was a witch, was a witch... Come to find out, there’s levels to this shit.

There’s the “Caster’s”, so named because they cast spells, they have to call upon the deities to assist them.

And then there’s the “Witches”, the ones who don’t need to chant, the magic comes from within. They’ve mastered the influence over one of the elements and attained a high level of control of their magic.

Last but not least, are the “Royals”, powerful witches who can manipulate the four elements, earth, wind, water and fire. They are our Kings, and Queens, they’re the ones who issue out our judgement’s when we break the rules.

A text coming through on my phone captures my attention.

“Are you free tonight?”

“Yeah, I’m not doing anything.”

“Pick you up at seven?”


Dominic’s taken me to the Bay of all places, a shop on the beach. Dining on Chinese take-out, I’m on my stomach, on a blanket, as music plays quietly in the background.

“I think it’s great, we all should do what makes us happy.”

“Surfing’s what I love, but it doesn’t pay the bills. I love the water, so I’m opening a surf shop, not only retailing but giving surfing lessons.”

“I’ll be your first customer, and your first student.”

“You get a free board and free lessons.”

“Now see, you’re already starting off on the wrong foot. This is business you can’t be giving away product, and lessons to all the pretty girls, you’ll be out of business in two months.”

“I’m running a giveaway, the first pretty girl to sign up for lessons, gets a free board and free lessons.”

“Well if you want to just throw money out the window...”

“I consider it an investment.” He says.

“Oh yeah?” I state, sitting up.

“Yeah, I get to spend time with a beautiful woman, in the hopes that I can win her heart.”

Everything he’s saying is what I want to hear, and as hard as I’m trying keep thoughts of Julien at bay, it’s useless. I can’t help feeling guilty.

“Can I ask you something?”


“Why all of a sudden, you’re interested in me?”

“I’ve been interested in you for a while, but you were too young. And when I thought I’d lost you, I realized that I couldn’t keep waiting, I had to have you, or risk losing you to another.”

I think it may be already too late.

“And your spur of the moment engagement?”

“I told you, I don’t know what happened. It’s like there was a veil, and when I saw you at the diner, it was lifted.”

Thinking back to that night and what I said to him, it can’t be... Nikki’s a witch?

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing...”

A shadow darting away quickly from the window, captures my attention. “What was that?”

“What was what?”

“I saw something.” I say, peering out the window. Coming up behind me, I’m loving his nearness, and can’t help leaning into him. My god, the man is amazing, broad shoulders, solid build. Whew, surfing does all this for you?

“I don’t see anything.” He says, straining to see into the darkness outside.

Looking out the window, figures in all black appear. “Look, they’re right there.” I state. The door opens, and Dominic pushes me behind him.

“There’s no need to be afraid, we’re only here for the witch.” Says, the cloaked figure.

My heart does a rapid flutter at his words.

“I don’t know who you are, but you need to get the hell out of my shop.”

Coming from behind Dominic, I could use my powers on him, but I don’t want Dominic to see it. He wouldn’t understand, he’s not like Julien. “We need you to come with us.”

“Yeah, right...”

“Wrong response.”

There’s a stinging pain in my neck, and touching the area, I pull a small dart like needle out of it. My breathing becoming shallow, the room spins, and darkness is upon me quickly.

Coming to, we’re on the cliffs at the Bay, and Dominic’s standing at the edge, with three of the cloaked figures. A loud thunder clap, and the rain comes down in sheets, the drops pelting my body.

Sitting up I feel out of sorts, and shaking it off, I’m highly peeved that I was treated so severely, by these... whoever they are.

The other figures standing nearby, help me to my feet, and then back away slowly, to allow me a better view.

“Let him go!”

“He’s important to you?”

“What do you want?”

“He’s important to us, an initiate.”

“I don’t know what they’re talking about!” Says Dominic, straining against his captive’s hold.

“He doesn’t think that you are, what we say you are.”

“I’m not who you’re looking for.”

“Are you willing to bet his life on it?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

“We’ll see.”

Dominic’s pushed off of the edge, his voice lost to the crashing of the waves below and the wind.

“No!” I scream, racing to the edge. I’m there in an instant, I don’t have time to worry about how. He’s falling still, and using my magic, I reach forward, and pull him upwards.

He comes crashing back onto the cliff, drenched and in a state of shock. Going to him, he stops me with an out stretched hand. “Another stinging pain in my neck, and I’m out again.

“Let me see her!”

I’m awakened by my mother’s voice, my eyes opening to a bedroom five times as large as mines. The décor screams posh, and luxuriance. My clothing’s been changed to a long sleeved sleepshirt, and slipping into the comfy slippers by the bed, my mom bursts through the door.

“Did they hurt you?” She inquires, coming over to me.

“No, they kept darting me though.”

“Was that necessary?” She asks with hostility, to the man standing in the doorway.

Coming into the room, I note the resemblance to Dominic. “We weren’t properly introduced.” The man, the voice at the Bay.


“Calm down little witch.”

“I should toss you out the window.”

“Your magic won’t work on me.”

“What do you want with her?”

“Your daughter’s breaking the rules, using her magic in public.”

“This again, who are you, one of our royals?” I ask.

They exchange a look, as Dominic enters unannounced. His gaze falls to me, and I’m ashamed, nervous, exposed.

“May I have a word with you, Claudia?”

Stepping aside to let them out, he closes the door behind them. Unsure of what to do, or say, I wait for him to break the silence.

“I’m sorry for what happened last night, my father can be kind of dramatic at times.” He says, moving closer.

“It’s fine.”

“He told me about your kind, what you are, others like you. I mean... I saw it with my own eyes.”

Latching onto the bedpost for support, I’m wishing another dart will come from out of nowhere to save me. I never thought that I’d be having this conversation with him, I’m just getting used to my powers and so much is happening.

Magic, love, shifters, vampires, lust, and now I’m about to be dumped and we aren’t even together. Mentally bracing for his rebuke, his fingers lightly brush my face, and I can’t help reveling in his touch.

“You didn’t put a spell on me, did you?”

“No, I wouldn’t, I don’t cast spells.”

“Good, I want this to be real.”

I’ve wanted this for so long... life can be cruel. I have to tell him, as bad as I want him, I can’t lead him on.

“Dominic, there’s something you should know.”

“There’s more?”

“I’m in love with someone else.”

His tender caresses ending, I’m dismayed.

“The shifter-wolf?”

“You know about them?”

“Him, and the other eleven families.”

The Debutante ball has come quickly, and dressing for it is a task. My mother puts on airs of happiness, but I know something’s not right.

“You look beautiful.” It’s a Georgian, red and white, floral gown, that’s lovely, but confining.

“And that must be prince charming.” She says, in reference, to the knock on the door. I’m examining myself in the mirror when he enters my room.


“You’re not supposed to see me before the ball.”

“I know, but I don’t feel like following the rules tonight. We’re going together.”

His light kiss takes my breath, and warmth spreads throughout my body. Breaking away, he has “my favorite kind of smile” for me, the kind that causes me to look away and blush.

Lifting my chin, I look into his eyes and its genuine happiness and love that I see. I love him too, but…

The small smile that he has slowly fades, and his face becomes a mask of confusion. “Alright, that’s enough.” Says my mom, gently pulling me from his embrace.

Smoothing my gown, she fiddles with my hair.

“Mom, my hair is fine.”

And there it goes again, that same smile, that never reaches her eyes. “I’ll be fine, I’m in good hands,” I say, to reassure her. She never even called me when I called myself running away, I don’t know what could be bothering her.

“Have fun, and don’t drink too much!” she says, waving bye to us.

“Smile!” The flash of the camera’s bright and throws my sight out of focus. Rubbing my eyes to clear them, the dance halls brightly lit, and it’s a marvelous sight. The beautiful gowns of brocade, satin, lace, and damask, and the men dressed in their tailored suits, I can’t help staring in awe at the antiquated décor.

“This is beautiful.”

“But not as beautiful as you.”

I know what that look means, but there’s no way that I’m going to end this night early.

“Aren’t you going to ask me to dance?”

“The thought had crossed my mind.”

Letting him lead me onto the floor with the other couples, I catch a glimpse of Brie and Dax. From the looks of it, he’s wooing the hell out of her, as he has her pulled entirely too close. Whispering something to her, she links her arms around his neck.

His gaze meets mines, and I have to look away, as Julien pulls me to him, in a slow dance. I don’t know why, but anger builds, along with jealousy.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing to worry about,” I say, choosing my words carefully. I should be in control of my thoughts and feelings. He shouldn’t be able to force me to tell him things that I don’t want to.

They come back into view, and Dax is still watching me. His next move boils my blood. A small kiss on her neck and a smug expression.

Pulling Julien even closer, our bodies connecting, I want to make Dax feel what he made me feel. My head resting on his shoulder, arms around his neck, my eyes close, as I delight in the sensations coursing through my body.

Hugging me even tighter, I exhale softly as my body starts to heat up. Comfort, contentment, and sexual lust fuel my next move, it has nothing to do with Dax.

Applying light kisses along his neck, a low growl escapes him, which sends a vibrational need through my body. Julien pulls back from me, and his brown eyes search mine.

“He should be a nonfactor right now.”

Caught red-handed again…

“I bit you, so I’m linked to you. I can pick up on your thoughts if I really tune into you.”

“You’re right, I’m sorry.”

“You can make it up to me later.” I can’t help chuckling at his playfulness.

“I promise.”

It’s a night to remember, someone spiked the punch and it turned into the “Moulin Rouge”, really quick. Couples retired to classrooms, the dining hall, restrooms, the football field, and other restricted places for the night.

Sitting on Julien’s lap, my fingers toying with the hairs at the nape of his neck, Brie meanders over to our table. “Where’s your date?” I ask as she plops down exhausted.

“I don’t know, he left me on the dance floor earlier. One minute he’s hot, promising a night of sexual bliss… I’ve never been with a black guy before… and I was so ready…

Julien hides his smile behind me, and I give him a little pinch in reprimand.

“I think that I’ve had too much to drink.”

“Yeah, we’re about to leave, do you need a ride?” I ask, removing myself from Julien’s lap.

“No, I’m riding Brent… I’m riding with Brent.”

“You sure?”


“Okay, have fun… lots of fun,” I say, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

“Bye, Bye… Romeo,” Brie replies.

Collapsing onto my bed, it was a nice night, with Julien being the gentleman, and refusing to end it as I had planned, with me in his bed.

Smiling, I’m replaying the night’s events in my mind, when my phone goes off.

“Did you change your mind, about me staying the night?” I state, thinking it’s Julien.

“I don’t know why he refused your offer, but I’ll accept it.”

It’s Dominic…

“I’m sorry, I just answered without looking at the phone.”

“It’s okay, I’d love to see you though.”


“You up for a burger and a shake?”

“Sure, give me some time to get changed…”

“Are you still dressed in the debutante ball dress?”

“How did you know?”

“I was supposed to be Nikki’s date.”

“Oh, well… I’m not going to take long.”

“I want to see you in it.”

“Okay, yeah… sure.”

I’m barely finished freshening up when there’s a knock on the door. He’s quiet as he makes his study of me, and once again his scrutiny makes me nervous. “Stunning,” is his only response.

He’s quiet on the way to the diner and makes small talk during dinner. I can’t bear it any longer, and I have to ask.

“Is something wrong?”

“Why do you ask?”

“You invited me out, but you’re barely talking.”

“How do you feel about me?”

I had to ask, didn’t I?

“I’ve had a crush on you for years.”

“So, it’s just a crush?”

“I’m crazy about you, it’s just that… I’m also crazy about my boyfriend.”

Taking my hand in his, he takes his time responding, the anticipation is maddening.

“I want you to promise me something.”


“That you won’t forget me. You’ll remember the years you spent spying on me when you thought I didn’t know.” He says, with a laugh.

O.M.G, how mortifying.

“And the night at the diner, when you inadvertently saved me.”

“How did I save you?”

“Nikki cast a spell on me.”

“How do you know that?”

“Your mother… What you said to me broke the spell.”

I release you from whatever hold Nikki has on you. – Well, that explains a lot.

“Promise me, that you’ll remember me.”

“I don’t know how I could ever forget you.”

His lips touching my hand, I inhale on contact.

When I awake, the sun’s shining in my face, and I have to shield my eyes from the light. I’m on a blanket on the floor, the sound of the waves hitting the shore, and I know where I am.

Wrapping the cover around me, I check to see if he’s in the water, when Dominic comes through the door. No shirt, beautiful tan, toned body and soaking wet. I’m too mesmerized to speak.

“Did you sleep well?”


“I shouldn’t have let you drink.”

“Did we…?”

“No, but you did tend to get a lil bit frisky after a few drinks.”

I should be embarrassed, but a hearty laugh comes forth.

“I’m sorry about that.”

“No, don’t be… I rather enjoyed wrestling your roaming hands away from my body.” He says, with a smile.

You’re taken, you’re taken… you’re taken. Geez…

“If you’re ready, I can take you home.”

“Yeah, I am.”

A light kiss on the hand is what I receive before he heads to his house. My mother’s entertaining someone in the living room when I arrive. His laughter’s loud, and I swear that I’ve heard that voice before.

Curiosity killed the cat and making my entrance, I wish that I had gone upstairs to change first. “Duch, um…” my mother says, her eyes wide and alarmed.

Julien and his father, they’re both just staring at me. I must look a hot mess, hair slightly mussed, and last evening’s gown unpleasantly ill-fitting, as the corset was left at the shop.

A knock on the door breaks the silence, and I quickly excuse myself and hurry to answer it.

“You left this in my car.”

It’s Dominic, holding my corset.

“Thanks,” I state, snatching it and trying to close the door. His foot in the way stops it.

“You forgot something else.”

“What?” I whisper.

I was unprepared for his assault, his lips soft, warm, and inviting. I should pull away, but I can’t…

“What’s going on?”

Julien’s pulled the door open, which causes him to release me.

“I didn’t know that you had company,” Dominic comments.

“You’re cheating on me?”

“Julien…it’s not like that.”

“The boyfriend?”

“Who the hell are you?”

“Dominic, the neighbor.”

“The neighbor that you had a crush on, and still do from the looks of it.”

“I’ll talk to you later,” says Dominic in parting.

Closing the door, I’m loath to face him.

“I’m in the other room, and you’re kissing another guy at the front door. What…”

“I’m sorry… It just happened.”

“Like you just so happen to come in the next evening, wearing the same clothes that I left you in last night.”

There’s nothing that can be said in my defense, I was wrong, dead wrong. There’s nothing that can justify my actions.

“Were you with him last night, after I left you?”


“You stayed the night with him?”

“Yes, but nothing happened.”

He’s quiet, I wish that he would say something, anything.

“All right.”

The finality of those two words scares me.

“Julien, please don’t…” I beg, reaching for him.

He moves away from me. “Don’t touch me.”

The door closing quietly behind him, he’s hurt, I’m hurt, and there’s no one to blame but myself. I’ve royally messed up.

I’m heartbroken.

That night, I dreamed of a never-ending dream. My father, my family, ancestors. They taught me about their lives, showed me how they lived, who they were. Who I am.

I’m not a Van Der Berg, I’m a Van Helsing. I come from a long line of vampire hunters. They’re training me to hunt and kill vampires. Tonight, my journey begins, and when I awake, I’ll be ready to face the Master.

Read the full story on my Inkitt, Amazon & Google Books! Thanks for reading!