Aqua Queen

Namor demands that Wakanda align with Talakon to destroy the threat to Wakanda and his people. When Queen Ramonda declines, he declares war on Wakanda. The black panther mantel has been laid to rest with T'Challa, but Wakanda has a new guardian, Oshun—The Aqua Queen. Born of water, her powers are psychokinesis, superhuman strength, and command of the water. And her weakness?—Namor.

The king of Talakon loves his people and will do anything to keep them safe. Namor has never allowed anyone to move him from his purpose or challenge his heart—until he meets Oshun. Falling hard and fast for her, he's in conflict with his duty to his people and his heart.

"Come away from the water, girl." I'm being ushered back to safety by my ma-ma. A girl, I am not. But in her eyes, I will always be her little girl. Overprotective as always, I've never learned to swim and have been conditioned that it is something to be feared. Her brainwashing has been in vain, as I love it. Standing near the edge where the earth meets the water, I draw strength from it—Something I have never told my ma-ma.

The origin of my birth was revealed to me at an early age. My ma-ma couldn't have children; in our village, that is a woman's death sentence. Calling out to Olokun, the authority over other water deities, she commanded that the Orisha give her a child. Had she and her ancestors not venerated the gods and goddesses religiously? "Give me what is owed!" She cried out.

Olokun is male and female—The Orisha lay with my ma-ma and gave her a child, an honor she carries proudly. I am the product of their union, a woman of great strength and abilities that I've had to keep hidden. No one must ever know that there is a person of power more remarkable than the black panther in Wakanda.

"Go wash up while I get the wine." She says, laying out the table for our mid-day meal.

"Give me a minute, ma-ma," I reply.

An extension of the river tribe, we live on the outskirts, away from our people, nearer the ocean.

Wiggling my toes in the cool water, I watch her head toward our home. Returning my attention back to the calming water, my eyes close.

I'm contemplating my mother's "suggestion" that I petition for the position of instructor at the village school when a disturbance in the water alerts me.

My eyes open to a wave of gigantic proportions barreling toward land. In shock, I take flight and head to the safety of our home.

"Ma-ma! Ma-ma!" I scream.

"Oshun!" I hear my name over the roar of the wave.

I reach the door, and it follows on my heels, crashing against the walls. A loud crack resonates in the foundation. Our home was obliterated on impact.


I awaken to devastation and debris as far as the eye can see. I can hear the cries and screams from the village nearby.

Coming to my feet, I checked to ensure I hadn't been injured. "Ma-ma!" I call out to her in my search.

Quickly hunting through the drowned bodies that litter the ground, my worst nightmare has come to life, and too soon.

I can hear the whispers of my people in the damp water on the ground. Their souls weep for what was lost.

And then I hear her, and my heart breaks. It can't be—My ma-ma.

I'm in a traumatic stupor as I slowly reach the monster that has always brought me comfort and peace.

The monster that I was never allowed to embrace fully.— The ocean.

At the water's edge, I dare not go any further. I hear her telling me that I will be okay and to be strong.

She's wrong. I'm not okay and don't have the strength to be strong. The world as I knew it is no more.

I have nothing and no one left—No home and no family.

Collapsing in tears, I command that the water come for me as it did my mother, to let me drown in my sorrow.

The small waves grow in height and vigor as they clash against my body.

With my head held back, and arms open to receive my fate, I welcome it with a heavy heart.

Just when I thought that I'd be reunited with my ma-ma in the spiritual plane, I'm jolted back into the earthly plane.

"Oshun, what are you doing?" His firm hand on my shoulder is alarming!

"Amadi, my ma-ma is gone," I state, going into his arms. In my grief, I'd forgotten about my childhood friend. I still have one ally left in this world.

"Her body was recovered, and I came to find you. You're safe now."

Crying out my pain, his words offer me no consolation.

A council of the tribes has been assembled. As a commoner, I'm not privy to the proceedings.

Amadi's father is the leader of the river tribe, so he's allowed to attend the meeting.

I'm left outside with the Dora Milaje standing on guard to prevent intrusions on the congregation.

With my enhanced sense of hearing, I pace outside the door, listening.

"Who is this man?"

"His people have taken many lives, and the people want justice!"

"He must be stopped by any means necessary."

He, who is he? Amadi told me of a man that arose from the sea. His people waged war on ours, and for what?

"He just wants to be left alone." Says Queen Ramonda.

"We just wanted to be left alone. And yet, he attacks Wakanda." One council member replies.

"The outsiders, they want our vibranium. They dig deep into our oceans and have disturbed his people." Queen Ramonda informs them.

"So he decides to disturb ours?"

Disturb? He killed our people, my ma-ma. The anger at what this man has done pulls at my heart, and the hurt arouses my anger.

"We will do as he asks. Wakanda isn't equipped to handle the kind of threat Namor poses."

Namor... Wakanda and its people bow to him so easily. The ancestors would not have allowed this, and we, their grandchildren, won't either!

The Dora Milaje are swept away from their posts with a slight wave of my hand.

"This is a private meeting." Queen Ramonda addresses me upon my entrance.

The doors are closed behind me with a bang in the face of the Dora's coming to their queen's rescue.

"This is not what your mother wanted!" Amadi's father makes his case to silence my uprising.

"It's not private that Wakanda is unprotected," I state, ignoring him and the Dora's beating down the door to get in.

"Who are you?"

"Oshun, daughter of Zola. This Namor took her from me. But I'm not the only child left without a mother, a father, or worse, an elder."

"You speak as if you have a solution."

"I'm going to kill him if you would kindly point me in the right direction."

My statement is met with silence and then a low rumbling chuckle that turns into a mockery.

"You, you're going to kill Namor?" A leader questions before breaking out into a burst of gut-busting laughter.

"Oshun, don't..." Amadi whispers harshly.

All those sitting come to their feet at my recklessness, and a collective gasp echoes throughout the room. I have our queen lifted in the air and held in place. I release my hold on the door and allow the Dora's entrance.

They immediately circle me in attack mode. "Be still." Orders the queen from the air. They don't strike, but they remain in their aggressive stance. "Release me." Queen Ramonda commands gently.

I do as she asks. The Dora's part allowing the queen to draw closer to her assailant. "Is that your only gift?" She inquires of me.

"The water obeys my commands, and I'm as strong as our black panther was."

"Show me."

"I'm not here for your entertainment." I counter.

The queen's eagle-eyed stare should have inspired my fear. Instead, it rouses my irritation. I will not back down. My message is received, and with a sigh, the queen returns to her throne.

As a commoner, I'd never met the queen. But she was well thought of as the "Queen Mother." Where are her words of comfort and support? All that I see in her eyes is dismissive scorn. She will not let me have my chance at retribution and the order that follows hurts.

"She has threatened your queen. Her reward is death!"

Amadi's father's attempt to stop him from coming to my aid is rebuked. I'm not skilled in battle, but I can protect myself.—And this isn't Amadi's fight. He's promptly forced from the room as the circle of Dora's tightens.

"Show mercy, my queen!" Dakarai, Amadi's father, begs. An invisible force outside the doorway keeps Amadi, and the assembly of Dora's out.

"Silence!" She instructs him.

"It's a test." My ma-ma, It's her voice in my head. She'd chosen to stay behind on the earthly plane as my spirit guide. Her love encourages and gives me strength. If the queen wants to be entertained, then let's entertain her.

The Dora's take a powerful blow directly to the face that sends their bodies bouncing off of the throne walls. I keep one stuck in place and have her by the head. She's slung around in a circle before I release her, spear drawn and aimed directly at the queen.

The leaders scatter out of the way, but Queen Ramonda cannot escape. The occupants watch in horror as they witness the queen's demise. Some cower and shield their eyes as the spear stops within inches of her heart. I almost laugh at two of the Dora's giving way to a dead faint.

"Now, where is Namor?"

I'd come to an alliance with the queen. She made her demands, and I had already made mine known. I wasn't at war with Wakanda. These were my people. I'd get my chance at justice, but it came with a cost. —Betrayal of the highest kind, the queen can be vindictive regarding her family and her people. In my wrath, I readily agreed. At the time, I didn't know that it would cost me more than I could bear.

The outsiders drilling for vibranium got his attention. I drew him to me with underwater tornados that came upwards to the surface in my direction. Using my gift to direct the water flow, it didn't take long for his soldiers to answer my call.

Blue people came up from the sea, masked and aggressively wielding spears. "I'm not here to fight," I state. A response is spoken in an unknown language. "I don't understand," I say before being brought down to one knee with a twist of my wrist. "Ah...!"

The gigantic man's anger-filled words assault my ears. Queen Ramonda had ensured that I was well-versed in my role of deception. And one of those was that I was to play the helpless female.

It's obvious that the queen didn't learn anything about me from my time spent with her. Meek and helpless isn't my style. A flat-handed hit to his chest forces him far away from me. He slides past his accomplices, trying to regain his footing.

The female of small size attacks, fast and hard. But her blow doesn't meet its mark. She's tossed aside as a stone when skipping rocks. Her body bounces across the surface a few times before sinking.

The other three charge at me but are immediately halted by someone's command. It's him, Namor. He's watching me from the air, hovering over the water. He barks another command, and they return to the ocean below.

"Is your ambush upon my people your queen's answer to my request?"

"It was the only way that I could get your attention."

"I should kill you for what you did." He says, moving closer and landing directly in front of me.

The audacity and his ego are insulting to my ma-ma's memory.

"I can see your contempt for me in your eyes." He says, studying me.

Turning my back to him. I try to regain my composure. I'm making a mess of things by letting my emotions get the best of me.

"And what beautiful eyes they are."

Confused, I keep my back to him. "Look at me, child."

"I'm not a child," I stated sternly. In my defiance, I'm finally able to face him.

His gaze slowly roams my body before returning to mine. "No, you're not." He agrees.

"My aunt, the queen, has tasked me with being her messenger."

"You're royalty."

No, but that's my role to play in this treachery.

"She accepts your alliance. And as a token of her allegiance, I'm to be your captive."

"My captive?" He questions.

He's fast. All I saw was his movement, and then I was in the water, flailing about, trying to keep my head above water.

It takes me a moment to realize that I could just compel myself out of the water with my mind. But before I can, Namor has me in his arms, floating just above the water.

My arms go around his neck, holding tightly to him. His light chuckle annoys me. "Why do you laugh?" I ask. He's the reason why I could have drowned.

"At the irony of it all."


"My queen cannot breathe underwater, and she can't even swim."

Queen Ramonda had my home rebuilt for my participation in the scheme of things. She offered to make it grander, but I appreciate the little things in life. It doesn't take much to make me happy.

Enjoying the peace and calm that the water brings me, my thoughts stray to Namor. He's not what I imagined him to be. He loves his people. He'll go to war for them, and he'll not only kill for them, but he'll also die for them. He's dark-haired, bronze-skinned, and... I hate to admit it, but he's handsome and brave.

We're at a draw. He knows my weakness, but I've yet to learn his. But I do know that he finds favor in me.—He called me his queen.

"My Aqua Queen."

I'm enjoying my wine by the water's edge when the object of my thoughts appears. Dressed in revealing swimwear with a mesh covering, I attempt to cover up. "Why do you hide?" He asks.

I don't know why. "It seemed the proper thing to do." I'm pulled to my feet, and his actions are unsettling. Namor is being too familiar with me. I move from his arms, putting some distance between us.

"I came to teach you how to swim."

"If you do that, then you would lose the advantage that you have over me."

"That's not the only advantage that I have over you. And it's not much of an advantage when you can manipulate the water to do your bidding."

"But it would make me stronger."

"That's the point. My queen cannot be weak."

Reluctant at first, I accept his offered hand. Letting him lead me into the water, I hold fast to him.

"You're safe with me." He says, pulling me into him.

"Why are doing this?"

"I live with my people. I cannot always be with you, and I need to know that you're safe. That you're capable of protecting yourself."

"You don't know me."

"I know enough."

I'm not naive. I know why he's interested in me. And he's piqued my interest also.

"You don't have a wife, a lover from your world?"

"I wouldn't be here with you if I did. I've waited many lifetimes for you."

I'm supposed to kill this man, I'd promised. I owe it to my ma-ma. And yet I feel my resolve softening to his charm.

"Now, If you hold your breath and tilt your head backward, you'll stay afloat."

I'm not ready to release him, but I do as instructed. If he wants to give me more ammunition to take him down, then so be it.

"See?" He says with an engaging smile as he pulls me back into the safety of his embrace.

"Now, if you slowly kick your legs and move your arms simultaneously, you can breathe while staying above the water."

He gently releases me back into the arms of the water, and I try to remember what he said when I panic. I go under, and I'm immediately pulled back to the security of his caress.

"Easy... easy." He instructs me as I cling to him.

"Let's do it again."

"We will, every day, until we get it right."

Namor's words cause a fluttering in my stomach. His brown-eyed gaze is alluring, and I become aware of his strong solid body pressed into mine.

"Oshun!" It's Amadi calling for me.

"Finally, a name to call my queen. Oshun is a beautiful name."

I don't even know how to respond. I don't understand what's happening. I'm not shy, timid, or insecure. But this man has brought out all of these deplorable traits in me.

"And she doesn't know how to take a compliment." He states with a teasing smirk.

Namor takes me back to land and applies a kiss to my hand. Which I'm hesitant to remove from his.

"Namor, this is..."

"I'll see you soon." He interjects derisively, and then he's gone back into the water.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened." I explain to Amadi.

"He's intimidated by me."

"Why would he be intimidated by you?"

"You're playing a dangerous game, Oshun."

"A game that I plan on winning, Amadi." We never argue, and I instantly regret my tone.

His eyes stray to my clothing, or lack thereof. "You need to put some clothes on. Where's your sense of propriety?"

The males seem to be sensitive of late. If they don't take control of their emotions, I will have to start handing out sanitary napkins.

Amadi had been cross with me, and I with him. We'd been friends for far too long for us to hold grudges. So I readily accepted his offer of reconciliation, an outing at the market.

It was restored to its full glory after Namor's attack. The merchants offer many trinkets, gems, and clothing that I marvel at.

"You need to be careful."

This was our time, yet he was consumed by thoughts of Namor. "I am being careful. I know who the enemy is."

"The queen has her own interests at heart.—Sacrifice the one to save the many."

I had no false imagination that I was being used for the queen's agenda, but hearing it aloud makes it real.

"I appreciate your concern for me, but I know what I'm doing. I have everything under control."

"Do you? Namor knows about us."

Amadi was my first love and my first everything. No one couldn't possibly know that unless Amadi said something.

"Namor knows what exactly?"

"He visited the queen to ask about you."


"My father made me tell him everything."

Amadi was more than just a friend. I'd shared his bed often. And he'd petitioned my ma-ma for my hand in marriage.

We aren't a traditional family, so my ma-ma left it up to me. I hadn't accepted, but I hadn't declined either. I needed time to think about it.

"Well, he doesn't seem to care about anything you said about me."

"He warned me to stay away."

"And you show up when he's with me."

"You act like I knew he would be with you."

I hesitate, thinking about how this information could be beneficial to me.

"I don't think you should do as he asks."

"I had no plans to." He says, taking my hand in his.


I hate to potentially put him in danger. But Amadi's threat as a potential suitor will inspire Namor's jealous nature. Emotions can make one behave recklessly, and jealousy is a dangerous emotion.


Namor comes to see me often, and I've begun to look forward to his visits. On our walk through the scenic jungle that separates my homestead from the village, his body connects with mine occasionally.

It's a welcome contact that speeds my heartbeat and warms all right places. I should be ashamed.

"What's it like living under the water? Isn't it dark down there? How can you see?"

"My home is beautiful and full of light."

"How is that possible?"

"I wish I could show you."

"I wouldn't fit in."

"My people would love you."

"Why is that?"

"Because their king loves you."

"You cannot say things like that to me. You barely know me." I say, pausing our evening stroll.

"You keep saying that, and I keep having to remind you that I know enough, Oshun."

"And I know enough about you, Namor. You want me because I'm powerful. You want my gifts for your heirs. Am I right?"

"When I first saw you, I was captivated by your beautiful complexion, seductive eyes, and exotic hair."

"Was that all?"

"If you don't mind my being brash. Then yes, I find you to be extremely desirable."

Silently waiting for him to admit that he wants my gifts. I'm graced with a small smirk and quiet chuckle that's catching.

How can a laugh be so alluring? It pulls me in and makes me feel safe, loved, and... is that music?

No, it's a song. I can't catch the words, but it makes me feel euphoric. It's a nice song that makes me think of my ma-ma.

And the pain of her loss has me shaking my head to clear it of the fog. That's when I realize where the source of the song is coming from.

"Your song, it comes from within here," I state, gently touching his throat.

"And sometimes it comes from within here." He says, bringing my hand to rest upon his heart.

"Namor, I..."

"I come to you every day, and every day I find myself falling more and more in love with you. Accept me as your king, as I accept you as my queen."

Looking into his eyes, those brown depths produce an unnatural longing, a pain of needing to be loved to be held and cherished. It's a feeling of loneliness that pulls at my heart.

"I can feel you," I say, removing my hand from his heart.

Those were his emotions that I picked up on. "How is this possible?"

"How is anything possible?"

"I've never been able to do that before."

"Our union is awakening something within you. I felt it when I first met you. I want to learn with you. Will you allow me to experience that with you?"

His statement leaves me emotionally unbalanced. I can only nod my head in agreeance.

And for the first time, I realize that I may not be able to do as I originally so boldly declared to the queen and in vengeance for my ma-ma's death.—I can't hurt this man.

"You will do as you've promised! We did not come to you. You came to us with your plans to end him."

I'm before the queen and her protectors. I've been humiliated into silence.

With my head held low, I ask her to release me from my contract.

Exasperated, she takes her seat on the throne. Hands clasped together in thought—We await her response.

Although he's done a great offense to myself and our people, his death would bring war to our country.

But I would be lying if I said that that is the reason why I'm asking for the plan to be terminated.

Namor has bewitched me. I'm under his spell. His kindness and charm have captured my heart and mind.

"The proposal still stands. When Namor comes to you again, you will complete your task, or I will take what you love in recompense."

What I love? My ma-ma is no more. What can she do to hurt me?

The queen claps her hands, and Amadi is brought in. His hands and mouth are bound and a blade shining bright with the radiance of vibranium is at his throat.

"I refuse to believe you would harm one of your own..."

A nod of her head and Amadi's muffled cry assaulted my ears. "Stop!" I demand.

The blade slicing his throat immediately ends its trail of terror.

"What has happened to you? You're mad!" I yell as Amadi is pushed to his knees. The guard holding him has a firm grip on his locs and the blade at the ready again at his neck.

"Mad with grief and anger, Oshun. And so should you. Hasn't Namor taken everything from you?"

"Killing him will bring war to our people."

"I didn't start this war, but I will finish it."

I have no other arguments, and there is nothing that I can say that will turn the queen from her path.

I could take a few heads.

"Don't try anything stupid. He's been given a drug that will kill him if he doesn't get the antidote in seventy-two hours."


The queen has lost her mind. And as I prepare for Namor's arrival, I'm anxious. I didn't potentially put Amadi in danger. I'd put him right smack in harm's way.

I was reckless in my wrath. I don't want to kill Namor, but I can't let Amadi's death be the penalty for my mistake.

I can't imagine the fear he feels of someone being responsible for whether he lives or die. What's even worse is that I'd waited two days to come to a resolution.

And now, as I wait on the bed, I almost retract my decision.

I quickly pour and devour a glass of wine to calm my nerves. "What's troubling you?"

I almost jumped out of my skin at the sound of his voice.

"Nothing," I say, trying to swiftly clean up the spilled wine.

"Mitescere." He says gently with his hands on mine.

"What does that mean?"

"Calm down." He explains as he fills both glasses.

I let him lead me to the bed, and this time I take my time with my drink.

"You shouldn't have asked me to come during the night if my presence makes you uneasy."

"It doesn't, and this isn't my first time. I'm not a... not a ..."

"A child?" He offers.

"A virgin, I know what I'm doing."

"I would hope so." He says with a chuckle.

He's been inside my home, but never to my bedroom. I let him take his time examing my space while I gather my thoughts.

"I didn't come here for that." He says after some time.

But you're leaving with that.— I want to say but think that it's better left unsaid.

With a good amount of wine in me, I make the offer for him to join me with a small wave of my hand.

He doesn't hesitate to accept, and I wait as he samples his glass of wine.

"I want to thank you," I say quietly.

"For what?"

"For being kind and patient with me. I'd lost myself in the days before I met you."

"The contempt that I'd saw in your eyes when we met?"


His glass is set aside as he takes my hands in his. His energy is calming and relaxing. I know that this is his doing, but I don't care.

My plan is to seduce him, but I don't mind being seduced.—It's been a while.

"I'm sorry for whatever pain caused you pain."

He doesn't know that he's the culprit responsible for my pain. But I don't want to think about that right now. I have an assignment to complete.

Namor brings my hand to his lips, and I have to suppress the urge to break eye contact with him. My fingers entwine with his, and his gaze strays to our hands linked together. It’s a statement of my acceptance of him.

“Are you sure?” He says as his gaze returns to mine.

“I am.”

“Because with me, it’s forever.” He adds. The seriousness of his tone sobers me. Does he really have feelings for me? I can’t gauge his thoughts in his expression. His beautiful brown eyes, which I’ve grown a fondness for, are unreadable.

Namor pulls me close, and I can’t help breathing in his scent. He smells of the ocean, and I revel in it. I want him to kiss me. I have to look away lest he sees the desire in my eyes. He lifts my chin, and I’m forced to see the passion in his.

“Forever?” He asks.

“Forever,” I confirm.

Amadi was spared. I’d called the Queen’s bluff and had won. Or so I thought...

There was no seduction that night. Namor shared a second drink with me and left soon after. I’m gathering fruits and nuts for a salad when the sound of a horn being blown captures my attention.

Amadi has the river tribe infantry with him. An angry scowl taints his usual calm features as they draw nearer. Their presence brings a sense of apprehension as their march turns into a full-on sprint in my direction.

The basket I’d been carrying is forgotten as I divide the small army with a wave of my hand. Bodies are airborne and then plummeted to the ground. I don’t touch Amadi, and he continues on his path to me. I don’t want to hurt them, so I keep them held back.

“Amadi, stand down!” I implore him.

His response is a battle cry that alerts me to his pain. Something’s wrong. Something has happened.

“Amadi!” I warn.

He’s upon me quickly and would have run me down had Namor not interfered. He’s taken into the air and plunged into the ocean. He’s going to drown Amadi!

“Namor!” I scream as the infantry is released from my energy. I take to the water. And going beneath, I search for them. I know that my efforts are futile, but I try anyway.

“Namor, this isn’t what I want!”

My plea is heard, and Namor emerges with a limp Amadi hanging by the foot. His body is discarded onto the bank.

“Stay away!” I inform the guards as I attempt to revive Amadi.

“Come away.” Namor is at my side, trying to usher me away from him.

“No!” I push his hand away.

I’m forcefully taken away by Namor. He has a firm hold of me as I try to wriggle from his grasp.

“Hold your breath.” He instructs me.


We’re in the water before I’m ready, and as he takes me deeper, I run out of air rapidly. His lips on mine are a shock to my senses as he delivers air to me.

Closing my eyes, I concentrate on breathing. I can hear the sounds of the marine life all around us. The water starts to get colder, and I press my body closer to his. He rubs my back to reassure me.

After what seems like ages, we finally make it to dry land, a cave.

“What’s this?”

“My home.”

“And what of Amadi?” I question.

“He’ll live.”


I’m given a gown of gold and black and sandals to wear. Admiring the way that it clings to my body, the soft silk is lovely. “Beautiful,” Namor says.

Watching him through the mirror, he’s even more handsome, donning a cloak.

"Thank you.”

“I have something for you.” He’s come up behind me, and a necklace of red jewels is placed around my neck.

“I love it,” I say as I carefully finger the jewels.

“Come with me.” Taking his offered hand, I let him lead me through the maze he calls home. There’s a small group of five of his people waiting for us in a chamber. I recognize one face, the petite woman that attacked me on the surface.

She has a severe expression for me, and I keep my gaze on her. “Don’t worry, Namora isn’t going to harm you,” Namor whispers. I’m not worried about her.

“Namora?” I question.

“My cousin, she was named in my honor.”

Namor guides me to a man in Talokan ceremonial attire. They exchange words, and the others close rank behind us.

With my hands in Namor’s, the man says a speech in their language. I don’t understand the language, but I think I understand what’s happening.

“Namor…” I whisper harshly.

He’s looking into my eyes, but he doesn’t acknowledge my attempts to stop the ceremony. Namor lightly squeezes my hand, which stops my antics.

“Meeting you was a dream I never want to wake up from. I told you that with me, it was forever. I stand by my word. Do you stand by yours?”

Do I? I didn’t think that it would lead to this. Everyone’s waiting expectantly, and so I make a hasty decision.

“I do.”

The official person makes another speech before Namor releases my hand to his. Namora places a cushion under my hand, and a shark tooth is produced by the official person.

I watch as the tooth is dipped in an ink-like substance before it pierces my finger. My first instinct is to retract my hand, to protect it, but Namora’s hard stare forces me to buck up and endure what looks like a tattoo of a ring.

Namor goes through the same procedure. And taking both of our hands, a cloth is tied around our wrists. “In this union, I promise to love, protect and honor you.” Namor states. My hand is brought to his lips and then his to mine.

“Stop poking at it. It will heal.” Namor advises. I stop fondling the tattoo and accept the goblet of wine from him.

“So what does this mean?” I ask, wiggling the tattooed finger at it.

“It means that you are mine, and I am yours.” He says, settling in on the bed next to me.

“To do with as I please?” I ask, going to my knees and giving him a one-hand back massage.

“Hmf.” He answers.

“Namor, stop!” I shriek with delight, trying to keep the wine from spilling as I’m pulled down onto my back. “For me to do with you as I please.” He replies.

Looming above me, I reach out and touch his hair. I’ve been wanting to do that for a while. I love the way his glossy, soft locks feel.

The back of my hand travels down, gently caressing his face. The way that he’s watching me makes me uncomfortable in a good way.

He moves closer, and the intensity of his stare causes a shiver of delight to run rampant through my body. My lips are raised to meet his, and his kiss is gentle and sweet.

I wasn’t expecting him to be tender in his affections towards me. I revel in his touch as his hard calloused hands softly roam my body—Confident and seductive.

The heat from his body pressed into mine heightens my sexual urge. I want this man in the worst way. His kiss deepens and our actions becomes frenzied.

My gown is swiftly pulled upwards above my head and discarded. Suckling on my nipples, his fingers explore the heart of my femininity. Namor’s fingers slowly tease my nub, circling my bud. The slick moisture from my sex drenches his fingers.

“Namor…” I whisper in euphoric delirium.

His hard bulge pressed into my thigh, I can’t wait any longer. I let my sexual hysteria run rampant, and disrobe him in a few rapid movements.

“Oh… Oh my god….” I state breathlessly.

His length invades my center, rigid and heavy, and my legs open wider to allow him full access.

“Mmm…” He murmurs into my neck.

With my legs around his waist, I match his strokes. I’m in heavenly ecstasy as I submit to his lovemaking.

His lips erotically kiss my neck, as his staff has my legs shaking with desire. Namor’s hands on my hips guide his strokes as he power drills my pussy.

I’m not able to handle the emotions and sensations that he’s inducing from his sexual prowess.

“Namor…!” I warn as a coil begins to tighten within my center. My body tenses and I release an inflamed breath as my orgasm peaks and then erupts.

Sparks of sexual energy explode and eject out of my body. “Mmm…” I whimper on my orgasm. Namor’s strokes increase speed until his searing hot seed erupts inside my flower.

Spent from his nut, he collapse beside me. Basking in the aftermath of our sex act, Namor pulls me to him.

“I love you,” I state quietly.

“I love you more.” He says before his lips gently meet mine.

I’m no longer conflicted. I am no longer at war with my emotions. For him, I will turn my back on my people. For Namor, I will kill to protect him.


Weeks later, war has been declared. The surface world struck the first blow by setting off bombs near the Talokans Kingdom. Namor attacked the surface world, and Wakanda aligned itself against him.

He attacks the palace, and my duty was to capture the princess. A duty that I thought would have been easy. She’s just a princess, right?

Shuri has all kinds of gadgets and tricks up her sleeves. I’m blasted out of the air but quickly recover.

She has some kind of sonic blast wave that temporarily disrupts my flight. I can’t fly, but I can hover. Namor has taught me how to fully utilize my gifts.

Tired of this game, I immobilize her by stopping the craft that she’s in. She’s motionless in the air watching me.

I send it plummeting to the ground. A crash, loud and cringe-worthy, breaks the silence. My goal wasn’t to kill her. I just wanted to rattle her confidence.

Going to the downed craft, I expected her to stagger from the ruins. When she doesn’t make an appearance, I tear open the door.

She’s unconscious… a computerized voice comes through on the speaker. “The princess is no longer with us.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, panicked.

“Princess Shuri has transitioned to the afterlife.”

"What have you done?" The general of the Dora Milaje demands. Going to the lifeless body of the princess, she tries to shake her back to life.

I can only stare on in horror as the general's sorrow turns to murderous outrage.

The princess is quickly forgotten as she comes to her feet with her spear drawn.

"I didn't mean to hurt her," I explain with my hands raised in submission.

"But, I mean to hurt you." She replies.

The giant warrior that they call Attuma interrupts us with his foreign language. The general instantly turns her attention to him, as I'm no longer the primary threat.

I'm respectfully forced behind and away from him. He motions for me to leave with a wave of his hand.

"Don't kill her," I say quietly, knowing damn well that he doesn't understand me.

"Don't worry, queen of the water. I'll come for you as soon as I dispatch him."

The general's words don't intimidate me. My heart is heavy with my actions and the way that I've handled every situation presented to me. —Amadi and now the princess

Is this my punishment from the divine? I wasn't supposed to be born, and yet I'm here, making a mess of things.

Attuma sends a gruff command my way, and I depart with him, hurling the general's body into the back of the ship.

The fight is ongoing. Namor and his people are decimating my people. They mercilessly take lives from Wakanda’s army and the civilians. No one is safe, no one is pardoned.

I catch the glimpse of a child’s lifeless body hanging from the end of a raised spear. It’s discarded like trash.

“You can stop this.” It’s my ma-ma. Her voice is a whisper on the water.

My heart is ripped apart, and my anger takes hold.

Focusing on the Talokans, I use my powers to send them back into the water.

With great will and force, I keep them held there. They’re unable to move as the Wakandan’s send them to the afterlife.

It doesn’t take long for Namor to detect my betrayal.

My back to him, I can sense him drawing nearer at an alarming rate.

I don’t fight him. I can’t.

His body connecting with mine sends us into the water.

He’s on top of me as he takes me deeper into the watery depths.

His handsome face is a mask of rage. As the light starts to fade and I start to run out of air, I touch his face.

I place his hand on my stomach, and his face registers dread.

That’s the last image that I have of my Namor.

It’s dark. I’m floating in the water. The dark is illuminated by a bright light, and the figure of a woman appears in it.

As she draws closer, I recognize who she is.—My ma-ma.

“Oshun, my love.”

I reach out to her, but she doesn’t accept my hand.

“Ma-ma, I’m sorry.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong.”

“I betrayed you, your memory.”

“You have found love, Oshun. There is no shame in that.”

“He destroys our people.”

“And yet you still love him. Your allegiance is owed to your husband. I cannot hold you accountable for that. And neither should you.”

“What do I do ma-ma? I need help, guidance.”

The light starts to fade, and my mama’s silhouette starts to disappear with it.

“Follow your heart Oshun. I trust him to protect you.”

I’m pulled from the spiritual plane back to the earthly plane, and it’s a shock to my senses.

I can’t see. I can barely make out the words, but I can hear and sense that the fight has gone quiet.

It’s still.

I’m in someone’s arms on the bank of the ocean. The water repeatedly slaps against my body.

It’s what’s keeping me alive. It’s what brought me back to consciousness.

“Take her back to the water.” I hear Amadi’s voice. It’s calm and soothing.

I can feel my body drifting in the water.

“Submerge her,” He instructs.

With my body fully immersed in the water, I scream for them to let me up. But I don’t think that they can hear me.

“You’re drowning me!” I scream in my head.

“Keep her held down,” Amadi says.

Choking on the water, I take my last breath.

It’s a deep inhale of the salty ocean water. It fills my lungs and causes me to come awake.

My eyes open to Namor watching me from above the water.

Taking deep breaths, my heart rate slows to normal.

I’m confused at first, but Namor’s small smile is reassuring and comforting.

I’m breathing underwater.

“My Aqua queen.” He says quietly.

Pulling me to him, I take a breath of air from the surface, and it’s like I’m taking my first breath ever.

"I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” I state, hugging him.

“No, I’m sorry. I let my anger get the best of me. I almost killed you and our child.”

It’s the beginning stages, but it’s there. —A new life.

“So what does this mean?” I ask.

“I think that it means that I can take you to my kingdom. To officially introduce my people to their queen.”

“I wouldn’t fit in.” I tease.

“My people would love you.”

“Why is that?”

My chin’s gently lifted, and his thumb lightly traces my lip.

“Because their king loves you.”

“And I love their king,” I say with a small smile.

His lips tenderly meet mine, and my heart melts at the connection.

Our moment of happiness doesn’t last long, as we’re ripped from each other’s arms.

I’m dragged backward and forced to come to my feet. A vibranium knife shoved in my face dares me to fight back.

Three of the Dora Milaje have Namor surrounded. His captor’s swiftly immobilized, as Namor has her pinned to him.

“Namor, don’t!” I advise.

He would have slit her throat if I hadn’t intervened.

“Release my queen.” He demands.

“You’re in no position to make demands.” It’s the queen. Her voice over the Kimoyo beads is filled with rage.

“You’ll let us go, and we’ll leave you in peace if you do the same for us.”

“Maybe I would have If your queen hadn’t killed my daughter!”

Namor’s gaze meets mine.

“Yes. It was an accident.” I say, nodding my head in confirmation of his silent inquiry.

“In the time of war, there will be casualties.” He responds, taking my side and making no excuses for it.

“A royal life for a false royal’s life.” The Queen says.

“What is she talking about?” He questions me.

“Your Queen isn’t a royal by birth.” The queen explains.

“Something that I care nothing about.” He replies with his hard gaze on me.

“Your love is a fraud, a ruse strategically plotted out by her and me.”

I shake my head in denial of the queen’s claims.

“I love you,” I tell him.

“Her task was to make you fall in love with her, bed her, and then she was to put a knife in your heart after.”

“A betrayal of the highest kind.” He mutters.

“I couldn’t do it, Namor.”

“Did you… did you…”

“I never seduced you. I was just myself. Your heart did the rest.”

“I will let you have your whore. But I will take your firstborn since she has taken mine. They will be cared for as my own but will not inherit my throne and kingdom. They will not be one of us as their mother is no longer one of us.” Queen Ramonda proposes.

The mild irritation in Namor’s eyes turns to pure outrage at the queen’s offer.

I dare not interfere. I let it happen as it should.

The blade slices through the warrior’s neck, and her lifeless body falls.

A battle cry erupting from the others come too late as Namor takes down the other two.

The one holding me maintains her position. I touch the arm that’s gripping my neck, and her body goes limp.

The blade drops, and then she drops.

“When did you learn to do that?” Namor questions, closing the distance between us.

“Just now.”

“Is there anything else that you want to tell me?”

Is there?

“I love you. But I’m not living underwater. I mean, how do y’all sleep without floating away?”

“In pods, and we have homes also. You have to spend more time in the water for your body to adjust. If it can adjust.”

“We’ll see.”

“We will.” He says, taking my hand in his.

My body couldn’t stand to go as deep as the Talokanil’s. So I am relegated to staying in Namor’s home in the caves.

He’s with his people most of the time, and I’m with the assigned assistants and detailed security.

It’s not that I don’t like it here, but I miss my people. —Who are no longer my people.

The Talokan language is hard to learn, and I’ve outright refused to accept it. —Much to Namor’s dismay and irritation.

He cannot be with me as I’d like, as we are still at war with the surface world.

I’m in bed twiddling my thumbs and recounting my life as it was. As it is now and how it will be in the future when we are at peace.

“How is my queen?”

Namor’s voice is surprising yet welcome.

My swollen belly hinders my rise to greet him. He has to help me to a sitting position.

After a careful inspection of him, my king is tired and war-weary. He looks drained.

“Well, but bored,” I reply.

“I’m sorry that I can’t appease my queen with modern entertainment.”

“My king’s presence alone more than makes up for it,” I say, kissing his hand.

The back of his hand strokes my cheek, and I lean into it, reveling in his touch.

“I love you.”

“I love you more.” He replies.

His kiss is gentle and loving. "Stay with me." I request.

Namor's response is interrupted by my agonizing groan.

"What's wrong?"

"The baby..." I state between painful gasps.

The assistants are summoned and helping me to my feet, a loud blast rocks the cave.

We're sent tumbling to the ground. I try to catch myself while protecting my stomach and end up sprawled on my side.

The blow is excruciating, and the liquid flow between my legs terrifies me.

I'm panicking as my hand disappears underneath my gown.

The blood staining my fingers is horrifying, as I cannot remove my eyes from them.

Following Namor's command, a set of hands roughly pulls me to my feet, and I'm carried from the room, screaming for Namor.

He's left me.

The giant Attuma has me in his arms. I cradle my stomach and hold tightly onto him as the birth pains rack my body.

He has taken me into the water with the three assistants. Standing guard, he shows no emotions.

Underwater, the assistants offer me silent reassurances as I scream bloody murder while trying to push my child from my body.

Attuma, nonchalant and silent, bears witness to the birth of their future king.

The surface world has brought the fight to the sea.

Attuma has my child as we seek protection from the war above and under the water.

We watch in horror as the cave collapses in itself.

Attuma motions for us to go deeper, but I cannot go as low as they can. And I don't know how far my son can go as of yet.

He's able to breathe underwater. We established that at his birth.

Frightened, I shake my head and point toward the surface.

Attuma responds negatively and departs with my baby and the assistants in tow.

I give chase but can't keep up with them.

My only recourse is to use my power to halt his descent.

I underestimated him. He fights me, and his opposition is strong. So I focus my attention on my child.

With the war raging above and below us, we're locked in a ridiculous game of tug of war before an underwater shockwave separates us.

I don't know if my scream was heard under the water, but Attuma's quick reaction saves my son.

He has him once again as the assistants have seized me.

Anger rushes through my body as I watch the abduction of my child.

Grappling with the two that have latched onto my arms, I'm trying to keep an eye on the kidnapper as he retreats.

The other has taken hold of my feet, and I'm being pulled in different directions.

What the hell are they trying to do to me?

Biting the arm that's closest to my face, I take a huge chomp and lock on like a pit bull.

I didn't think that my screams could be heard underwater, but I definitely heard hers.

Crazed and rage-filled, I rip the flesh from her arm.

All involved parties immediately release me, and with horror-filled expressions, they quickly flee the scene.

I'm in a wild panic, searching the water for my child. I know where they're taking him, but I can't follow them.

"Ma-ma..." I whisper.

She has gone on to the afterlife. Her spirit no longer lingers in the water. So I get no response.

I'm alone. I can hear the muted fight above, below, and around me.

I can sense the fear of the sea creatures. The ocean is ill with the underwater crafts and debris from the land dwellers.

I am done with it all. The fighting, the greed, and the deaths!

A blind rage overtakes me, and I shoot up and out of the water at torpedo speed.

The many tornados coming from the water wreak havoc on the fight on land. The combatants cease their scrimmage and retreat for safety.

Hurricane winds pull homes and people into the air and then out to sea.

The destruction is devastating, as buildings and lives are destroyed.

I call forth the ocean to assist me. A tsunami rising one hundred feet in the air behind me causes more than a few heart attacks.

Trembling with fear, most go to their knees in supplication—pleading and praying.

"Oshun. Stop this." Namor's hands on my face force my attention away from the people.

"No, I'm tired. This has to end. Our son has to be safe and happy."

"Do you plan on killing everyone on the surface world then? Because that's what it's going to take to end this."

"Then that's what will have to happen."

"Oshun, listen to me."

"This was your way of thinking before. What has changed?" I question him.

"My son?" He replies.

The wave behind me lowers and recedes back into the ocean.

"We will know no peace if you don't stop now."

"They came after us first."

"And you showed them that we're not to be taken lightly. They are afraid of us. Can you not feel it? I know that you can see it."

Looking around at the devastation, the bodies, and debris littering the ground and water, the wind dies down, and the tornados dissipate.

Namor takes my hand and leads me to the ground.

Some of the leaders from Wakanda's assembled tribes have gathered.

"Make it known that we will have peace, or you will have none!" I state loudly.

A Dora Milaje warrior hands me a set of Kimoyo beads. They're crushed underfoot at the bank.

"Tell your queen that I'm sorry for her loss. But, if she comes after my son, I'll come for her head."

"And just like that, the war was ended. The end."

Jair is in bed in the caves. He loves the war story with the surface world.

My son, my love. He has ears like his father and little wings on his feet.

Jair can withstand the pressure of the ocean on his little body. He's strong like his father.

He spends his days with his father in the depths of Talocan and his nights with me in the caves.

"It's time to go to sleep, little one."

"it's not even one yet."

"We have something special planned for you tomorrow."

"What is it?"

"If I tell you, you can't let your father know that I told you."


Loving pulling the covers up to his chin. His small eyes stare back at me excitedly.

"We're going to the surface world."

I can't help smiling at his small surprised intake of air.

"Now you have to act surprised when we go," I state with a chuckle.

"I will! I can't wait!

Kissing his forehead, he snuggles in deeper into the covers. "Goodnight, love."

"Goodnight, Mommy."

Nodding a farewell to the guard at his door, I make my way to our bedroom.

Life has been good for us. We're at peace, and we're happy.

"What's this I hear about us going to the surface world tomorrow?"

Namor's working on his latest mural. Sometimes I forget that the man has bionic hearing.

"I had to tell him something, or I would have been in his room past two am trying to get him to go to sleep."

"Well, at six years old, I think he's more than ready to see it." He responds.

Watching him paint, I marvel at his talent. It's a painting of Wakanda.

"What's this?" I inquire about the circular image.

"An Aztec Sun Stone."

"Like, I know what that is."

"It's an Aztec calendar." He says with a small smile.

"It's beautiful."

"Do you miss it?" He asks quietly.


"Well, tomorrow will be an exciting day for you both then." He says, pulling me onto his lap.


"I petitioned the Queen to let you have access to your home again."

"And?" I asked, thrilled at his response.

"Six years is a long time to hold a grudge. She agreed. As long as you don't wander past the jungle bush surrounding the home. You'll be shunned."

"I don't care! Thank you." I state, kissing him in gratitude.

"When I'm not with you, Attuma and a few guards will remain with you. That is my stipulation."

"Fine," I say, going to my wardrobe.

"Hey... what are you doing?" Namor states, capturing my arm mid-rummaging.

"I'm packing."

"You have plenty of time for that tomorrow. You need to get some rest. The baby needs it." He says, touching the round ball that's my stomach.

"Fine," I reply with a quick kiss, giving in too easily to his request.

"What do you think we've created this time?" His arms circle my waist as he pulls me closer.

"Hopefully, a girl. There are too many men as is around here."

"Hopefully." He says as his lips lightly greet mine in a gentle kiss.

Thanks for reading!