Dream # 108—01/13/2025

This is a long ass dream—

I was in a school auditorium.

And based on the children’s appearance, it was a high school.

G’ No Money was doing a promotional giveaway.

And he had made arrangements so I could be courtside during the promotion.

So a small table was set up with three chairs.

And it was for me, one of my step-sisters, and my son.

G’ No Money was going to make three shots.

For every shot made, he would give away a specific amount of money to someone in the auditorium.

I had been chosen as the person to receive the money.

I was chatting it up and laughing with my step-sister.

When I noticed G’ No Money about to shoot the ball.

And for every shot, he kept giving me a disapproving look.

My attention should have been on him and I wasn’t paying him any mind.

He went out of his way to do this for me and I wasn’t being appreciative of what he’d done.

I was so engaged in conversation with my step-sister, that I didn’t even notice that G’ No Money had left.

When I looked up, he was gone.

“Oh, it’s over,” I stated, looking around for him.

I stood up, searching for him.

“Did he make any shots?” I inquired with no response.

“Are we supposed to leave, now?” I asked.

Then a man came and took the table away.

“Ok, we’re supposed to go now,” I informed my step-sister and son.

We exited the auditorium, to a common area of the school.

My step-sister and son left me to mingle with the other people there.

I was just standing there when I noticed G’ No Money watching me.

And he was extremely upset.

He approached me and said, “I’m about to go get all three of them.”

I was bewildered but not concerned as to who “All three of them were.”

So, I replied… “Go get ‘em.”

“Okay.” He said as he bent down to tie his shoes.

And then he ran off.


I can understand why he was upset, but I don’t think that it warranted a beatdown by three women.

I didn’t even get any money!

And I was left standing there, wondering what in the hell was going on.

When it dawned on me that this nicca was serious.

I checked my bag for my gun and I didn’t have it.

So, I walked over to somewhere got a knife, and pocketed it.

My step-sister came back and she asked me if I had my gun.

I told her no, and I checked my bag again and it was in there.


I went to search for my son in the auditorium.

I called his name as I searched and he didn’t respond.

But I knew that he was in there.

I called again and he finally answered and came to me.

“Why weren’t you answering me?”

He didn’t respond.

“You didn’t want to be found?”

“No.” He answered.

We left the auditorium together.

But when we exited, he was gone.

Once again I was just standing there waiting.

When a black dude approached me.

“You’re still here waiting on him?” He asked.

I didn’t say anything.

“He’s serious, and he’s posted about setting you up to fight.” He told me.

“I’m not worried about that, I have my gun.”

He just looked at me like I was crazy.


My sister came back and I asked her if she had her gun.

She replied that she did.

I thought about the situation for a moment.

This is a school.

You’re not supposed to have a gun or weapon (knife) on school property.

In my mind, I wasn’t about to blast a few asses on school property.

I was gonna take it to the street.

That’s not school property.


But, I didn’t need that kind of legal headache.

I had the chance to get away and I chose to stay.

That’s not a good look judicially, even with stand-your-ground laws.

Not for my black ass anyway!

So, as the odds are not in my favor judicially, I made the executive decision to leave.

As I’m leaving on foot, there’s a crowd of students walking also.

This is a predominantly black school.

There were so many people, that you would have thought that there was a street party or something.

As we’re walking, a fight breaks out periodically.

Students were bullying their fellow students.

And… then my grown ass became a target!

A black girl sprayed hair spray in my face.

I was trying to fight her off when another black girl joined in spraying me also.

I was coughing and trying to get them off of me.

Everyone was standing around watching, recording, and encouraging them.

I fought one girl off, but the other wouldn’t give up.

So we tussled with the can, and I was finally able to wrestle it away from her.

Initially, my reflex and mind went straight to, “Now spray her black ass!”

I started to but I stopped and handed her the can.

“She’s going to pay for what she’s done,” I said in my mind.

She was left looking confused as to why I didn’t do anything.

I continued on home and the crowd followed, doing the same thing—Bullying and fighting


I never made it home.

I was back at the school in the same common area.

And G’ No Money was there.

He was about three feet away from me.

And he was staring into my eyes intently as if he was trying to read me.

He’d seen the recordings of what had happened to me.

I don’t know what he was thinking.

He never spoke to me.

So I left the school on foot again and G’ No Money followed me.

On the same path with the same crowd of students—Bullying and fighting

He interacted with the students but not with me.

I was reading a book as I walked.

And I was getting bumped and pushed around as they moved past me.

Once again, I became the target of the same two students.

“You want to fight?” One of them asked me and put her fists up playfully.

“You know what? Yeah, I do.” I responded as I hung my bag around my chest.

Her expression said that that was not the response that she was expecting.

The book was dropped and I snatched her ass up real quick like.

The crowd moved out of the way as I body-slammed her.

“Ooh…!” They exclaimed.

Her friend who had sprayed me also was watching from the sideline.

G’ No Money was watching also.

In between body slams, I was warning the other students to stay out of the street.

As cars were zipping by, I noticed the other girl.

“And you too!” I said and proceeded to punch her in the face.

She ran into the street.

I had the chance to warn her, but I didn’t.

I knew what was going to happen.

A truck hit her, and she got run over by the back tires.

I’m going to END this DREAM.

Because the rest includes my children’s father.

And I don’t have the time or the energy to dissect it.

It will and forever will always be a “NO” for me.

I’m done.



It seems like G’ No Money has done something for me.

And he feels as if I have been ungrateful.

Like I said, this man has done nice things in my defense.

He doesn’t like me, and I may get on his last nerves.

At least that’s what he tells his friends and the world.

I view him as a villain, but deep down inside this man has a heart of gold.

Just know that I am appreciative of what you’ve done.

I’m just disappointed.

These basketball players, instead of aligning themselves with me.

They choose to make an enemy of me—Every single one of them.

They’re out here perpetuating the myth of “Athletes are dumb.”

There’s no coming back from what you’ve done.

And I think that you know that because that’s why you did it.

Blackface, do you remember the email about a soulmate?

What did I say?—More or less

“There’s a soulmate that’s coming towards me. You know him. I don’t know him. Let him in.”

Blackface had no clue who the fuck I was talking about.

I had no clue who the fuck it was.

I didn’t even know who G’ No Money was.

Did you figure it out?

I’ve said it so many times in my readings.

And you blocked him.

He blocked himself.

I don’t know what’s happened or what will happen with G’ No Money and an obvious attack against me.

But it’s time to put an end to all of this.

Y’all can keep fighting.

I’m done.

Let me rest and leave me alone.

Leave me out of whatever y’all got going on.

If it’s to be your friend, a famous person, or another athlete, stop interfering.

One of them is about to get the privilege of knowing what my pussy feels like.


I can literally hear Blackface saying “Not if I can help it!”


And the craziest thing about all of this is that neither one of them want me!

But they are actively working to stop other men from coming towards me.

They’re using each other to fight against me.

Both of these men come out as “Divine Masculines” in my readings.

And that’s the only reason why I haven’t “spiritually” moved against them.

They watch my videos and read my website.

They’re warning these men that I write about and talk about, against coming towards me.

Who warned the Virgo about me?

“I’m putting my money on Blackface.”

Who warned the Cancer about me?

“I’m putting my money on Blackface.”

CANCER: Thanks G’ No Money.

Like G’ No Money did him a favor by helping him get rid of me.

BLACKFACE: She’s still watching you.


ME: 🤷🏾‍♀️

Get the fuck out of here!

These niccas really acting like I’m stalking them.

It’s not “beneficial” to me to stalk broke motherfuckers.

And in G’ No Money’s case, a rich motherfucker, that I could care less about his money.

I wanted the MAN!

He just happens to have money!


My (other) Capricorn, Taurus, Aries, Libra, and Saggitarius just so happen to have money!

My dreams and readings are directing me to these men!

G’ No Money actually tried to help in the Cancer situation.

Because there’s no telling what Blackface told him to do to me.

—Probably to embarrass me publicly

Whatever “spiritually” happens to y’all, or your loved ones, it’s not by my doing.

So don’t go on a witch hunt, blaming me.

I’ve wiped my hands with both of you.

G’ No Money if you come up in my readings, it’s not me sweetheart.

I put out there what the spirits give me.

If you don’t like it, take it up with my spirirts.

I’m not going to interpret the rest of the dream.

I’m done.