Dream # 110—01/18/2025

I was at Disney World on an Indiana Jones Ride / Obstacle Course.

I fell off of the ride onto a cliff.

And I was afraid to jump to the next cliff to make my way to the exit.

On this ride, you could ride along without safety belts or mechanisms to secure you.

If you chose to jump off or fell off the ride, you had the option to navigate the obstacle course on foot.

There was part of the course where a tentacle-type thing came along and picked up people on foot to take them to the exit.

Think of a claw machine, where you pay your money to try to get prizes—It was like that

It pulled at my clothing and I fought it off.

Then the claw pulled me by the hair and I fought it off once again.

It left me alone.

A Cuacassion guy came along on foot and saw that I was stuck in my indecision on jumping to the cliff.

“Hey look, this is all that you have to do.” He told me.

He jumped into the water at the bottom of the cliff.

“All you have to do is jump or fall.” He yelled as he swam to another ride on the course that was carrying guests to the exit.

I didn’t want to take to the water to get out, so I jumped to the next cliff.

I didn’t make it, but I had latched onto the edge of the cliff.

As I’m hanging off of the side, a group of teenagers comes along on foot.

“Help me, get up!” I yelled to them.

They pulled me up onto the cliff and kept going.

I jumped to safety on another cliff that was nestled against a wall.

But I was still unsure whether to jump to the next cliff, which didn’t offer a wall to protect me.

I was afraid of falling.

Although, If I did fall, I wasn’t going to get hurt.

Because we weren’t that high up.

That’s why we could fall or jump off of the rides and continue—Kids and adults

So I decided to do what the guy said and jumped into the water.

I swam to the ride carrying guests to the exit and got on.

And guess what?

My grown ass fell off of that too!


I fell into the water as it was taking off.

As I said, there aren’t any seatbelts or safety mechanisms to hold us in.

I was holding onto the sides, but not tightly.

The other small kids on the ride was watching as I quickly swam back to retake my seat.

It carried us out to the exit.



The Indiana Jones ride is an action/thrill ride.

I was afraid and indecisive.

It represents a fear of taking a risk and a fear of failing.

This move that I’m making is not normal.

It’s a nomadic move.

But, this move catapults me onto my next path.

The claw was trying to take me to the exit.

I resisted it and fought it.

The claw represents my spirits and the divine trying to guide and help me to the exit.

So since I resisted the help, and wanted to remain stagnant.

Now I have to jump or fall on my own.

The cliff is a major life change, a leap of faith.


“I Got You.”—That man in my dream