Dream # 116—02/25/2025

I was at a university, in a classroom.

Two girls were packing up their belongings.

“Look what he left me.” One black girl stated.

I went to the desk and picked up an electronic plaque or something of the sorts.

It had random quotes that popped up on the screen.

“He’s so sweet, he likes me.” She added.

I examined the plaque throughly to see what was sweet about the quotes.

None of the quotes had anything sweet or about love in them.

“I’m just playing.” She said.

And for some reason, I smiled and was relieved.

She was talking about G’ No Money.

I went outside and he appeared, pulling me into a small space that was enclosed but without a door.

He pulled me close, as I hugged him.

FOR SOME REASON, I was instantly turned on!

He kissed my neck, and his hand disappeared underneath my skirt.

As his fingers gently teased my clit, I moaned into his neck.

I wanted him, but I put a stop to what we were doing.

He took a few breaths to calm down.

“I get lonely in that big bed, by myself.”

“Don’t you have a woman?” I thought.

What happened to Mel & Lee?

I left him.



G’ No Money…

I asked for the Boss Dada to come to me, and G’ No Money shows up.


We’re always in a school.

What do you have to teach me?

Being intimate with someone in a dream signifies a subconscious attraction to that person.

I don’t want to be attracted to him.

He rejects me and I reject him.

G’ No Money is attractive.

And I got a look at that body not too long ago.

He was taking off his shirt to showcase a jersey that he had on, on his podcast.


Yeah, his body is nice…

Now, If I can get my spirits to stop fucking telling on ME!

Let me be honest.

I don’t want to fuck him, but I’m not opposed to fucking him.

Should the opportunity present itself, it would be a situation of a “Cat and mouse game.’

With him chasing and me acting like I don’t want to get caught.

Let him get close and then run away again.


“What was once given freely, now you have to work for it.”

Bye, G’ No Money.