Dream # 117—03/06/2025

I was in a building which was sort of like an office/home.

G’ No Money was there, and I had to deliver something to the office without him knowing,

I was in an elevator shaft on top of the elevator riding it down to the ground floor.

“Oh, No!” I stated.

I could see G’ No Money at the bottom level.

He was right outside of the elevator door, and what I was supposed to deliver was inside of the elevator.

The elevator made it to the bottom without me.

I was stuck inside the elevator shaft at mid-level.

I don’t know what happened but I was instantly in an office.

And G’ No Money came up behind me with a man.

I spilled whatever I had with me.

It was water, but I don’t know if it was in a bucket or bottle.

But it was a lot of it.

I started to clean it up while they looked for other things, towels and such, to help me.

I had most of it cleaned up, when the man pointed out that I had missed some spots.

I returned to dry up the rest of the water, but it was too much.

So, I left it alone.


I was in creepy hotel with lots of creepy ass hallways.

I know this “HOTEL” from my other dreams.

It’s not a hotel.

It’s a CREEPY ass hospital ward.

I was with my children, who were small children and my two cats.

There were the same CREEPY ass children from my other dreams, who kept coming out of the rooms to watch me.

One specific little blond-haired child kept staring and following me.

—She’s from my other dreams of this hospital

I made sure to keep my distance from her.

If she had touched me like in my other dreams, I would have punched the hell out of that little girl.

I’m not running anymore!

I’m older and I’m tired of HER shit!

It was a task to try to pack up our belongings quickly.

And keep my children and cats inside the room and away from the CREEPY ass children outside our room.

They kept going out of the goddamn room!

After I chased my black cat down for the 3rd fucking time, I was able to get everything together.



G ‘No Money…!


Well at least there wasn’t anything sexual in this dream.

I was delivering something covertly to G’ No Money.

He wasn’t supposed to know that it was me who was making the delivery.

I don’t think that he was supposed to see the package.

Because I got scared when he went to the elevator that had the package in it.

A package delivery is symbolic of “making good on one’s promises.”

It means a “willingness to share one’s gift and blessings with others.”

I am tired of spending my money to bless these niggas with fortune and opportunities.

And they share it with other women!

I do these things for DIVINE MASCULINES, because they’re supposed to SHARE IT WITH ME!

No, spirits!

Not this time!

G’ No Money deserves it more than Blackface.

But I can’t do it.

I won’t.


As I’m writing this, I got the message from my spirits.

“Make good on the promise, or you’ll miss your blessing.”

G’ No Money, believe what you want.


Sweetheart, we have a spiritual contract.

We both signed it before we came to this physical realm. —Signed, means agreed to it

You refuse to honor your part of the contract.

But I can’t AFFORD to not honor my part.

I’ll do what I promised.

But don’t think that your refusal to honor your side of the agreement won’t go unpunished.

—Look at what’s happening to Blackface

I know that you don’t care.

But, it is what it is.

The hospital represents change, healing, and rest.

It’s where we recover.

I was packing up and in a hurry to leave.

I saw it as a hotel at first.

So this blessing comes after my resting/healing period.

And during my travels.

I am living a sort of nomad life at the moment—No permanent living/home space

See you soon G’ No Money.

This will end once our contract has been fulfilled.