Dream # 113—02/05/2025


I was at an event with athletes, and I was waiting on someone.

When a dark-skinned dude with locs approached me.

We chatted and after a while, he invited me into the mansion.

We went straight to a bedroom and started fucking.

Another black guy enters the room.

And the dude with the locs says “Look, I got her,” as he’s fucking me.

I realize that this is wrong.

I’m not supposed to be doing this.

I belong to someone else.

The guy who came into the room was looking at me intently to make sure that I was the correct female.

Then he just leaves, closing the door behind him.

We finish and he’s walking me back outside with the other athletes.

His arm is around my waist.

“Get your hair done,” He told me.

In my head, I was like, “Oh, hell, nawl!”

This ain’t it!

If I’m fucking with you, the least that you can do is take care of a bitch’s hair and nails.

That’s the VERY LEAST!

That’s when I see G’ No Money and he notices me simultaneously.

He stood up to make sure that it was me that he was seeing.

And his expression confirmed it.

Someone else had claimed me.

I belonged to someone else.

I wasn’t supposed to be with this man.



When I woke up from the dream, I said a name— “Mr. Locs.”

I only know one Mr. Locs in basketball, and he has locs.

The Boss Dada fouled him, and fouled him hard!

That man’s face was leaking, badly.

The dude with the locs is YOUNG as hell!


“Young Athlete,” keeps coming up in my readings.


As he was walking me out of the mansion.

What came to my mind was that the Boss Dada was supposed to get it first.

No one was supposed to touch me before him.

These last couple of days, I’ve been picking up on the message that the Boss Dada may take too long.

Someone else is going to swoop right on in and get it.

First come, first served.

I know what my spirits are telling me.

And I know what my cards are saying, but sweetheart you need to make some form of contact.

Let me know if you’re interested.

“You gotta RSVP the pussy.”

I don’t know how this lil nicca will find me.

But he will.

And he’s gonna jump right into my DM’s.

BLACKFACE, do your job and put that lil nicca on to me!

He just wants to fuck out of spite.

But he’s gonna end up learning a HARD lesson.

”You don’t play with me like that.”

He’s YOUNG, but he can be TRAINED.

If he wants to play, “Let’s play.”

Maybe it will light a fire under Boss Dada’s ass to step it up.

I’m not going to wait forever.