Handsome and awakened… He aroused a need in Lia with his intelligence and powerful words. His passion incites a lust in her that only he can satisfy. Fantasy Bae, Kwame Brown—when the fantasy isn’t enough, she goes after the man himself
He’s too real for most men to understand. And too much man for some women to handle. I don’t fit into either of those categories. I know what I can take, and I know who I want. I want Mr. Kwame Brown. A former basketball player, I was introduced to his sexy ass through a social media platform. Standing at 6’11, he’s a fucking giant and a soon-to-be delight to my pussy.
Watching him on his live, his locs are coming in nicely, and that body is amazing. Enlightening the masses— his intelligence is attractive as hell. His platform is a combination of education and a verbal ass whopping to his would-be rivals.” A Pisces, when he speaks, people listen. Trying not to laugh at his comedic quotes, I refocus on the reason why I’m clad in just my panties watching the star of my fantasies return fire to the twatwaffles that came for him.
I’m listening to that deep baritone that seems to resonate through my core. I’m watching those sexy ass lips as he speaks the truth that feeds the soul. He wants his viewers to think, and I’m doing just that. I’m thinking of his lips as they part my lips below—his tongue as it gently teases my nub. Imagining the seductive circling of his tongue, my hand lowers to the junction between my thighs.
My goal is to imitate his tongue, to give me the absolute pleasure my fantasy bae provides. Lightly fingering my bud through my panties, I release a small moan at the contact. Through half-lidded eyes, his smile sends a shiver through my body. My fingers slip past my panties, and a pool of moisture greets my probing fingers.
Lightly palming my breasts, the sensitive buds heighten my sexual excitement. Kwame’s laugh comes through loudly on the television and the pressure on my clit increases. My body’s on fire, and needing something more than just my hand for stimulation, I turn to my pillow.
On the floor, I’m positioned so that I can see his face. Slipping out of my panties, the pillow’s propped between my thighs. The plump roughness of the padding greets my pussy, and my wetness saturates it on contact. Grinding slowly, my focus is returned to Kwame and my goal of release.
“Yes,” I moan as my pace increases. Riding my pillow hard, I imagine that Kwame’s beneath me. His voice makes the fantasy real, as waves of pleasure start to build. Bucking hard, one hand on the pillow for support and the other on the floor, I bask in the erotic pleasure. I take it even further, thinking of my walls gripping his dick as I slide the length of his erection.
My energetic clit thrusts against the pillow escalate. Quick and forceful, I ride my pillow, keeping my thoughts on him and my sexual liberation. The coil that’s started below tightens, and I welcome the oncoming rapture. My orgasm peaking—it’s the image of his hands around my throat as he savagely fucks me, that’s my undoing. “Kwame…!” His name leaves my lips in a harsh exclamation as my orgasm hits hard and unexpectantly.
My body quakes with each satisfying ripple of gratification as the final waves of my climax coursing through my body leave me breathless. I collapse with a smile on my face. The video continues to play in the background as his sexy voice lulls me to sleep.
“What happened? I thought that you weren’t coming?” It’s hot out this bitch. The perspiration beads sliding down my neck irritates me to my soul. Fanning myself only serves to intensify the heat. I wasn’t going to attend the family reunion but decided at the last minute to go. Accepting the bottled water from my sister, I take it straight to the head. “Thirsty much?” She inquires, watching me with my head held back as I empty the bottle.
It’s bliss, as I take a few deep breaths after. The cold water’s satisfying and cools my body and irritable temper. “Well, daddy’s not coming, and momma’s on the phone cursing him out in her bedroom.” The reason why I’ve missed five years of family reunions. Don’t nobody like each other, and yet they all show up and show out. “I’m not going to stay for long,” I state, pressing the cold bottle to my neck.
“Well, if momma has any say, you’re going to be here for a minute.”
“Nope, I’m out of here in another thirty minutes.”
“Lia… you flew all the way from Virginia.”
“Yep, and I’m about to fly all the way back.”
Aww… shit. Watching her march her skinny ass back to the house, I gather another bottle of water and make a fast getaway. I’m literally two speeds under from a full sprint. Saying a quick hi, and hello to kinfolks as I pass them, I wave and fake smile. I’m almost to my car when I hear my sister and momma calling for me. Turning to give them a victory goodbye wave and smile, I run right into something solid.
The hit sends me back a few steps, and an arm around my waist protects me from a severe fall. I’m pulled back to safety, and my hand comes to rest on a solid chest. The chest seems to stretch upwards for miles when my eyes finally come to rest on the face attached to it. I’m standing there gaping at him. So wide-eyed, I must look like a damn fool!
“Are you okay?” His deep voice brings me from my stupor. The man is a Kwame Brown doppelganger—from the locs to those sexy brown eyes and lips. Removing myself from his arms, I become self-conscious of my hair and clothing. Clad in shorts and a crop top, I lightly finger my hair and discreetly pull the hem of my shorts down. “Yeah, I’m sorry that I didn’t see you,” I state, trying to keep my nerves in check. “Lia? Damn, it’s been so long!”
“Derek!” I state, hugging my cousin tightly. The stranger is temporarily put on hold. It’s been more than a decade since we’ve seen each other. “What’s good?” He inquires.
“Nothing much, just working.”
“No kids yet?”
“Hell no, and how about you?”
“Just the one.”
A dark-brown-skinned female with a head full of bundles, ten layers of makeup, long aquamarine Freddy Krueger nails, and baby blue eyes joins us with a small child. Again, that “female gremlin” comes to mind. Derek never seems to attract any decent-looking women. “Who is this?” She inquires, with a roll of her head and a snarky tone. “Baby, this is Lia, my cousin.” The child’s hand is released, and he’s pushed behind and away from her. “Mmm-hmm… Another motherfucking cousin, huh?”
“Baby’s” gaze slowly wanders over my frame from head to toe and comes back to rest on my face. Her expression and stance say it all, the bitch is ready to box. Fortunately for her, that I don’t have time for the bullshit today. It’s too damn hot, and I’m too old to be rolling around on the ground with anyone. “Derek, it was nice seeing you.”
“You leaving?”
“The bitch better run.” Says, Baby.”
“Who you calling a bitch?” Were the words that formed in my head but actually came from out of my sister’s mouth. “This raggedy ass bitch, and whoever else asking!” A rubber band is produced, and the ass-length bundles are up in a bun with lightning speed. A fist flies past my shoulder and connects with Baby’s face—and that was all she wrote!
It’s a WWE match as my sis is on her like white on rice! “Beat her ass, Tia!” That’s our momma—the epitome of ghetto. “Tia, let her go!” I scream as Derek has intervened and is trying to detach Baby’s hair from Tia’s clutches. “No, the bitch gone learn today!” Tia yells before she snatches Baby bald with one hard “Mighty Joe Young” pull!
“Let me go, D!” Screams Baby. The hair is tossed behind Tia as she triumphantly walks away. “What the fuck, yo!” Derek’s trying to keep the hairless Baby from attacking. “What I told you about bringing these dumb ass females to my house!”
“I’m sorry, auntie. Damn!”
“Get her out of here before I whoop her ass too!” Momma warns as she heads back to the house with Tia in tow. “Yo, I’m sorry, man.” Derek apologizes to the stranger who has their child in his arms. In all the chaos, I’d forgotten about him. “It’s nothing. I’ll catch up with you later.” He replies.
“Lia, get in here! We need to talk before you leave!” Yells momma from the porch. Ignoring her, I’m listening intently to the conversation between my cousin and the stranger. Derek’s helped Baby into the car and is securing their child in the car seat. “How long are you going to be in town?”
“I’m heading back down in a few days.”
An out-of-towner and a gorgeous ass god! Please don’t be related to me! “Derek, I’m so sorry about all of this,” I interject. Shaking his head, Derek releases an agitated breath. “It’s Tia’s crazy-ass fault.” He states. There he goes blaming my sister when his de la ghetto ass woman’s foul mouth caused the fight. “I’m sorry that you and your friend have to leave so soon.”
“Nah, it’s okay. There’s bound to be four more fights today. You know how wild our family reunions can get. It best to leave now.”
“Let me give “you all” my number, and we can “all” chill later. I was going to catch a flight out, but I want to spend some time with my fave cousin before I go.”
“All right, I hear you.” Derek says with a chuckle. Passing me his phone, I input my number and send a text to myself. “Lia, this is my friend K and K, this is my cousin Lia.”
“Hello.” Says K.
“I can’t get a name? All I get is a letter?” I have no shame.
Stop and rewind!
“I’m sorry?” I question.
I know that this can’t be right! “Kwame… Brown?” I ask delicately.
“The one and only.” He replies with a sexy smirk.
Cue the high pitch scream! “I’ll catch you later, K, Lia.” Derek’s gone, speeding off, and I’m left with the man of my fantasies. Okay. “Well, I hope that I get to see you tonight.” I’m going to fuck the grits out of his country ass!
“You might.”
I’ll accept that. Hell, I have no choice. He’s Kwame motherfucking Brown.
Thanks for reading. I hope that you enjoyed my story! Part II Climax One-Shot Kwame Brown teaser available—"Lia's Lust"
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