Fated Fortunes


Weaving in and out of traffic, I'm thirty minutes late for my job. I took on a second gig as a maid, where I cleaned the houses of the wealthy. I just moved to Norwich for my junior year of college, and my summer is spent slaving for the other half. Thank god that it's almost over. I'm let in by the butler, and his disapproving frown is ignored as I'm smoothing my hair. "You’re late.” He states to my retreating back. As if I didn’t know that already. “I’m sorry, I missed my alarm.” Checking my reflection in the mirror, I look extra smart in my company-provided uniform of a wrap tunic, sleek pants, and flats.

Missy, my co-worker, hands me a cleaning caddy in passing. “His highness lord, Spence’s room needs to be tidied up.” She says with a wink, never breaking her stride. “You have got to tell me your secret.” She adds conspiratorially. Spencer, the son of one of my employer’s clients, has a soft spot for the help.

Entering his room without knocking, he’s waiting for me. “Nolani, I thought that you weren’t going to come.” Pretending to dust, I offer a small smile. “How was your weekend?” He inquires, removing the duster from my hand. I make myself busy by wiping down the furniture.

“Oh, come on, stop it. You know that there’s nothing to clean.”

“What do you have in store for me today, Spence?” I ask, putting a few feet between us.

“My father’s gone, and I’ve sent everyone away.”

“The butler’s here, and I know that there are a few workers still around.” I counter from my position near his desk. He’s closed the distance between us and is lightly caressing my arm. “Bradley won’t say anything, and we really do have the house all to ourselves.” His cool fingers give me goosebumps, and I shrug off the shivers that involuntarily wrack my body.

His statement doesn’t bother me. I’ve been alone with him before, and he’s never tried anything stupid. Although, as the summer is coming to an end, his relentless pursuit of me has escalated. But I know better. I’ve managed to keep our relationship strictly platonic. I will not fall victim to the nobilities favors.

“I’ve missed you.” He says, taking my hand in his. His fingers toy with mine, and I resist the urge to remove my hand from his. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve enjoyed his company. Easy money, I’ve been a companion of sorts. I don’t work when I come here. Spence pays my co-workers extra to complete my duties, and they receive an additional bonus for their discretion. While they clean, we go on outings in his boat, shopping, expensive lunches, movies, etc... Because of him, I’ve amassed quite the wardrobe of expensive clothing and shoes. I might miss him, just a little bit.

“What’s going to happen in a few days when you have to return to school?”

“You act like I’m moving away. I’ll still be in Norwich, and nothing will change.”

“Your friends will be back from summer vacation, and I’ll be forgotten.” He’s quiet, and I know that I’ve struck a nerve. Smug in the fact that I’ve won, that I’ve managed to shut another rich guy down, I straighten my uniform and make to leave.

“Will you marry me?” He’s down on one knee in front of me. Now that’s something that I never expected to deal with this summer, especially from him. “What?” That is all that I can manage. I’m racking my brain for a comeback, some witty quip to end this madness. A small box is produced from behind his back, and the silence in the room seems to have become louder. He has an endearing small smile for me. There are no signs of this being some form of sport. What in the entire hell!

He’s six-two and has a gorgeous dark brown complexion with an athletic build. The fact that he’s wealthy beyond imagination is a bonus. Any female in her right mind would be leaping into his arms, giddily smothering him with kisses. But not this girl… I’m twenty-three years old, and I’m too young. That is the only thing that comes to mind. My tongue can’t even form the words to say precisely that.

“Spence, I can’t...”

“Don’t answer just yet. Think about it.”

“No! What? You don’t know what you’re saying.”

“I know how I feel about you, and I want you to be mine.”

“Spence, it’s just an infatuation. We’re friends and nothing more.”

“Look, I know that it may take some time...”

“The answer is no,” I state firmly.

Returning to his feet, the box is placed on the table. “Why?”

“I don’t have to give you a reason. I said no, and that’s it.”

Neither of us says anything further. I’m waiting for a response that I know will surely dead this conversation indefinitely. “I can give you everything that you want. Someone in your position should be glad that I even considered asking. You should be honored.” And there it is… With my head held high, I take up the duster and caddy. I leave him in his room without another word.

“Sacked!” In my apartment, I reread the email from the Wellington agency. Deleting the email, I let loose a string of foul words. I know that Spence had something to do with it. I made sure that he understood that there was nothing romantic about our friendship. How he came up with a marriage proposal is beyond me. But… it is what it is.

I’m on the way out my door when a man holding a dozen roses greets me. “Nolani Powell?”


“Delivery for you.”

The roses are pushed into my arms, and the carrier promptly makes his exit. Placing them on my table, I pluck the note from them.

“Still missing you.”

Oh my god, well… “c'est la vie.” Taking the roses with me, I leave them at my neighbor’s door.

Finishing my shift as a server at an upscale restaurant, tobacco smoke assaults my nose. “You need some help with that?” Asked the voice from the semi-darkened alley. Dragging the bag to the trash, I toss it into the bin. “No, I got it.” Joining Amanda, I stretch my back. Massaging my neck, I rest against the wall. “How was your night?”

“I’ve seen better days,” I reply with a sigh.

“Well, it won’t be for long, huh?”

Amanda thinks that since I’ve been accepted into a prestigious private academy, that I’ll end up with one of the one percenter’s sons. No matter how many times I’ve explained that that’s not how it works, she still thinks that there’s a chance. An avid reader of Jane Austen novels, her heads filled with silly romantic notions. Her whole reasoning for getting this job was to put herself in the path of the wealthy and maybe secure a rich husband. Four years in, and she’s still diligently hopeful.

A petite blond with a slender build, she’s beautiful. But her servitude makes her invisible to the rich suits. Amanda's lovely and I like her. So, I let her in on the secret that might elevate her status from the help to mistress. “I had a second job as a maid for one of the well-to-dos, and I got a proposal out of one of them.” It’s comical the way that her eyes widen and her jaw drops. “The Wellington agency, don’t use me as a reference. I got fired for declining the marriage offer.” Her arms circle my neck, and I’m pulled into a bear hug. I have to force her to loosen her hold with a few pats on her arm. “Thank you!”

“Thank me when you get the job,” I reply with a laugh.

“Nolani Powell?” Taking the earbuds out of my ear, an attractive dark-haired guy stands before me. It’s early, too early in the morning to be looking that sexy! “Yes?”

“I’m Dalton Davenport, your student services guide for today.”

“Hi, nice to meet you.” Accepting my hand, he has a firm grip.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to get this over with as soon as possible.”

“Yeah, that’s understandable,” I state, confused as I follow him.

I don’t know what these young men in Norwich are consuming, but it must be top-of-the-line. They’re Grade A gorgeous. I’ve yet to meet anyone from the other side that wasn’t model material attractive. But as always, they have ugly attitudes and must be put into their places. “I mean, who volunteers for student services and then doesn’t want to do what’s required of them?” I add. The sarcasm is real. “I’m sorry, did I offend you? Some of us don’t have to work for a living, but we do have lives outside of school.” And it’s strong in that one.

“I didn’t volunteer. This is my punishment for staying over in the girl’s dormitory.” He finishes. Oh, well… Okay then. “I’ve already completed a tour of the grounds. If you want, we can skip it.” A tablet’s placed in my hands as he shows me the matching one in his. “We’re being monitored. I have to walk the length of this place, or I’ll be subjected to further corrective action.” I would have gladly completed the tour on my own, but bad behavior must not be rewarded.

“Shall we?” I inquire as the timer on the monitoring application starts to blink red. Motioning for me to go ahead, I lead the tour. First impressions are a you know what, and somehow Dalton’s managed to upset my day before the first class even got started. Silent the entire time, I gave up on trying to be sociable two minutes in. He refused to even respond to me and kept glancing at his watch.

The little huff and puffs throughout embarrassed me, which is foreign to me. I make no apologies for who I am or what I do. That’s my motto, and within five minutes, Dalton’s forced me to renege on it. He even had me increase my pace to hurry the trek along.

My grandmother and mother provided services to the privileged, so I’m not green to their acidic dispositions. What’s always remained a mystery to me was how beautiful these people were on the outside and how hideous on the inside. The insults and injuries these nice-looking monsters could dish out are beyond comprehension. He’s no different. The expectations were set, and he exceeded them all.

“I think that I’ve seen enough.” The tablets immediately swiped from my clutches. A few taps on the screen, and I’m subjected to his tall frame moving quickly in the opposite direction of me. I didn’t come here to date, but I did hope to make a friend or two. If Mr. Dalton’s any representation of what to expect, then It seems that I’ll have to make friends off-campus.


“Who’s the new girl?” Tyler’s query has the group’s attention focused on her. Nolani Powell, also known as “another charity case” at Chanler Academy. I’d done my research, and Miss. Powell is from the working class, and I’m being nice. She comes from a long line of nobodies, servants, to be exact. “Nolani Powell, why? Are we interested?” Asks Harper as Chanel and her crew join our group.

“Do you know her?” Tyler’s interest in her has piqued my interest. We may sample the forbidden flesh, but it never leads to more than a few indiscretions. “I’ve made her acquaintance, and she seems nice.” Says Harper, settling into her chair in the dining hall. The male server assigned to our table pours her a drink. “I don’t even know why they allow these people into our league,” Chanel states tartly. Our families have known each other since birth and span generations. All outsiders are shunned. If you don’t have a family name to back you, you’re considered insignificant.

“Make introductions.” Tyler insists. She’d passed my physical inspection, and apparently his also. Miss. Powell has a dark-brown skin tone and a curvy build. She’s highly attractive and has enticingly kissable full lips. Wait… I don’t know where that came from. Watching her interact with another student, she has a pretty smile. But still, her lack of a family name and destitution makes her undesirable. “Where’s Nick?” Harper asks.

“I don’t know.” He replies quickly.

“She’s not one of us,” I emphasize, bringing the conversation back to what’s really important. We can’t have anyone from our group engaging in any type of romantic relationship with the poor. Declining the offer of an additional serving, the server moves around the table to the others. “But yet she’s here with us, dining on the same food that we’re dining on, attending the same classes that we attend,” Tyler says in her defense.

“Charity is expected of us.” Chanel and I are of the same mind. We’d never entertain the idea of comingling with these people. They’re just too different from us. “Harper?” Tyler’s persistent. A roll of her eyes, and she rises to do his bidding. “Spence, help me out here.” Another of our circle has joined the table looking unkempt. “With what?” He inquires, straightening his tie. Signaling to the server, a glass of water is promptly poured, and his plate is filled.

“Dalton and Chanel think that the….”

“Undesirables,” Chanel interjects.

“The disadvantaged aren’t good enough for us.”

“For us to what?” He asks absentmindedly, as his mobile phone has his attention. “For us to date.” Harper’s back with the said disadvantaged student and her gaze meets mine. Her expression says it all, and I counter with a derisive stare. “These are my friends, Chanel, Dalton, Tyler….” We each, in turn, receive a greeting with a nod of her head. “And the one who has no manners is Spence.” Harper finishes. The new girl’s gaze goes to him at the same time that Spence raises his head to acknowledge the visitor. Her smile fades, and the words of greeting die on his lips.

There’s an uncomfortable moment of silence as neither of them breaks eye contact. “Have you two met?” Asks Harper. “No, but I’m going to enjoy getting to know her better.” Spence’s recovery is quick. “Well, I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you.” Her retort is received with a snort of laughter from Tyler. I don’t know what to make of it. A glance in Chanel’s direction and she isn’t buying it either.

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, Chanel’s idea. Movie night at her house, and she’s amongst our group. The decadence of the palace that Chanel calls home doesn’t seem to impress her. Positioned in between Chanel and me, Tyler and Kylie are coupled up together in the side section of the theatre. Harper keeps Spence company above us. We’re quiet as the movie plays, and twenty minutes into it, Nick, the last of our crew, arrives.

Chanel immediately goes to him, directing him to their section. A text message to my phone arrives soon after from her.

“I just can’t. See if you can get Powell to spill it about her and Spence.”

“How do you like the movie so far?” I ask, keeping my voice low.

“I’ve already seen it, and it’s okay.”

“Oh, well then, how do you like the academy?”

“It’s okay.”

This is going to be even more challenging than I thought it would be. She’s not as chatty as she was the first time that I met her. “How do you know….”

“Look, you don’t have to pretend to be friendly to me. You don’t like me, and I’m not that fond of you. So, if you could just be quiet and watch the movie, I’d appreciate it.” And with that said, her attention is returned to the screen. The audacity…

“I don’t know how….”


I’m being silenced. “How dare you.”

“Oh, my god….” Rising, she takes a seat a few rows down in front of me. Beyond myself with bewilderment, it only takes a minute for Spence to join her. Welcoming him with a small smile, my emotions are high. Angry with myself for feeling Jealous, I try to keep my eyes on the screen and off them. Which is a task, as her quiet laughter when he whispers something in her ear unsettles me.

“We’re having a girl’s night in. Do you want to stay?” The movie’s over, and we’re preparing to leave when Harper’s invite catches my attention. Declining, Spence offers to take her home, and she accepts. “It’s out of your way. I’ll take her.” I’m surprising myself tonight. My competitiveness is running rampant. “It’s no problem, and I don’t mind.” He counters. “You live in the backwoods. It would make sense for me to drop her off. We’re both going the same way.”

Spence’s home is in the boonies on so much land that it has its own zip code. It’s a fiefdom, the servants have houses on the grounds. It's a self-sustaining plantation of sorts. “I’m staying in the city for the remainder of the school year. I got her.” One of the many houses that his father has gifted to him.

My family has generational money, but his far exceeds mine. Another rebuttal, and I’d look suspicious, so I bow out graciously. Helping her into her jacket, I can’t help noticing the familiar way that he handles her. They’d known each other way before we made introductions.

“You’re here because you’re failing four out of six classes.” We’re a few months into the school year, and my grades have dropped considerably. “If you need someone to talk to, we have an excellent psychology department that is available at any time for students.” Something has been bothering me, but it isn’t something that I want to discuss with the Dean.

“It’s not too late to fix this. I’m going to recommend our tutoring program.”

“Do you know who I am? I can’t be seen with a tutor.”

“Our peer-to-peer tutors are discreet. The bursary students sign Non-disclosure agreements as a requirement of their award contracts. I can assure you that you won’t be inconvenienced at all.”

“The amount of money that my father gives to this school, you would think that it could afford paid tutors.”

“Well, if the privileged student body didn’t ostracize the underprivileged students, we wouldn’t need to implement these types of social connections.”

“I think that an exception needs to be made. I don’t think that someone with a public school education would be beneficial to my learning. It would be an insult.”

“What’s insulting, Mr. Dalton, is your ungrateful snobbish attitude. This is the first step to bring your grades back up to par, and if they continue as is, the next step would be to involve the parents.” Coming to his feet, he clears his throat while straightening his tie.

“Now, are you interested in the program, or should I go ahead and set up an academic meeting with your father?”


“I can’t believe you! Really?” Spence found me in the library and coaxed me out to his car. He wanted to talk in private. He’d acted like he didn’t know me when I was introduced to his friends. I just went along with it. “Calm down.”

“Don’t tell me to calm down. You got me fired.” I whisper loudly.

“Your position was temporary, and you were leaving in a few weeks anyway.”

“Yeah, well, I needed the extra money. Some of us weren’t born rich.”

“I can compensate you for those weeks, but I want something in return.”

“Oh, just take your money and shove it up your ass, Spence.” My attempt at leaving is halted with his hand on my arm. “Hear me out. It’s just dinner. Your choice, wherever you want to go.”

“Aren’t you afraid of what your friends will think, what they’ll say? I mean, you can’t be seen with the help, right?” My angry scowl is amusing to him, as he has a slight smirk plastered on his face. “No, I can’t. But I asked the help to marry me. So…”

One has to admire his honesty. “I’ve missed you, and don’t act like you didn’t miss me.” He says quietly. My resolve slowly weakens when his fingers lightly but discreetly play with mine. It’s hard to stay mad at him when he’s so charming. The truth? I did miss him.

“Fine, but you pay upfront, and we keep this between us.”

A thick envelope’s placed in my hand. “Pick you up at eight tomorrow.” He’s in his car and backing out of the lot. Waiting until I’m in the safety of my car, I quickly count the money. “Three thousand dollars for dinner?” Spence has always been generous, but this is too much. A beep comes from my phone, and checking it, I can’t help but smile.

“Imagine if you had accepted my proposal. Buy something nice to wear, although anything that you put on is nice to look at.”

Our dinner date was at an expensive restaurant, where I felt underdressed in a black dress and casual evening wrap. “You look fine.” He says of my constant moving and fingering of my wrap. “I feel like I should have worn an evening gown.” The waiter returns, pouring our drinks, and disappears just as quickly as he arrived. “Are we early?” I inquire about the empty dining room.

“My father owns it. I didn’t want any surprises.”

“Must be nice, but isn’t your father going to wonder what happened to the night's profits?”

“He doesn’t mind. He encourages it.”


“Yeah, we’re of the age where our parents start hounding us about serious relationships and marriage.”

Our appetizers arrive, and I dive into them with gusto. “Wait, so you and the others are forced into marriages?” I ask in between chews of the delicious Verrine and Charcuterie platter. “It’s expected of us.” He says, joining me in the feast. “And divorce is not an option.”

“Wow, so I hope that you choose well, then. That’s just ridiculous. I just can’t see it.”

“That’s why bonds between children are created early, in the hopes that they’ll naturally form romantic relationships.”

“Well, that sucks. It’s like being programmed to do what your parents want you to do.”

“That’s the price that we pay to have it all. They’re not asking that much from us.”

“Just obedience, like a dog. You have to do what they ask of you, and if you don’t, they’ll take away your money. And you’re so dependent on it that you can’t even survive without it. That’s what’s really pathetic.” No response follows, and too late, I realize the offense in my words. “I have a habit of being too candid at times,” I state quietly.

“And that’s what I like about you. You don’t pull any punches.” He says carefully.

“So, about these Lil dinner dates, am I on retainer?” My humor has the desired effect—A laugh that eases the tension. “If you know how to act.”

“I think that I proved that I’m sophisticated and cultured. I know how to act.” I state smartly. His hand on mine, those sexy brown eyes cause me to shift uncomfortably. “I think that we can work something out.” His deep voice and the seriousness of his tone make me aware of the fluttering in my stomach.

What in the entire fuck! “Maybe we shouldn’t.” His hand’s immediately removed from mine. “There you go again, ruining a perfect moment.”

“I wasn’t aware that we were having a moment.” I lie.

“Nolani, why do you have to be so difficult? I don’t understand what the problem is. I’m rich, and you’re not. Therefore, I shouldn’t be the one begging.” This is what happens when you chase the almighty dollar. “Look, I can call a car. Thanks for a somewhat decent dinner.” Pulling my wrap tighter around my shoulders, I’m pulled back down in the seat. “Sit!”

Looking around the dining room, I’m trying to figure out who he’s talking to. No, he did not just command me like a dog. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I want you, and you’re not making this easy for me.”

“Not used to being rejected?” I ask maliciously.

“Not used to being denied.”

“Spence, you’re a great guy and all, but I can’t.”


“Again, I don’t owe you any explanations.”

“But, I deserve one.”

Spence has been genuine and somewhat nice. If you can excuse the “I’m rich, and you’re poor” slights. He’s also spent a ton of money in his attempt at wooing me. So… yeah, I guess he does deserve a reason. “It’s not you. It’s your money and what it represents.”

Stone-faced, I can’t read him. “How do I know if your proposal was genuine or if it was a ruse to get between my legs? It’s hard to determine what’s real with the average Joe. It's even harder with you rich guys. I have to assume that you just want something to play with. You just want to test the tepid waters because it’s taboo.” But It’s not going to happen, not on my time or my watch.

Seconds tick by, and then on from a full minute to two minutes. “So, my money takes me out of the race.” It doesn’t even put him in the race, to begin with. “Basically.” The waiter returns to clear the table and is halted by Spence’s raised hand. “We’re done. Just bring the ticket, please.”

“Sir?” Questions the waiter.

“The lady will be paying.”

Huh? Like hell, she will. The waiter hurries away to do his bidding. “You invited me.”

“This is what you wanted, right? To be treated like the average Joe treats women.”

“Spence, you need to get your shit together.”

“So, now I’m confused. Do you even know what you want?”

I want this date to be over with. I want to go home, and I want to ingest a large amount of alcohol before bed. “I have an early appointment with a student in the morning.”

“A guy?”

“Does it matter?”

“Apparently, it does.”

“As one of the has-nots, I’m required to tutor students when called upon. And I do have to work for a living. So, we should call it a night.”

“I can pay your bills for you.”

“Nothing is for free,” I state, ashamed that I’m more than just a tad bit interested.

“You just spend time with me and let me take you out. No sex unless you want to.” He says with a cute smirk. A glorified escort. “No.”

“You weren’t opposed to it this past summer.”

“I received gifts and such. This is different.”

“Okay, fine. I could offer you a position as a housekeeper and a part-time cook. Do you know how to cook?”

“Put a Lil ketchup on it, and it’ll be okay, is my motto.”

“Okay, so you’re hired as a housekeeper.”

“I want a contract stating that I’ll be paid for a whole year even if you decide to terminate my services early.”


“Now, how much are we talking?”

Meeting at the requested destination with my school tracking tablet. The student definitely wanted to be discreet. This part of town is a mecca for the more hipsterish types and boasts a decent supply of coffee shops, vintage clothing stores, art galleries, and bookstores. A BMW pulls up to the coffee shop, and a location alert on the tablet signals my study partner’s arrival. I should have known that it was one of them. The occupant doesn’t get out, and with a sigh, I prepare for what I know will be a hellish study meeting.

Coffee in hand, book sack slung over my shoulder, I greet the student through the passenger side of the car. If he was shocked to see me, he didn’t let on. But I know that my face tells no lies. I’m genuinely stunned. I never expected it to be him. Mr. You’re beneath me, Dalton Davenport.

“Um… You’re my study partner?” I ask, treading lightly. The dean cautioned me not to treat this like a tutoring session. “I guess so.” He says, opening the passenger door for me. Getting in, the soft buttery heated leather warms my butt instantly. “Where are we going?”

“To my place.”

The tablet’s tracking our whereabouts, so I rest easy, relaxing in the seat. I remain quiet, and so does he. Maneuvering in and out of traffic with ease, I discreetly note the way that his hands clutch the wheel. Why? I have no clue. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. He thinks that I’m beneath him, and I believe that he’s an ass. Let’s keep it that way. Turning my attention to the passing scenery, I just want to get this over with as quickly as possible.


My study partner’s efficient and straight to the point. Her explanations are clear and easy to understand. She’s a professional. So engrossed in the task at hand she doesn’t show any interest in me. I’ve had the daughters of the help attempt to advance their status by gaining my favor. It never works. I’m definitely of a different breed. The forbidden fruit will remain as so.

She dresses the part from head to toe with the brand tags and on a waitress's salary. Maybe she’s acquired a wealthy benefactor. I categorized her as an opportunist. Perhaps I was wrong. Maybe she’s already found her mark in Spence. I can’t allow a fellow friend to fall victim. It’s time for the gloves to come off.

“How did you and Spence meet?”

“Harper made introductions.” She says, busily reading through an article online. “I mean before that?”

“Do you want to study or talk about Spence and me?”

“You and Spence.”

“Not that it’s any of your concern, but I met him over spring break.”


Making a show of slowly closing her laptop, she clears her throat. “Now, that’s none of your business.”

“I didn’t mean to offend you,” I state as she’s packing her belongings.

“I’m sure that you didn’t, and by the way, you didn’t.”

“Then why are you leaving?”

“Your time is up, Mr. Dalton.”

Those dark brown depths are watching me and waiting for a response. She makes me uncomfortable. In just a pair of Jeans, a crop top, and heels, she’s sexy. My gaze lowers to the jeans hugging her hips and then slowly back up past her breasts, heaving with each agitated breath. My perusal ends at her beautiful face, which has a vicious scowl waiting for me.

Silently, I return to my studies. I blame Spence for my current state of mind toward the new girl. She’s not one of us. My mantra’s repeated a few times before I’m able to concentrate on my work entirely. "I'll have the chauffeur take you home." With an agitated huff, she leaves me, watching her departure.

“My Julia plays the violin and is proficient in the cello also. She’s attending the Norwich Conservatory of Music this fall.” I’m being accosted by another mother who hopes to make a match before the year's end. “That’s wonderful,” I reply, hazarding a glance around the room. Attending a charity event hosted by Spence’s mother, I’m so over it. Plotting yet another escape, I make eye contact with Spence. Nodding in his direction, I excuse myself and head over to him.

“I’m sorry, my mother didn’t exactly plan this event that well.” In the crowd of fifty, it’s six females to every male. “This is nice and everything, but I’m going to have to leave early.” I apologize.

“Mr. Davenport.”

“Mrs. Coleman.

I’m pulled into a hug, which ends with her hand still in mine. “I appreciate you, young men helping with this fiasco. I’m so sorry that the guest list wasn’t properly handled.”

“It’s okay.”

“You’re such a gentleman. I was just stating to Spence’s father how much you’ve grown. You’re so much like your father. You have his beautiful, endearing eyes too. The genes in your family are amazing. In our time, your father was a well-sought-after catch. All of the girls wanted him and still do, for that matter.”

“Mom…” Says Spence.

“Excuse my ranting. I came to ask if you both could make another round of the room for me?”

“Dalton was just leaving.”

“Oh no…”

“I can stay for another half hour.”

“Oh, you’re such a sweetheart. And Spence, your father needs you.” Eyeing his mother’s hand still in mine, he leaves us with a shake of his head.

“Before you leave, I have a small request, if I may.”


“For some reason, one of the young ladies saw fit to bring a plus one. She just so happened to work as a maid for us over the summer. Charity is charity, I guess. She’s a lovely girl, efficient, professional, and very clean. If you could kindly just speak to her for a few minutes, a small greeting and a few sentences, maybe?

“It’s no problem.”

“Thank you, underprivileged or not, I want everyone to feel welcome.”

“Who is she?”

“Miss. Powell?” Spence’s mother’s voice travels over the din of voices in the room to my tutor. Nolani’s stunning in a flowy, one-shoulder, navy, and silver dress. She’s in conversation with Harper but immediately acknowledges us when her name is called. Harper quickly abandons her when she spies the hostess beckoning them over. My gaze never wavers from her as she makes her way over to us. “Dalton, this is Nola… Nola…”

“Nolani.” She corrects.

“Yes, it’s so exotic.” Says Mrs. Coleman. Placing Nolani’s hand in mine, a small smile flashes before she leaves us be. Her hand’s instantly reclaimed. “I don’t know what’s exactly supposed to happen, but did you want something?” She asks.

“Mrs. Coleman is just hospitable. The ratio of girls to guys is off, and she wants everyone to be well received.”

“Okay. Well, I’m sure that she appreciates you being accommodating.”

“She said that you worked for them?”

“Yeah, this summer.”

“So, that’s how you and Spence met?”

“Yeah, I guess the secret's out. I used to be their maid. So now you can tell the others. I don’t fit in with your group anyway. I’m not one of you.” Something that I already knew, but anger becomes her. I find it attractive.

“Your secret's safe with me.” My statement puzzles her. I love watching the emotions play across her face. A fit of mild anger, confusion, and then to an apprehensive gaze.“And what do you want in return?”

“A date.” That just came from way out in the left field.


I don’t know what I was expecting, but it damn sure wasn’t what he said. A date? It takes a moment for me to register the words. I was just standing there staring at him as he watched me. Finally able to speak, I agreed. I shocked the hell out of myself.

So here we are at Pinky’s Sports Bar, enjoying their classic super bacon cheeseburger, fries, and fruit punch. My idea, I like the fancy stuff, but I needed a typical night. Clad in jeans, a tee, and sneakers, I’m comfortable.

Comfortable enough to laugh like a hyena at his pleasant wit and teasing. He’s not as stuck up as he puts on. “Yeah, Spence told me that you guys had known each other for a long time.”

“Since birth, we’re like brothers, and we keep our circle tight.”

“Well, I'm glad that you all let me in.”

“Yeah, you’re still on a trial basis.” He says with a small smile.

“The girls have been nice, most of them.”

“Chanel is a work in progress. You have to grow on her.”

“Bullshit, you’ve fucked her.”

Rewarding me with that sexy smile of his, I take note of my attraction to him. He’s the total package—six feet, beautiful eyes and smile, intelligence, and a sexy sense of humor. “We had a few moments.”

“Mmm… Hmmm…”

“Our parents are hoping for a match.”


“That’s the expectation.”


“I was going to propose one day to placate our parents.”

“That’s so sad.” Sharing a laugh, his hand lightly brush mine as we reach for our drinks at the same time. An electric shock shoots up my arm. “I’m sorry.” He apologizes. I have to look away as the intensity of his gaze has me unsettled. “You’re good.”—Really good!

Entering my apartment complex, he’s a gentleman walking me up to my door. “I had fun. It was nice.” I’m about to scream out loud if he does that again. Dalton must not know how sexy he is when he smiles. “I enjoyed our time together, also.” The words “let's do it again sometime” never come. I don't know why I was expecting it.

Unlocking the door, the light’s turned on, and he steps inside behind me. “You should never come home to a dark house. At least leave one light on.” Closing and locking the door behind him, I’m unsure of what to do or say. “Do you mind if I check it out and make sure that everything is okay?”

“Sure.” I manage. Watching him as he takes his time surveying my home, I feel out of sorts. For some reason, I want his approval. “Your mom?” He asks about the photo on the wall. “Yeah.” Dalton doesn’t reply. He just keeps with his tour of my safe space. It ends in my bedroom, and I wait for what seems like an eternity. “Dalton? Is everything okay?” When he doesn’t respond, I follow his path to my bedroom door.

I’m pulled into the room by him and pushed back into the wall. The assault excites me and leaves me breathless. He’s too close, with his hands on the wall behind my head. His gaze speeds my heartbeat, and the heat from his body produces a heavy sensation between my thighs.

I want him to kiss me, and his wicked smirk lets me know that he knows my thoughts. My body’s aflame with needing him to touch me, but my mind says that I’m a fool. I shouldn’t feel like this, but I can’t help it. “Please kiss me.” Now, where the hell did that come from?

Moving closer, his body gently brushes against mine, and I think that I’m going to have an orgasm just from the anticipation. His cologne is masculine yet soft. Inhaling his scent, his lips lightly brush mine on the way to my neck. I will away the negative memories of our previous interactions. I want to enjoy this moment. It’s been so long since I’ve felt like this.

My arms go around his neck, and I close the small distance between us by pulling him into me. I’m reveling in the instant orgasm that sweeps through my body when his lips gently brush my neck. Trembling from the after-effects of the sexual sparks leaving my body, I cling to him.

His silence is unnerving. And coming down from my erotic high, I’m mortified. Finally breaking the silence, his words add to my humiliation. “All clear.” He whispers in my ear.

“What do you think? Isn’t it gorgeous?” Amanda and I are shopping for dresses. She’d gotten hired on with the Wellington Agency and secured the job and a man. The girl works fast! The life of a mistress suits her. I’ve never seen her so happy. “Yeah, it is.” Excitedly dashing into a fitting room, I check out a lace column gown. “I’m happy that you’re coming with me.”

“It’s no problem,” I say from the fitting room next to hers. “I’ve never been to a formal dinner party.’ Checking my figure out in the mirror, I look fabulous. “Neither have I, but we look amazing,” I state as we’ve both come out of the dressing rooms.” I’m posing and basking gloriously in the way that the gown hugs my frame. “Hey, Nolani.”

Harper and Chanel’s joined us. “You look great.” Harper compliments me.


“Are you shopping for…” An elbow to the side from Chanel stops her from finishing her statement. “Just doing some shopping with a friend,” I replied, bewildered. Amanda’s disappeared, and checking the dressing room confirms it. “My friend is somewhere around here.”

“We’ll enjoy,” Chanel says, ushering Harper away. Confused at the brisk exchange, I’m startled by Amanda’s reappearance. “I like this one. We can go now.” She’s in the dressing room with speed, clamoring about as she relieves her body of the gown. How odd… but I do as requested, taking one last look at my image in the mirror.

Smiling slightly at the memory of my date with Dalton, I think that he would love to see me in this. “I’m so excited that I don’t want this day to end. Do you want to join me for lunch?” Her invitation draws me from my fantasy land. “Sure,” I state, reluctantly going into the room to undress.

We haven’t seen or spoken to each other since that night. I’ve been avoiding Dalton like the plague. Spence, on the other hand, is taking full advantage of all of my extra time. My mobile ringing on cue, I send him a quick text accepting the movie night invite to his home.

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