Love Affair

*I decided to change the story. The HEA is present but it's not as "Vanilla" as the other stories.

Bored with her marriage, she finds happiness in the arms of others. How could she have known that one night spent in the arms of an elf, would change her world completely?

He never expected to love again. He was resigned to his light fading with the love of his beloved wife still in his heart. Fate had other plans.

*Same sex lesbian scene(s)

*I decided to change the story. The HEA is present but it's not as "Vanilla" as the other stories.

Bored with her marriage, she finds happiness in the arms of others. How could she have known that one night spent in the arms of an elf, would change her world completely?

He never expected to love again. He was resigned to his light fading with the love of his beloved wife still in his heart. Fate had other plans.

*Same sex lesbian scene(s)Walking the halls of my home I've grown tired of this drab existence. The sun rises with my morning preparations and sets with my trek down the same lengthy halls to my bedroom.

The overseer of a large manor, I rule with an iron fist. There's no time for dilly-dallies or dawdles.

My servants work until the job is complete and if it is not correct it is done over until it is. I don't care how long it takes.

Passing by my favorite painting, I run my fingers along the length of the frame and a smudge of dust is my reward.

The ringing of the bell permanently attached to my waist is loud in the large corridor. It doesn't stop ringing until a chambermaid appears at my side.

"My lady." She answers with a small bow of her head.

"This painting is dirty. I want it and all the rest cleaned before anyone retires." I state with a small wave of my hand towards the sweeping hall and the multitude of images that lines the walls.

Her eyes round as saucers, she nods again before hurrying off.

Entering my rooms it's late. A hot bath awaits me, the steam coming from the waters inviting as the team of three maids help me prepare.

Fragrant oils are applied to the water, as two of them help me undress. My nightly ritual, their soft hands gently caress my body as the layers of clothing is removed.

My favorite pet Eden runs her warm hands down my stomach, before raising my gown above my head. Discreetly her fingers graze the peaks of my breasts, soft and quickly.

A lightning streak of pleasure from my belly to the junction between my thighs hits expectantly. Maintaining my composure I settle into the bath.

My eyes close as the warm water engulfs my body. I allow myself a sigh of relief, as the tension starts to leave my body.

"You may go." I instruct the maids.

The door closing quietly behind them, I slowly slide deeper into the warmth and stay for as long as I can hold my breath.

Coming back up, a towel's placed in my hand.

"I thought that I had dismissed all of you," I state to Eden, as I delicately dry my face. I don't even have to see her, to know that it's her.

At times, she tends to think that she can disobey me at her leisure.

"I want to stay with you."

"You can't my husband will be back tonight."

"And for how long this time?"

"You speak out of term," I reply.

The room's gone eerily quiet, the sound's almost deafening. It seems that it's forever, and I'm lost in my thoughts when I feel a disturbance in the water.

The small droplets from the sponge send a shiver throughout my body, as they trickle down past the peaks of my breasts.

Eden's always been my favorite from a long list of lovers. It saddens me that as of late, she's become too fixated on me.

"Perhaps I could be of service. My gift to you until the master of the house departs." The sponge dips lower, leaving a trail of heat and awakening an urge of need.

Kneeling beside the bath, one hand gently palms my breast. The sponge is discarded, as her fingers slowly continue their travels.

Thoughts of past lovers flood my mind. I imagine that it's their hands on my body.

A small intake of air escapes my lips when her fingers make a connection with my bud. The rhythmic pressure of her hand incites a molten heat of desire.

Spreading my legs wider, her pace increases. Enjoying the pleasure that Eden's giving my body, a soft moan from me is her reward.

Gripping the edge of the bath tightly my body tenses as a finger enters my center. Loving the sensation of her palm stroking my nub in cadence with her fingers plunging in and out of my sex, I'm in heaven.

Her strokes reaching a feverish pitch, my body tightens and a hand covering my lips suppresses my proclamation of fulfillment.

The waves of pleasure subsiding, In my delirium of satisfaction, I don't notice that Eden has disappeared and my husband has entered the room.

"You knew of my arrival. Why has there not been a bath drawn for me, and where is my supper?" He inquires gruffly and in an instant, the moment's gone.

"Lora, what do you think?"

Our hostess motioning for the servant to refill our cups brings me back to reality.

"I'm sorry?" I inquire.

"The joining of man and elf in marriage?"

"I've never really thought about it." Taking a sip of my tea, the light breeze of the spring evening caresses my skin. We'd taken tea in the gardens and it's a lovely sight all of the flowers in full bloom.

"Have you ever seen one?"

"I have, and they're beautiful." States my good friend Martine.

"We all will soon enough, I suspect. Have you accepted the Elvin King's invitation?" Our hostess Elise asks.

"With speed." Says Martine with a small conspirational smile.

"Oh... Is there something that our dearest friend isn't telling us?" Waving the server away, she takes a bite of a biscuit before daintily patting her mouth free of crumbs.

The mischief shining brightly in her eyes can only mean one thing.

A Man… or in this case, an elf.

“Must you keep us in suspense? We all know what happens when the lord of the manor is away.” Elise states.

A suggestive wink in my direction, I feign scandalization.

“Not I.” I reply, fanning myself quickly.

“Nor I.” Says another.

“And neither do I.” Says Elise smartly, with a knowing smirk.

We’re all liars the whole lot of us.

Elise has an ongoing advantageous relationship with our neighbor Lord Bevins.

The lady “Nor I” has been taking advantage of the stable men in her husband’s periodic absences.

And I, well… I’ve been sharing my bed with the chambermaids, a footman or two, and the gamekeeper.

Country living has its benefits and a multitude of scandals.


“I had thought that you would accompany me.” I accuse, following my husband out to the waiting carriage.

The door slamming shut in my face, I have to step back to not get hit with it.

“If we are to remain in our continued means of living, then I must attend to my duties.”

A hard rapt on the roof and he’s off at a hard rapid pace.

I’m left standing there in the evening sun looking dull-witted staring after him.

“My lady, shall I tell the cook to prepare you a quick supper, then?”

I had planned on joining the others at the Elven celebration tonight.

An honor that has never been extended to man before. I want to see how they live, what wonders they have.

And I will…

“No, have the carriage brought around. I leave in an hour's time.”

Hurrying into the house the ringing bell echos clamorously in my wake.


A quick dressing, we arrived in record time. Our appearance isn’t announced, as this isn’t standard for the elves.

The room’s a sea of bodies and making our rounds Martine’s giddy with excitement.

My eyes wandering around the brightly lit room, my excitement mounts at the handsome male elves in attendance.

“They’re all beautiful,” I whisper, gazing upon the multitude of tall lithe figures and strikingly attractive features.

“Yes, they are.” She whispers back with fervor.

Her enthusiasm’s catching and I’m more than a little curious as to whom she’s been entertaining.

“Is he here?” I inquire.


“Don’t play coy with me, Martine. You forget that I’m your real true friend, I know you well.”

A small laugh and her voice is lowered even more. “He is.”

“Do I know him?” I ask, offering a small smile to one of the handsome faces attached to a wonderful body.

“I know that you don’t.”

Then it is as I suspected.

“When did you have time to meet an elf?”

“I was introduced by a past lover. He had business with our host.”

“The elven king himself?”

“Yes, and he’s a sight to behold. If he’d have asked I’d have given myself to him right then and there, upon our first meeting.”

“Oh... scandalous indeed.”

Accepting a cup of wine from a server, we continue our movement through the crowd.

“Ha… You forget dearest friend, that I know all of your dirty little deeds also, Mrs. Prude.”

Martine and I are like two peas in a pod. We both have a salacious appetite for carnal pleasures.

“Perhaps I’ll make introductions.”

“I’d rather you not.”

“Come now, what are you afraid of? Aren’t you tired of the help?”

A small bow’s given in respect, as a young elven male makes way for us.

“Martine…” We’re interrupted by a male.

Recognition brightens her eyes before she rushes into his arms. “I’m glad that you came.” He says sincerely.

She’s gazing at him like a starry-eyed lover when I feel a twinge of jealousy.

Removing himself from her embrace, he clears his throat. “oh, I’m sorry. Riston, this is my good friend Lora.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you.”


“Can I ask a favor, dearest.” Says Martine Sweetly.


“I need another drink.” Her discreet wink isn’t so discreet.

“Of course.”

Disappearing into the crowd, I’m led to the nearest wall. “What do you think?”

“He’s beautiful, as they all are,” I answer uncaringly.

“I’m leaving Arnald, I’m not going back.”

Thinking that I’d misheard her, I lean in closely. “I’m sorry?”

“You heard me, Lora. Tonight you’ll leave without me. Mirkwood is to be my home, for the rest of my days.”

The nobles... Elf and man alike take joy from the festivities. My eyes scan the overcrowded room and come to rest on the beauty standing near the wall.

She's deep in conversation with another female and from her facial expressions, she's not too happy.

Focusing my attention on her, I pick up their conversation.

"What do you mean that you're leaving Arnald. Martine, you can't be serious."

"I am. I'm in love Lora in case you haven't noticed."

"With an elf? Do you know anything about him?"

"Of course I do. I'm not a lovelorn fool..."

"Well, you could have fooled me!"

"I can't believe that you just said that. I thought that you would be happy for me."

A hand going to her temple, the beauty inhales deeply.

"I am happy for you, it's just that... I can't believe that you're serious."

"I love him and he loves me. And speaking of..."

They're joined by two males. Introductions are made and I detach my ears from their conversation.

"Lord Thranduil may I present my daughter Neiren."

"My lord." A deep bow's bestowed upon me and rising, the dark-eyed female has a pretty smile for me.

It's been ages since my wife's passing and more than enough time has passed for me to take another. The nobles will not let me rest until I've done so.

Offering up their daughters without shame, I endure it with barely concealed patience.

"She's lovely."

"We're staying in residence at the palace should you desire her company."

It's the lesser nobles that seek to rise above their station that's off-putting.

"I do not, but it would please me greatly if you were to excuse yourselves and vacate the palace at once."

The young woman's eyes widen at my request. A small bow and he quickly ushers her away. "What did we do?" The daughter inquires on a whisper.

It's early but I've grown tired of the celebration already.

"My King, may I introduce Martine and her friend Lora." My departure's interrupted by Lord Riston and company.

My gaze falls to the dark-haired beauty and her face registers surprise.

"You're grace." Riston's mate bows politely.

The beauty seems enthralled, incapable of speech or movement.

Taking her hand in mine, I honor her with a kiss. Her gaze never breaking from mine, the hands quickly rescued from my clutches.

"I was just leaving, but If you have time I would like a word in private with you," I state, turning my attention to Lord Riston.



His soft hands raise mine to his lips and I'm taken aback at the unexpectant lust that sweeps through my body.

Reclaiming my hand sharply, he's perplexed at my sudden shift in attitude.

I want to throttle Martine for the smirk that she's unsuccessfully trying to hide.


We're taken to a room and left waiting while the king and Martine's new fancy hold a conference in the other room.

"The king never greeted me like that." Says Martine, as she paces the room at a spirited pace.

I'm seated, as for some reason my legs have given out on me. It was a task to not fall over, as we followed them to the room.

Draining my wine glass dry, I refill it and attempt to empty it again in the same manner.

The king's amazingly handsome. He's the most beautiful male that I've ever seen and yet still masculine.

His deep baritone resonated all the way to my center. His lips, hot and gentle incited a jolt of desire in between my thighs. I can still feel the imprint of his lips on my hand.

"What do you think that they're discussing?"

" I don't know and I don't care."

"Someone's in a mood." She says, her strides coming to an end.

"The news that I won't get to see my good friend anymore has rankled my disposition."

"I'll still visit, just not as much."

"We'll see," I state dismissively.

She's happy and I don't want to ruin her happiness with my sour mood.

We spend the next hour or so in silence, with her rising expectantly when a male elf enters the room.

She's called away and I'm left alone. Sighing in relief that I can have some alone time to manage my thoughts, my eyes wander around the room.

It's a rather nice room. In fact, nice hardly does it justice. Beautiful gilded furniture and tapestries abound.

Wine glass in hand, I take my time examining the furnishings. It's the bed that captures and holds my attention. It's big enough to fit all six of my favorite household pets and myself included.

Placing the glass on the bedside table, my slippers are removed and I climb atop the bed. Loving the feel of the soft fabric, my garter and hose are quickly discarded.

Reveling in the soft down of the coverings, my thoughts drift to the Gamekeeper that I've been bedding. An ardent lover, I love his rough handling of my person.

My hand mimics his as they run the length of my body. My fingers stopping to gently tease the hard peaks of my breasts.

The wine taking over, I'm bold in my exploration. My fingers drift lower as my passion heightens.

I'm almost to my destination when a voice brings me from my sexual stupor.

"May I?"

My eyes immediately open to the king at the foot of the bed. I want to be mortified but the drink won't let me.

Instead, I'm turned on by his heated stare. My lips part in an apology but the words never come.

His gaze holding mine, I make my decision. Martine was right... I am tired of the help. I might as well add royalty to my repertoire of ungodly sins.

Recklessly putting on a show, my gowns slowly drawn upwards. Peering at me with those beautiful blue eyes, my gaze wanders the length of his large frame.

His robe's removed and closing my eyes, I take my pleasure in front of him.

Focused on pleasuring myself, I don't feel his movement on to the bed.

His hand replaces mine and his slow rhythmic petting has me burying my face in his chest.

He smells of the earth and clutching at his shirt, the pulsating thump of his heart beats in tune with the throbbing pounding below.

His fingers slick with my nectar, two fingers gently tease my nub. A soft moan from my lips is his reward.

"Lora..." He says softly, testing my name.

Edging closer to my undoing, I want more. I need to feel his body on mine.

My prayers are answered when I'm forcefully flipped onto my stomach. My bottoms immediately raised as I wait expectantly.

The juice from my essence greets his probing member and he lets slip a satisfied sigh.

A soft intake of breath is my response to his sex entering my womb. The anticipation is too much and I push back on his length, which causes discomfort in a pleasurable manner.

Fully taking all of him, his large hands guide my hips as I thrust backward on his manhood.

A rush of Lust and delirium has me saying his name in tune to his strokes. My head is pushed lower into the soft bedding as our tempo increases.

The room's filled with our sexual song. The smacks of my bottom into his pelvis, my soft moans, and his pleasured murmurings make up our sexual hymn.

A swell of rapture emanates from my center and shoots streaks of bliss throughout my body. My thrusts become savage as I aim to reach a much-needed release.

His hard rod pounding into my core, the building tension escalates. Clutching the bed covers, the dew from my flower explodes onto his staff.

My honeypot has a firm hold on his stalk, as wave after wave of my orgasm reverberates onto his length. His grip on my hips intensifies, as my warm pulsating sex forces him to release his seed.


"It's a shame, I cannot believe it." It's our weekly ritual gathering at Elise's home.

"She abandoned him for an elf," adds one of the ladies.

If she only knew what those elves could do. I never knew a man with such stamina. To finish and to only need a few seconds of recovery before he's ready again.

The king made it a night to remember, as I'm unable to think of anything else but him and that night.

He definitely puts my husband to shame, hell Eden the chambermaid did that and she doesn't have the equipment to even compete with men.

"And what happened to you? I saw you disappear with her, that elvish-man and the elven king." Probes a friend.

The nosey wretch...

"Did she say anything?" Inquires another.

"No, she didn't." I lie. Word spread fast about Martine's treachery and the whole nobility is in an uproar about the latest transgression from one of us.

"Why are we even discussing her?" I ask.

"She was our friend, and she casts doubts on our reputation as well."

"Oh, like yours wasn't already tainted by your own misdeeds." I counter with derision.

A few smirks are hidden behind drinks, as the victim of my ill words immediately comes to her feet in a huff.

Sputtering incoherently I quietly await her verbal attack. My already aggravated countenance dares her to.

My silent message is received and she bows out. Elise gives me a meaningful look, before following in her friend's angry departure.


"What's gotten into you?" Elise joins me during our walk in the garden.

If she only knew...

"My friend has abandoned more than just her husband," I reply.

"Martine is in love, we should all be as fortunate."

He arms linking with mine, we take another turn about the garden.

"But something tells me that there is something more to this silence. What is it, Lora?"

The eldest of us all, Elise has taken on the motherly role for us country bumpkins. Away from society and yet not. Propriety must be maintained and she holds us all to it.

We confide in her, she's the keeper of our secrets. It's a blessing to have a friend such as her.

I haven't told a soul, and it's been eating away at me.

"I've shared the elven king's bed."

"Oh, a king... I've yet to reach as high."

We're both silent. I in my thoughts of the king and her in her own.

"And...?" She says after a while.

"I can't stop thinking about him. It was random our lying together but... he's perfect. I don't understand."

I've had good partners and none have left me unsatisfied save my husband. Who treats me like a rutting post. The king is different, I can't explain it.

A servant interrupts our stroll delivering a message.

"It seems that you have a visitor." She says, after reading the card.

Perplexed, I don't know who could be visiting at Elise's home instead of asking to be received at mine.

"I'll send the others away. The drawing room should give you some privacy from prying ears.

Her smile says it all... Martine! She found me away at my home and knew that I'd be at Elise's.

Making my way at a fast past to the drawing-room, it's been weeks since I last saw her.

I want to know everything, is she happy? What has her life been like with her elf?

"Martine, I've missed you!" I state out of breath.

My friend is not of fair hair and beautifully handsome.

I had to see the woman who has my thoughts in a state of confusion. I can think of nothing else but her.

I've been celibate, choosing to remain free of a woman's comfort. It seems that another has bewitched me with her womanly wiles, as did my wife.

Lora... her name alone incites memories of her bottom bouncing and her essence, warm and snug-fitting pulling on my staff.

It's not love, it's lust plain and simple.

Whatever it is, I want more of it.

Surprise on her face, she's alarmed to see me waiting in her friend's drawing-room.

A hospitable room of golds and blues, my favorite colors.

"I went to your home."

"What if my husband had been there?"

I had expected anger instead, I got open interest.

Perhaps he would have inquired as to my business with his wife, and I would have been honest."

She's silent absorbing my words.

"What would your honesty have been?" She asks after some time.

"I had your wife for one night, and want her for many more."

The silence is thick with uncertainty.

"Am I to be the elven king's mistress?"

Is she?

The nobles want a queen, shall I make her mine?

"What does the lady desire?"

She takes her time answering.

"The lady desires more of the king."

The lady shall get what she desires.

Closing the distance between us, her eyes close and her lips greet my hand upon her cheek.

It's a non-verbal agreement, as my hand takes a slow path down her neck to the rise and fall of her chest.

Circling the taut peak of her breasts, her soft intake of breath fuels my exploration. The ripping of fabric is loud in the small room.

it's been a while and the need to be inside of her warmth is great.

Soft light kisses upon her neck incite a fierce need in her. Fingering my hard bulge straining against the fabric of my clothing, her hand disappears inside my trousers.

She's bold in her strokes and cares not if we're found out.

We want the same thing, a sexual release.

Taking her there on one of the tables, what's left of her gown's lifted. My probing fingers gently tease the silky down of her sex.

" I want to taste you," I state before my head disappears beneath her skirts.

My tongue circles the rigid bud of her femininity, as a hand over her mouth, muffles her cry of pleasure.

Cupping her bottom I'm feasting on the essence of her honeypot. My lips suckling her nub, the severity of my prowess illicit a few moans in succession, and my name on a drawn-out groan.

Taking my fill I enter her and the softness of her womb is welcoming and threatens to pull my seed from me unexpectantly.


With much difficulty, I maintain my self-control.

To be continued...