Masturbation And Mr. C—05/10/2024

I haven’t had any recent dreams of the BOSSMAN.

And Mr. C…

I love masturbating to his videos.

Shorty Doo Wop made it known that I masturbate to content creators’ lives.—I thought that I was the one who was supposed to be slow

That’s a lie and then again it’s not.

I masturbated to Shorty Doo Wops’ lives.—Some of them, and on rare occasions

Blackface, Roger Rabbit, and Gru, AKA Mr. Hello were exempt.

Just because I watch you, doesn’t mean that I want you.

And that’s where the disconnect came from.

GRU was mad as hell…

That Nicca wanted to fight!—Lol…

He was going to get the pussy by any means necessary!

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