Miss. Xtreme

Miss. Xtreme

Filing the last report, I close out the document. Exhaling loudly, I close my eyes as I massage my neck. As a Human Resource Executive Associate, I’m tasked with revamping the recruitment process. Employed at a large law firm, my nine to five days have been non-existent for the past two weeks.

Gathering my purse, I turn off the lights and head out. “Good night, Miss. Wilson.” The dark-skinned security guard waves farewell to me upon my exit. It’s dark out. Being cooped up in a building all day, I pause to enjoy the night air.

“Do you want me to walk you to your car?” The guard’s come to the door, interrupting my peace.

“Oh, no. I was enjoying the silence.”

“Okay, see you tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” I inquire. I’ve been working so hard that I may have mixed up the days of the week.

“Yeah, for the Employee Appreciation Day.”

“Oh shit.” I forgot about that.

“Excuse me?” He says with a small smile.

Damn. “I’m sorry, I forgot where I was.”

“No, it’s no problem. You seem so… tight. I didn’t think that…”


“Well, you know.” He tries to explain.

“Know what?”

I’m sorry, I forgot who I was talking to.” He says quickly.

I don’t date on the job, but this is why I keep social interactions to a minimum. You can’t say anything nowadays without offending someone. This is the age of the “Snowflakes.” The fact that he referenced “That he forgot who he was talking to” agitates me. I pride myself on not being among the “Snowflake” crew.

“Mr. Carter,” I state, reading his name tag. Glancing down at his name tag, I’m graced with a quizzical expression. “I take it that you’re referencing my position.”

“I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

“Good, because I didn’t think that you were being disrespectful, or offensive. But what did you mean by tight?” I receive a small laugh in response, and I notice the sparkle in his eyes. Giving him a once over, I’m impressed by his solid build. I don’t know why I never noticed how attractive he is.

“I may step on some toes, but you asked for it.”

“I sure did.” I reply.

“Stuck up.”

There’s a moment of silence that’s so thick that you could cut it with a knife. I’m not upset, and I find humor in his response. That word has been with me since my teen years when boys started to notice me. To hear a grown man say it is hilarious. “Well, you have a good night also, Mr. Carter,” I state with a laugh. His tall frame and his enticing smirk are the last things that I see in my rearview mirror.

“Ma?” Juggling the groceries, I struggle to close the door behind me. “I’m in the living room.” Depositing the groceries, I’m in a hurry. Coming around the corner, I’m greeted by my Grandma’s short stature, wide hips, and big butt. “I left the groceries on the counter. I can’t stay for long.”

“Why? You know that I look forward to our time together. You rarely come by here as is.”

“I’m sorry, there’s an event at work that I have to attend.”

“On a Saturday?” She says, unbagging the groceries.

“It’s our semi-annual Employee Appreciation Day.”

“Well, since it happens twice a year, you can miss this one.”

“Ma, I’m a part of the human resource team, and it was my idea. I have to be there.”

“I can’t believe you. This shouldn’t even be an issue.”

“It’s not an issue. You know what, I’ll leave early.”

“Don’t be doing me any favors.”

“Oh my god, I’ll be back. Let me make an appearance. Give me an hour.” I state on the way out.

“Fine, and you forgot the pumpkin pie!”

“I’ll bring one back with me!” I yell, closing the door behind me.

Employee Appreciation Day was off to a good start. Hundreds of employees showed up with their immediate family. We’d rented a venue to accommodate a small petting zoo. The children enjoy the entertainment of the bouncy houses, clowns, and magicians. A live band, comedian, food vendors, games of chance, and thrill acts keep the adults entertained.

“Hey, love.” Ebony, my best friend joins me as a couple, and their two kids end our interaction with their departure. “Hey, what’s going on?”

Nothing, just admiring those healthy cheeks of yours. I receive a swat on my butt from her. “What is wrong with you?” A cute smile from her, and she gives me a hip bump. Giving her a once-over, I note her shorts and top. I have to watch her. Last year when I invited her, she caused an uproar with her chosen ensemble. This year her attire’s HR-approved.

“Did any good-looking brothers show up today?”

“Girl, I’m here for appearances only. I am not looking for anyone.” I state, returning a wave from an employee.

“Well, I am. But what’s up with you? Are you doing anything after?”

“I’m about to leave. I promised my grandmother that I’d only stay for an hour.”

“And how’s Miss. Big Butt Mary doing?”

“She’s good,” I state, sharing a laugh with her.

“Well, tell her that I asked about her. I’m about to go mingle and see what I can get into.”

“Hey, Lena.” Ebony’s eyes light up, and her departure’s halted. The deep baritone’s familiar, but no one knows me well enough to address me by anything other than Miss. Wilson. The offender’s dressed in a crew neck sweater and jeans. It takes a minute for me to recognize the face attached to that gorgeous smirk.

“Hi, I’m Ebony.” She does what she wants when she wants and how she wants. That’s why I love her. Shaking the security guard’s hand, she pulls the brother at his side into a hug. “Hi, and you are?” She asks him. By now, I shouldn’t be shocked at her antics, but somehow, she always seems to surprise me. “DeShawn.” He replies with an even sexier smile than his friend.

“Carter, right?” I ask.

“Yeah, Jamel.” He seems almost disturbed that I struggled to call it forth.

“Hi, Jamel. Are you and DeShawn single? Ebony’s never had a problem with being direct.

“Excuse her,” I interject.

“Speaking for myself, I am.” DeShawn answers.

“What a coincidence, so am I. Shall we leave the adults to their adulting?” She replies. My friend has no shame! I’m the only one that seems uncomfortable with her boldness. “We might as well.” The friend says, taking her arm.

Watching them leave, arm in arm, I’m at a loss for words. I don’t even know how Ebony manages to stay single. Five-foot seven, dark-brown skin, gorgeous, and a personality that could keep any man’s attention for years, the woman is a catch. Now, if only one of these treacherous negros would wife her.

“Well, um…”

“Are you here with someone?” Jamel asks.

“No, in fact, I was just leaving.”

“Well, don’t let me hold you up.”

Taking my leave, I pause. I don’t want him to get the wrong idea. “There’s nothing wrong with you. I was only going to stay for an hour, and my times up.”

“You’re good. Enjoy the rest of your day.” With a small nod, I leave him. My curiosity gets the best of me, and I hazard a look in his direction. He’s nowhere to be found. “Get it together, Lena.” I admonish to myself quietly.

“The Lord wants us to walk upright in his image. For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.” I’d caught the last part of the Preacher’s sermon. One doesn’t have to be inside the church to hear the Sunday lesson. Waiting outside, a car horn signals a thirsty driver’s appreciation of my body. Now that my work project is in the final stages before submission, I’ve been able to get back to my regularly scheduled activities.

Dressed in jeans and a tee, my hips and butt stick out like a sore thumb. I could put on a grain sack and still get attention. Rolling my eyes, I watch the church patrons exit the building. One by one, they file out of the hole in the wall. They say their goodbyes and chat about the church schedule for the week.

My Grandma is the last to come out with the Preacher, and they’re immediately set upon by a flock of young chicks. In his late twenties, he’s a church girl’s prize. A few words from him, and they scatter. I watch as he kisses her on the cheek and pulls her into a hug. At least he’s respectful towards her. The parking lot’s deserted with a quickness. Everyone’s left in a hurry to get those Sunday dinners started. “Miss. Lena, you’re looking good today.”

“I look the same as I always look.” Mr. Preacher isn’t on my favorite person list. The man has roaming fingers and can’t seem to keep his hands off of my derriere. Dodging his attempt at hugging me, I take my grandmother’s hand, helping her into the car. He’s come up behind me, his penis pressing into my behind. Alarmed, I pause for a few seconds.

I should be disgusted. “Well damn…” Preacher has a well-defined print. Closing the car door, he has a knowing expression. Taking my hand in his, a kiss is applied to it. “Your mother tells me that you’re a good cook.”

I hope that she didn’t. “I haven’t had a good meal since my mother passed.” I take in his line-up and the tight body encased in his suit. When did Preacher become so attractive and athletic? He was never hard on the eyes, but preacher has definitely had some enhancements. I take note of his light skin tone, reddish-brown hair, and brown-eyed gaze. “Damn…”

“You’re welcome to come over. It’s usually just Ma and me.” Where the hell did that come from?

“I wouldn’t want to impose.”

“You wouldn’t be, and dinners at eight.” Says my Grandma. We both must have lost it, as Grandma seems to be enamored of him also.

“I have a few businesses, and I manage a few women.” Over fried chicken, Okra, baked beans, cornbread, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, black-eyed peas, and collard greens, we bask in the Preacher’s charm and listen to him recount his skills. “What do you think, Lena? Isn’t Preacher… nice? My Grandma asks delicately.

He is, Preacher’s… really fucking fine. I don’t know what’s going on. I must be ovulating. I learned that he’s superficial, cocky, and has that take charge kind of personality that I love. Helping my Grandma clear away the dishes, his brown-eyed gaze comes to rest on me as he retakes his seat.

He’s smoking a cigarette and eyeing me with a heated stare that makes me feel naked. Fanning myself, Grandma tops off our wine glasses. “Do you have the heat on?” All of a sudden, it’s become too hot in here. It’s stifling. “No, why don’t you and preacher take in some air on the porch.”

“Why don’t we.” He says, all serious-like.

“I’m about to turn in for the night. Make sure that you lock up after.” Says Grandma with a small smile and a wink. I’m on to her. She’s playing matchmaker. The preacher’s gorgeous, but I tend to favor the darker-skinned brothers.

Leaving to retire to her rooms, we take our drinks to the large wrap-around porch. A three-story plantation home, Grandma, hit the big time by marrying a criminal who ran a numbers racketeering business. She showed him how to invest his money into land and legal businesses, and he was able to retire from his criminal activities.

My eyes close as I take in the cool night air. The smell of the newly cut grass and the nocturnal animals brings on a bout of nostalgia. When I was young, weekends and summers spent with my Grandma, play dates with the neighbor’s son, JC. I don’t know why I remembered his name. It was so long ago.

I’m at my desk putting the finishing touches on the project when a blond head pops into the door. “Reservations for the Cyn City Cabaret have been sent out. Are you going to RSVP?” Nick whispers conspiratorially. After every project, I soak in a hot bath with a wine bottle and take a vacation day. That’s been my routine since forever.

“I didn’t get one.” I lie.

“Oh, well you can be my plus one.”

“I’m taking some me time this weekend.”

“Suit yourself, but I’ll add you to the list just in case you change your mind.” I receive a blue-eyed wink from Nick, and a charming smirk, before his head disappears back out the door.

“Okay, thanks.”

Submitting the project, I feel a sense of accomplishment. Rubbing my neck, I do my stretching exercises and the euphoria courses through my body. I’ve been too stressed of late and take the time to submit a “paid time off” request. I deserve it. An instant approval comes from my boss, and I decide to leave early.

Four days off, and I have nothing to do. I clean until there’s nothing else to clean. I do some shopping, run a few errands, and sleep for a few hours. I’m relaxed and refreshed from a bath and checking my email and missed calls, I realize that I don’t have a damn life. Calling Cyn City, I get the time for the event and prepare for the night’s vices. One of the employees hosts a two-day escape once a year. You have to be somebody to get invited. I usually skip them, but tonight I’m feeling kind of spunky.

What happens in Cyn City stays in Cyn City. My co-workers have lost their damn minds! It’s a “Mansion Party” and there’s every type of debauchery known to man happening. There’s masks, condoms, alcohol, and a quick sniff lets me know that a couple of somebody’s are smoking the good shit. I’m new to this scene and wide-eyed, I watch Stella from accounting give Mike the mailroom supervisor a rimming. Going from room to room with my drink, pegging, voyeurism, and exhibitionism is the menu for tonight.

My exploration ends with two couples. Aside from myself, there’s one other spectator in the room. The masked females bottom hover above the male’s mouths, as they share a kiss. Their legs spread wide, their bottoms slowly rise and fall on the men’s faces. Their erect tongues sliding in and out of their pussies, a collaborative moan escapes them. There is no going back once you’re a part of this bullshit. But curiosity gets the best of me and I stay for the finale.

A few drinks in, and after roaming from room to room, I come upon Carter. He’s watching a couple of guests compete in a cum contest. The winner is whoever can make their male partner cum first. I’m shocked at the number of participants that aren’t afraid to show their faces.

“What are you doing here?” I ask. I thought that these festivities were exclusively for executives.

“Apparently I got an invite.”

“Hi, Carter…” A pair of auburn-haired women state in passing. “Is this your first time?” He asks.

“Is this your first time?” I counter.

“No, I’ve been here before.”

I didn’t think that the lower tiers were privy to this level of corruption. Watching a higher-level exec giving head to the janitor isn’t something that I signed up for. His thick dick’s long and slick with the spit from the branch manager’s mouth. She’s aggressively bobbing up and down on his pole. His hand on her head, he guides her white mouth on his chocolate stick. The contrast is intoxicating, a blend of Ebony and ivory.

I’d taken care to limit my alcohol consumption, but with the smorgasbord of stimulating sex acts being performed my sexual nature is aroused. I start to feel a twitch and a hot searing heat between my thighs. Carter shifts uncomfortably beside me, and I try my best to ignore the sexual attraction. A glance in his direction, and he’s looking oh, so good right now.

The dialogue from the participants excites me. Their low moans and deep slurps trigger an ache. Fuck it! Boldly watching him as he feasts on the entertainment before us, his attention is turned to me. I love his dark skin, and without even thinking the back of my hand makes a connection with his cheek. His lips gently caress my fingers. It’s a soft kiss, and his dark penetrating gaze causes a fluttering in my stomach.

I’m not the impulsive type, but I want this man in the worst way. Before I fully understand what’s happening, I’m pulled into his arms and his lips meet mine. Gently, at first and then a mild hunger takes over. His strong arms around my waist, I cling to him for support.

The moisture pooling in between my thighs, I accept his tongue seeking entrance. My skin seems to be on fire and an inferno has started below. My body’s trembling with desire, when he decides to put an end to his torture.

“I’ve wanted to do that since the first time that I saw you.” I’m still breathless and trying to regain my senses. “Are you okay?” He inquires, concerned. Uh… no! “I need some more.” His small smile only serves to feed my craving for him. “I’m not sure that you can handle too much more.”

“I can take it.” I’m not above begging if I have to. The man’s sexy as hell, and I’m horny as hell. To say that it’s been a while is an understatement. “I’m done for the night, and I’d love to walk you out if you are too.” He says all gentlemanly like. Say what, now? I’m confused, and the Janitor busting a nut all over his partner’s face signals an end to the competition. A celebratory victory yell from the spectators follows, and I guess that I’m done also.

My phone ringing brings me from a deep sleep. “Hello?” The loud chatter on the other end, has me moving the phone away from my ear. “It’s too early!” I tell Ebony’s loud ass. A few mutterings of “uh, huh”, and “yeah, okay”, from me completes our conversation. Hanging the phone up, I glance at the clock and sigh in resignation. I can never have any me time.

Getting out of bed, I head to the bathroom to prepare for the day. My phone beeps with a notification. Upon checking it, there’s a message from an unknown number. “For what it’s worth, you have nice lips.” Smiling I can only wonder how he got my number. Ebony and I are going to have a little discussion later.

Stopping by my grandmother’s home, there’s a car parked in her yard. Upon entering, she’s having a session with Preacher. Heads bowed, neither of them acknowledges my intrusion. His hands in hers, I wait for them to finish. Seconds tick by, turning into minutes before I clear my throat. No response.

Annoyed, that he’s intruding upon my time with my grandmother, I snap my fingers. “Hello…” I state, to which I receive the same silence. What in the hell. “Ma? Removing his hands from hers, they both come to with a jolt. “What are you doing?” I ask, not only confused but kind of creeped out too.

“They’re both breathing hard, trying to catch their breath. “Chile, don’t ever do that again.” Ma says, in between breaths. “What did I interrupt?” Preacher has come to his feet, immediately taking my hand in his. “You’re looking real good today Lena, as always. His brown eyed gaze is alluring, forcing me to break eye contact with him.

I don’t know why but my skin instantly heats up at his lips touching my hand. It’s a warmth that starts below and flows slowly upwards. Retaking my hand, I make myself busy in the kitchen. “If you’re busy Ma, I can come back later.” I state, pouring a couple glasses of tea. “No, D’Red was just leaving.” D’Red? Lord, I have never.

He’s come into the kitchen with me and is standing entirely too close for comfort. “I’m hosting something at my place this weekend, a little PNP.” Says D’Red all smooth like with a small smirk. Since when did his voice start to sound like music to my ears. I swear that I hear jazz music with each syllable uttered from his lips. “PNP?” I inquire.

“Prayer and Praise.” Says Ma from her position on the couch.

“Yeah, something like that.” He adds, with just a lil hint of mischief.

“Well, I don’t do church.” I hate to put it so bluntly, but it is what it is.

“You’ll find that we have much more in common than what you think, Miss. Lena.” That comes as a whisper in my ear. My heart beats off the charts, and I swear that I’m five seconds from swooning. The rooms gotten hotter all of a sudden. “She’ll be there, Red.” Says, Ma with a knowing smile.

“Yeah, I guess I might.” I agree, with my words coming out in a stammer. Another kiss, and this time his lips lightly brush my neck. A gush of fluid leaves my panties slick. I am so not doing this with my grandma watching. Stepping aside, I go to the door holding it open for him. “I’ll call you.” He says, brushing past me. He’s so close, that I get another feel of his hard as a rock dick as he passes. “Lord have Mercy!”

“Why did you call the Preacher D’Red, and what were y’all doing in here?

“Everyone calls him that, Detroit Red. For his red hair and because he used to live in Detroit.”

“Oh, and…” I state, handing her a glass of tea. I was hoping for something a little bit more titillating. D’Red, as in “Dick ’em Down Red.”

“I’m into spirituality.”

“Since when?” I ask, joining her on the couch.

“Since when I was a girl. My mother was into it heavy, and she taught me a lot. I was helping the Preacher to realize who he is or was.”

“Okay, now this is getting interesting. Who is he or better yet, who was he?” I ask, sipping my tea.

“I think you had better ask him that.”

“Ooh… I love a good conspiracy.” I state, with a laugh. My Ma is bananas, but I just might find out the real reason for that “D” in D’Red. “Lord forgive me in advance.!”

“Good morning.” A guy says upon entering the room. It’s our monthly meeting, and I’m always the first to arrive. I’m forty-five minutes early, reading through my packet of information. I love my job, and I try to excel in everything that I do. “Good morning.” I say in kind. “The meetings at nine, right?” He asks.

Concentrating on reading, the interruption to my peace isn’t welcome. “Yeah.” I state gruffly, without looking up. A period of silence follows with the occasional turn of a page breaking the silence from one of us. One by one the other employees start to trickle in.

“All right, let’s get this meeting started.” His voice brings me from my reading. Oh shit, he was in here with me the entire time. “Our turnover rate has risen, and we need to find out why that is. Why are employees leaving us, and what can we do to lower the rate?” Raven-haired and gray eyed, Jonathan our new department head inquires. He was shown around the office a few weeks ago, but we haven’t officially met him.

The rooms quiet as everyone brainstorms on ideas. Every meeting this is our main problem, and for some reason it’s never been resolved. We always take the blame for it. I can literally see my co-worker’s mental struggles. No one wants to be the spokesperson, and I don’t know why I decided to. “Is there no room for bonuses or higher raises?” I suggest.

“If you continue through the packet, you’ll see that our accounting department already addressed that issue. We cannot take on anymore debt.”

“Maybe a reconstruct of the company’s finances could help to locate the resources to offer increases in pay or incentives.” I counter.

“The finance department isn’t our concern. We need to worry…”

“It is our problem, when we can’t address the high turnover rate because we can’t solve the main issue for high turnover rates on the accounting level. “Nick sits across from me, smiles nervously. “Every department works for the betterment of the company as a whole. There should be no problem with asking accounting to go over their numbers to see if we can trim some fat and use that to improve on employee satisfaction.” I state.

No one says anything. I don’t think that anyone is even breathing. Silent, we wait for the head of HR to respond. I’m starting to think that I should have kept my bright idea to myself. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see our manager giving me the evil eye. “Does anyone else have anything to add concerning the turnover rate?

A few heads are shaken in response, but no one dares to verbally say anything. “Good, now let’s move on, shall we?” The meeting drones on for about an hour before its ended with Jonathan adding on to everyone’s workload. He’s not making that great of a first impression, at least not with me. “Additionally, I would like a report on my desk by Friday, addressing our high turnover rate.” He says dismissing the meeting. “From everyone.” He adds, as the group’s filing out of the room. I receive a few nasty looks in passing.

After that night at Cyn’s I thought that we were all close, like family. If not family, then not so distant cousins at least. I was privy to the inconceivable. I saw my co-workers and others in all of their lurid glory. I’m not a snitch, but I’m not above embarrassing a “mofo” either. Gathering my bag and packet, I’m stopped by Jonathan clearing his throat. “Miss. Wilson is it?” He asks.

Giving him a once over, he cuts a splendid figure in a suit and tie. “Yes, it is.” Offering him a small smile in way of a truce, he offers his hand. It’s not as cold as I expected it to be. “I appreciate you expressing your idea on the turnover rates, but what I won’t tolerate is blatant disrespect.” I don’t know what I expected, but I definitely didn’t expect to be accused of any type of violation. “That wasn’t my intention.”

“Be that as it may, that’s what happened.” Towering above me, I meet his hawk-eyed gaze with as much congeniality as I can muster. “Well, I appreciate your bringing this to my attention. I can assure you that I will make every effort to make sure that this doesn’t happen again.” I state in my workplace professional voice. I’m honored with a delicious smile, before being walked to the door.

“Good, I’d like to hear more from you in our meetings.” I’d thought that our interaction would have ended at the door, but he follows me out. “We need more employees like you who aren’t afraid to voice their opinions.” I’m being escorted back to my desk, and heads turn as we pass by cubicles and doors. “Just in a more respectful manner.” He adds, and I offer a small chuckle.

“Well, this is me.” I state coming to a stop in front of my office door. Letting me pass, he comes in behind me. “Hmm…” He says of my décor or lack thereof. Just four walls, my desk, chair, and computer. “Where’s your family pictures, plants or… something.” He asks.

“Plants and pictures? I don’t live here.”

His light laugh adds to his attractiveness and makes him more palatable. “Touché.” He says, looking at his watch. “Well, I can’t wait to see your report, Miss. Wilson. Get it completed as soon as possible, please.” Damn, double damn. Welp I just put myself on the HWGIC’s(Head White Guy in Charge) radar, and more than likely made myself a target. “Sure.” I state to his back as he’s leaving.

“Girl, what has been going on? I haven’t seen you in a minute.” We’re heading to Preacher’s PNP. I was not about to go through this alone. I’d picked up Ebony and made sure that she was in Church folk approved clothing. “I’ve been busy working.”

“You haven’t been working the hell out of Mr. Carter have you?”

“I haven’t spoken to him since…” Ebony’s my best friend, but I’ve yet to tell her about our employee thingamajig. I want to, but she can’t hold water sometimes. “Well, his friend has been putting in overtime girl. Thank you so much!” For what? I didn’t do anything. It’s just like her to give me credit for her dick sessions. The woman is too much for me at times.

“Girl… he has the biggest…”

“No, uh uh. We are not discussing that man’s…”

The car comes to an abrupt stop. This can’t be the address. Why would my Grandma give me the address for Cyn City? I must have grabbed the wrong paper from a few weeks back. “Girl this shit is exclusive as hell. Who do you know, and what have you been doing?” Asks Ebony from outside of the passenger side.

Ignoring her, I call my Grandma. She recounts the address and gives me a code to boot. “They must not discriminate on clients.” I state, as the place is notoriously known for all things non-religious. “Ain’t no prayer happening up in there.” Says Ebony rolling her skirt up. It goes from ankle length to coochie length in five seconds. Her sweater’s unbuttoned to reveal her bra, and the coffee stockings are discarded. “I’m ready.’ She says with a Kool-Aid smile.

“The event is PNP, prayer and praise.” Ebony bursts out laughing, and I know from her reaction, that my Ma made the mistake of the century with that abbreviation. Ebony takes my hand leading me into the building. “Are you going to tell me what it stands for?”

“Yeah, when we get in here, first.”

“Code?” Asks the employee at the desk, as security guards the entrance to the devilish delights that awaits us. “MX” I state. The music can be heard mutely from outside the doors. “Okay, okay…” Sings Ebony, dancing to the music. “You’re our VIP guest and you have access to our third-floor amenities.” I’m given an electronic key. “VIP access? Girl let me find out.” Says Ebony rolling her hips.

The last time that I was here, I never made it to the second floor. “Clear.” Says the desk girl to the guards. The doors are promptly opened and shaking my head, I follow Ebony into the jaws of damnation.

Prayer and Praise my ass! PNP stands for Party and Play. Party for the drug use and play for sex. I don’t even want to begin to understand what preacher would be doing in a place like this. Ebony left me post haste to climb atop a dark chocolate” Louisville Slugger”, that was attached to a masked face and an exotic dancer body. The veins and girth on that piece of meat, had my eyes bulging from their sockets.

I did my usual turn about the first and second floor, before making use of the third-floor access. Taking the elevator, the door opens to a suite of rooms. Exploring them, it’s a bedroom, kitchen, bath, living room, rec room and an entertainment room so to speak. It’s beautiful, mahogany furniture, a piano, and tapestries. I’m enchanted with the décor.

The door buzzes signaling the arrival of the elevator. My steps are directed back to the front. Shit, who could that be? I’m alone and think of hiding, when the door opens and D’Red comes in. He has a sly smile for me, and I’m relieved that it’s him. “I’m glad that you decided to join me.

Join who? “I was just checking out the place. I was given a key.” Gray is that man’s color because JESUS! His trench coat is discarded to reveal a fitted black shirt that goes well with the gray pants. “So… what happened to the prayer and praise session?” I ask, trying to keep my eyes from straying to the mountainous print in his pants.

His light chuckle deep and sexy vibrates through my core. “I never said anything about prayer. Now there may be some praise going on, but nothing even remotely related to the religious kind.” Ebony’s singing replays in my head. “Okay… okay…”

“Do you care for a drink?”

“Sure, why not.”

Rico Suave at it’s finest. D’Red’s not on the up and up. I’ve met a few corrupt preachers in my time, but none as fine or as smooth as Red. He just changed out of nowhere. That fast talking, smoothness has my shoes and coat off. The television plays silently in the background, as jazz music lulls me deeper into my alcoholic trance.

I’m at peace, and watching D’Red through lidded eyes, he has that sexy smirk that I’ve become fond of. We make small talk about my job, his church following, and his girls that he manages. Escorts… “Jesus take the wheel.”

“How do you think that I can afford this?” I don’t know the cost, but I have an idea. “Church tithes doesn’t keep this running. I have a few other financial ventures also, that may be frowned upon by my congregation.” Wait a minute. “What are you saying? You don’t own this do you?”

“I do.”


“Yeah, you can have an open membership if you want.”

“No, I’m good. I can only handle but so much of this.”

“I’m sure that you can handle a lot more than you think.”

“Okay… okay…”

Smiling, I’m not naïve. I know exactly why I’m in the Presidential Suite. “So, is this where you bring all of your women?” Refreshing his drink, he offers me a refill and I decline. “This is where I bring most of them.”

“Oh… so I’m not special.”

“You are, Cyn City special.”

Letting loose a small laugh, I watch him empty his glass. The bulge in his pants seems to have gotten bigger and with my eyes on the prize, I finish off the rest of mine. He leaves me, disappearing into the bedroom. I wait and when he doesn’t return, I decide to join him.

He’s waiting for me. I’m pulled into his arms immediately. I don’t know what I expected, but I at least expected a kiss. And… that’s what I received, so to speak. Going to his knees before me, my skirts raised, and my leg’s lifted over his shoulder. Electrifying excitement courses through my body when his lips greet mine below. His tongue wet and warm caress my nub, and my hand goes to his head encouraging his services.

I’m loving the sensations of his tongue circling my clit through my panties. They’re pulled to the side and his tongue making contact with my are pussy has his name coming from my lips in a excited whisper.

Thanks for reading. Please check back for a complete edit and the next update!