What really happened in the RIFF room…


I remember when I first saw him. I didn’t think much of him and didn’t even know that he was somebody at the time. He’ll be called “the man” from here on out. I was watching him talk about, or let's say, defend his family. Thinking back on it, it seems like it’s been forever when in actuality, it's been only about a year.

I was getting into other social media outlets when I happened upon his channel. It wasn’t necessarily his looks or his fame. It was the way that he spoke. It demanded that I pay attention to him. Of course, the drama drove me to him, but what he had to say kept me there. 

Those who know me and others who think they know me will know I was and am still about the “man.” I was there for him and only him. Nothing and no one else mattered. I was obsessed with this man. A fanatic, a fangirl to the core! My motto is “I don’t care if I’m sixty years old. I will forever and always be a diehard fangirl.” 

It was something about this man. I don’t know what it was. But later, I likened it to being damaged, and damaged people are drawn to broken people. I don’t know him personally to say that he is or was not broken. But, I can say that that may have been a reason why. Another reason was the power in him—the alpha male.

I fell in love with this man. And he didn’t even know who the fuck I was. I laugh now, thinking about how I used to stalk his social media page. He was the crack, and I was the crackhead. (Lol) I was enamored of him. You couldn’t tell me anything wrong about that man.

But let's get back to the story at hand. This chapter is called “RIFF RAFF.” I’m writing it because someone I know can’t seem to move past it and because I felt like writing the motherfucker. 


I was hungry. Nah, I was ravenous for this man. I couldn’t get enough of him. He was on social media a few times throughout the day, and I made it my business to be there for every single one of them! “Join me on RIFF RAFF. I’ll be there after the live.” Chile…. “Say no more!” 

I didn’t have the right device, and I was scrambling to find some way to get there. By the time I figured out a way, I burst into that app room so fast, yelling, “Where the fuck is “the man!” Someone commented, “thirsty.” I wanted to say, “Nah bitch, I’m dehydrated!” But I kept my mouth closed because I was there for one reason only, and I really didn’t want those types of problems. 

So, I went to my Lil corner and waited for “the man.” I stayed all night and was subjected to sneering and name-calling from the first wave of “RIFF RAFF.” These were a gang of about four or five “negroes” who earned the title of “RIFF RAFF.” It consisted of one jealous old bird. A feminine young man and the rest were young women. (I use the titles man and women loosely) These were children who were grown only in age. 

As someone recently said, “Just about everyone gets bullied on social media.” True, I can’t dispute that. And I don’t need or want anyone’s sympathy. I’m grown and used to dealing with “women” and, shockingly, “men” attacking women. So I settled in for another round of being called ugly and told that I looked like the guy that mows their lawn. 

Those were punches that just rolled off my shoulder. It wasn’t the first time I was called ugly, and I suspect it wouldn’t be the last. They said I didn’t belong there because I was just there for “the man.” You’ll hear this tune sung throughout this chapter. Just wait. 

I just tuned them out. I was waiting for “the man.” And one showed up, early as the sun was rising. A young man, chivalrous and cute too. Oh, he angrily ripped them a new one. He was so disgusted with them that he never came back. I should have thanked him, but I just sat in my Lil square and waited for “the man.”


On this app, we got to listen to music and chat with the creator of the room. I never went up on the platform to talk to him. I just did what I always do, admire him from afar. "The man" was amazing and very hands-on with his supporters. All the women were trying to get a piece of him—old hens and the baby chicks. One girl even resorted to pussy popping on a handstand. Coincidentally I got blamed for that by the leader of the Riff Raff gang. Now being ugly myself, I don't like to call other folks ugly. But this bitch was UGLY, inside and out. At least I'm pretty on the inside. I do have that going for myself. 

Now this wave of Riff Raff was the bottom of the barrel. Ghetto and out of control. They had the room so tied up that "the man" couldn't even get in the room one time. They were loud and boisterous and turned most people away. Now, 'the man" doesn't judge, and he welcomes everyone. But the energy that they brought to the room and his name was ridiculous!

The leader of the first wave didn't like me. She had the same silly notion as me that "the man" would dare entertain the idea of sexing her. I guess both of us were delusional. But I waited the bitch out. I was on the app day and night. I wasn't bothering anyone or engaging with anyone. I was just in the room. She got tired and realized that "the man" didn't want her. So, she and her crew of monkeys soon parted ways. But not before she tried to embarrass me on "the man's" social media platform. I was labeled a hoe that sucked and fucked his homie, who will from now on be called "Uncle Fester."

The first wave went out with a small bang, and the second wave of Riff Raff took over.


Now, this wave was older but sadly were young-minded. They liked to say, "We playing chess, not checkers." But yet, every one of them was dumb and had the nerve to call me slow! I sat back and watched and listened. My goal was to write an autobiography about "the man," and it would include his supporters. But, I quickly steered away from that idea as it suddenly didn't appeal to me anymore. These were not the kind of people that I would associate with this man. They were gutless and followers who couldn't stand on their own. They needed a leader and had found one in the worst person ever to grace the RIFF RAFF room. She will from here on out be called "Black Mamba." 

Black Mamba said that she was with the first wave, but I remember her joining after. She was an old groupie that hid behind her words of "I'm here to protect him. I'm here for the children. I'm here to do the work." Girl bye! You're trying to work him! You want that man's penis, just like me! She was something else and formed a gang of followers that ran other supporters away. If you were a woman and you came into the room and stated that you were there for "the man"... Oh, Black Mamba wasn't having that! She and her merry gang of followers ran them off! 

They attacked everyone who wouldn't comply with their rules or kiss her ass. They ganged up and bullied one girl, and she left the room in tears. I really felt sorry for her. The girl was ostracized (google it). 

Black Mamba (to the girl): "Your tears don't move me." 

The bitch was heartless! I heard it in her voice. She wasn't playing. Black Mamba was sending out a warning to all those in there that she was taking heads on her way to the top. 

They refused to allow people of other races into the room. I sat in my lil square/corner and watched and listened as one white guy literally begged them not to kick him out. He was there to support "the man," too. Who were they to say who could or couldn't support "the man?" Who made them lord of the manor?—Uncle Fester, "the man's" homie. 

And I quote, "Y'all can do whatever da fuck y'all want in here!"

Me to myself (in my square): —"No, the fuck they can't!"


They couldn't get rid of me. Oh, they tried it. "The man" would grace us with his appearance every now and then, and everyone would be on their best behavior. When Uncle Fester checked up on us, they would act right then too. For some reason, he was always worried about why I was in the room. They all had me pegged as a "plant." or a bot. I never said anything to them or engaged them. They worked in shifts, on penis patrol, and at her directions—Monitoring the room and keeping motherfuckers out! RIFF RAFF was their world, and if you were not with them, then you were against them. 

They tried to keep the room interesting with karaoke nights and things like that. People would get drunk and fall asleep snoring with their mics open. I, too, have been guilty of this! LOL —Those were good times...

And I quote: "Ain't nothing, but wino's in "the man's" room, who are getting drunk and snoring on the mic!"

Bored with their shenanigans, I decided to talk to one or two of them late at night. I didn't consider these two men my friends, but I liked them. I tend to gravitate toward men more than women. That's probably why I look like one. These two were nice to me, and we laughed and joked around, and I sorta "flirted" with one. He wasn't my type, but he was nice, had an amazing voice, and I liked messing with him.

Cue a few months of jibber jabber, a whole bunch of nonsense, and then these motherfuckers turned on me! I should have known what was up when Black Mamba started staying overnight in the room. I thought the bitch was sleeping. One day "the man" came into the room, and I was asleep in the room. When I awoke, one young dude with mommy issues who fell victim to Black Mamba told me that "the man" was asking for me. He was like "You better get him. These girls are camming-up" (going on camera to talk to "the man.")

Oh... Uncle Fester didn't like that. I was a nobody who was hiding behind an old ass image of about 2 years ago. How dare I even assume that his homie "the man" wanted me! 

I was being gassed up. And I decided to "shoot my shot" on "the man's" live with a super chat. He shot my dumb ass down discreetly. My lil super chat bounced all the way past older chats and out the live. "The Man": "Y'all, I'm about to go to sleep."—Live has ended

And so did all of my dreams...


I went to work, and oh, I was hurt! I was in that Riff room day in and day out. (Even when I was at work) And here he was, flirting with and giving every scallywag with a pretty face and slim waist compliments on his social media platform. (The man's in denial, he likes portly round/rotund bitches too) He's a slim jim, I refuse to believe that he's bumping hip and collar bones with skeleton-looking chicks. 

Anyway! I felt like a damn fool. Here we were (his RIFF supporters) fighting to stay in his RIFF room and he was passing out dick passes to bitches (excuse the language) who didn't give a damn about him. Things got so bad that we had to involve the RIFF management in what was going on in that room. 

Yeah, I talked about sex in the room. So what, I write erotica! Motherfuckers will have four baby mamas with nine kids and have the audacity to be offended by sex talk! There are worse things that happened in that room. The man wasn't in there enough to maintain order and peace. And we can't blame him. These were gown negro's acting a donkey on an app.

But on to the victims & my victimization! This group included five to six supporters, including an aggressive narcissist Chucky Doll (knife included). I will not go into this storyline. She was a mess. But this wave had suffered too much. They grew bored and started reenacting what was done to them by the previous RIFF supporters. 

Arguments and jealousy ran amuck in that room. I wasn't the only one who was enamored of the man. I'm not going to go into it further because those people in this group called me their friend. But I knew better. I knew what was said behind my back. I knew what was emailed to the man about me. 

My words about the man were twisted and made to make me out to be the enemy. I did nothing but try to show "the man" love and support. In the end, he believed them. Because of your deceitful, treacherous, hateful, jealous ways, I went to see the man live and in person and was mishandled and treated roughly. 

And to this, I say:

"You didn't stop anything."

"What's for me is for me." 

"Even if the man wanted me, he wouldn't know what to do with me."—He would just make me a part of his "HAREM" (And that's not how you treat an Empress/High Priestess)

One of my favorite quotes "Sometimes you have to KAPOW a bitch!"—You KAPOWED the hell out of me. You took what I loved, and you used it against me. Just like Black Mamba & her crew of screwballs took my fanfic and attempted to embarrass me.—UBER FAIL.

I laughed like hell when the man read Black Mamba her rights! BUT... then he turned around and almost read me my rights on his social media platform. All I did was write erotic fanfics about him! LOL, It wasn't funny at the time because he hurt me. I didn't understand what had happened. 

I was a month late finding out that Black Mamba had tried it and failed. And then "April O'Neil"—his attack mutt, was ready to defend "her man" against me on his platform. (I told you, the man is into portly bitches) And for what? For doing what I love? I write erotica. If it's not appreciated, then... I don't know what to tell you. 

A warning shot had been fired, and "April O'Neil"—his attack mutt, was the trigger. I've given the man enough ammunition to literally take me down. And when the warning shot was fired, I had to back down. I didn't want him to embarrass me. I literally removed myself from his social media platforms and went on my merry way. 

I didn't want to become his victim. I'd been victimized enough on social media and in life. I didn't want to view him as a monster. I'd made him responsible for my happiness at a time when I was healing. That wasn't his responsibility. I'm not a supporter, but I'm still a fan. I just don't follow the man on social media anymore. 

Do you know how fans tell stories of meeting their fave celebrity, only to discover that they aren't who the fans imagined them to be? LOL... That's exactly what happened to me! My whole fantasy was shattered!—FYI, you are no longer Fantasy Bae! Lol...  Nightmare Bae (Hint, Hint, Wink, Wink)

To conclude this story...

I did not leak my fanfics to nobody's platform. When I did find out about it, I was happy somebody was reading my stories. I'm an author, I WRITE, and I WRITE EROTICA! But I did apologize to the man. I still can't understand how what I wrote was offensive. I'm not offended by sex, so I guess I expect grown people with kids to not be offended by it, either.

You've busted it wide open and made three to eight duplicates of you, how are you offended by erotica?! Mofo's slanging dick & cooch left and right, but offended by erotica! 

I'm so done with being nice and always apologizing. I am now unapologetically "Lola Bunni," aka Madame Noire—Fuck off & Fuck Fair Use!