Taming The Alpha


Exiting a lounge’s back door, it leads into a dark alley. “Where the fuck is it?” Following the voices, I come upon two men and my sister. Witches, one uses his magic on her restricting her breathing. Another has her bag, searching through it quickly.

“Please… don’t….” Pleads Alicia. The man searching the bag discards it. “She doesn’t have it.” Alicia receives a hit that sends her flying into the wall. “No…!” The scream involuntarily exits my lips as I rush them.

Using my powers, they’re pushed backward. Sliding, they resist my magic. “Alicia, get up!” I’m struggling to hold them. Combined, they’re too strong for me. I’m being forced back against my will when Alicia comes to. “Reese?” She inquires weakly.

“Alicia, go!” Too late, They push me back into the wall. My head hitting with a muted thud makes me lightheaded, and I drop. On my knees, head in my hand, and a hand on the ground saves me from completely collapsing.

“Reese!” Her panicked scream alarms me, bringing me back. I’m still slightly dizzy, but Alicia’s in danger! I have to save her. With all of the strength I have left, I send one of them flying into the opposite building. His body’s permanently wedged into it. One final yelp from him on impact, and his eyes slowly close.

Appalled at what I’ve done, the other henchman’s distracted. Helping Alicia to her feet, we make our way quickly past him. Ignoring the presence of another being hidden in the shadows, we make a fast escape. “Where are you going?” His statement has us quickening our pace.

A supernatural grip on my arm forces me to come to an abrupt stop. A few seconds of tug-o-war ensues, with Alicia physically pulling on one arm and the man the other. His powerful hold feels like he’s trying to rip my arm off!

“Stop!” I scream, and like magic, it does. Right before I’m lifted in the air by the throat. I’m able to release myself by using my magic to force him off of me. He’s airborne, landing on one knee. “Alicia, get out of here!”

“I can’t leave you!”

“Go, I’ll find you!”

A strangled noise bubbles forth from my lips. Grasping at my throat, the life’s being choked out of me. “Reese!” Alicia’s cowering against the wall, and my eyes go from her to the man. “Where’s the daylight reversal spell?”

“Go to hell.” I manage.

“Suit yourself…”

“Stop, please… stop!” Screams Alicia.

His grip tightened, my throats being crushed. My body jerks involuntarily from lack of air. My thoughts go to Alicia, who’s screaming hysterically. Once again, I can feel the presence of the being hiding in the shadows. It feels feminine, not human…

“Help her…” I make my plea via telepathy.

No response. “Run!” I scream at Alicia, using the same wordless communication.

Obeying my command, she flees. Not like this. I think at the sound of my windpipe being squashed. It only takes a few seconds before my eyes roll back in my head. I can feel my body slamming into the ground.

I’m aware of his intentions before he even makes them known. “No!” I think, but I can’t form the words. “You took something from me, and now I’ll take something from you.” I can hear him inside my head, and linking to him mentally, I can see through his eyes.

A car rounds the curb at a fast pace, and he forces it onto the sidewalk. A scream in my head from me, I link to Alicia. In that instant, I feel what she feels and see what she sees. There’s a pause as the car attempts to stop, and it makes a screeching noise. Frozen with fear, Alicia can’t move. I silently scream for her to do so.

Death is instant. I can feel the car smash into her body. The force of it causes my body to twitch from the jolt. She bounces off of the car and hits the ground head first. The link’s broken. A strangled, agonized scream that comes out as a grunt is my response.

The pain is too great, and the loss is unbearable. Calling forth the last of my magic, I remove the hurt from my heart—Anger replaces it. The life leaving my body, I make one final plea to her, to it. The shadow person doesn’t respond. She doesn’t come to my aid, nor do as I request, to avenge my sister. Thinking that I’d failed, I accept my fate. I don’t struggle anymore to hold onto life. I let go, and It’s calming. There’s no more pain. It’s peaceful. I don’t even feel the kicks that the man serves my body. His harsh demands are fading. My eyes close.

The grunt of agony from the man is faint. I can barely feel his presence. I’m floating. I can see my body lying on the ground and the woman standing above it. “Reese?” My sister, she stands near the car as the occupants try to revive her lifeless body.

“Alicia, it’s okay. We’re both….”

She disappears, and I’m back in my body. Sitting up, I notice that the pain is gone. Breathing deeply, my gaze immediately goes to the woman at my side. The noise and the smells are distracting. Everything’s amplified, and coming to my feet, I put some distance between her and me.

“What…” The burning in my throat immobilizes my speech. The people gathered around my sister’s body have me licking my lips—their scent’s appetizing. Wait… appetizing? Covering my mouth and nose, I back away from them. Doing so does me no good, as their scent’s excessively strong.

“Do it. You need to feed this new body. You have to complete the cycle, or you’ll die.” She finally speaks, the shadow lady.

“I don’t understand.”

“This is temporary until you feed. Then you’ll truly become one of us.”

One of what? “Hey, did you guys see what happened?” It’s a pedestrian, one from the gathering of witnesses. The burning sensation becomes an inferno. His scent produces a low growl from me. “Are you okay?” He asks, stopping his advancement to us.

My predatory gaze widens his eyes. Sensing his fear, I connect to him. I see myself through his eyes. Eyes glowing, fangs bared, face contorted from the thirst. I know what to do without even being told. I need to drink, and the blood coursing through his veins is the cure to my ailment.

The trail leading to the campsite should have been a breeze for him. He’s walked it many times before, but this time it seems that be giving him a time of it. The Trekk has Jael breathing hard, but lucky for him that he’s not that far from camp as I can hear the music in the distance. Taking a drink of water, he pours the rest over his head. Six-feet-two, shoulder-length black hair, toned body, and eyes the color of the ocean, it doesn’t take much for this man to turn me the hell on!

Shaking the excess water from his hair, my scent captures his attention. He knows that I’m here, so there’s no need for me to stay hidden. Listening intently, he picks up my footsteps coming in his direction. I know that he’s in a transitioning phase, and I connect to him. Sniffing the air again, he loves my scent, revels in it. And then it happens. It seems as if the world has flipped upside down and then back again. The sounds of the woods have quieted.

I see what he sees and feel what he feels. It’s hard to breathe as he takes in slow deep breaths. My vision doubles and a pounding in my head has started. It’s so intense that it hurts my eyes. He cries out from the pain in his stomach, and I’m in a state of shock as his nails become elongated—digging through his skin like knives. My skin’s on fire!

I love him, and I can’t stand to see him in so much pain. I’m instantly in front of him. My hand’s placed on the sides of his head, and the pain Immediately disappears. I’m finally able to catch my breath. And his hand going to mine, a memory invades his mind. I try to stop it, but for some reason, I’m unable to.

It’s dark outside, and we’re underneath a dock at the lake. I’m pulled in to him, and my arms circle his neck as my legs straddle his waist. “Well, this is creepy,” I state with a small smile.

“I’m not afraid. I have you to protect me.”


“Of course.”

“Always,” I say before my lips softly graze his. His hard body pressed into mine awakens a hunger inside me. Our kiss deepens, and I receive a murmur of approval from him—And then I’m back in the woods on the trail. My eyes open to find him silently watching me.

“Reese?” He questions. His acknowledgment that he knows who I am disturbs me. Releasing him, I put some distance between us. I’ll have to hide his memories of me again. But, this will end soon. His wolf is emerging, and then I won’t have to hide his memories anymore, as I won’t be able to. He’ll be immune to my spell. “You shouldn’t fight it. It will hurt less if you don’t.” I state quietly. My heart skips a beat as my voice imprints on him. I’m still connected to him, my breathing escalates, and the pounding starts again. “Ah…” The pain begins, and this time it has me doubled over, clutching at my stomach. We’re both in pain.

My hands go to his head again, and this time, I don’t get a memory. I get peace and calm, and then… I’m in the woods and confused for a moment as to why I’m just standing there. My scent permeates the air, and Jael’s gaze goes directly to me. Ending the connection, he’s watching me, trying to recall who I am.

“You’re not reneging on your offer to escort me to the camp, are you?” I ask, moving past him. “Oh no, of course not,” He replies automatically.

“Good,” I say, gracing him with a small smile before disappearing behind the brush.

“For some reason, I feel like I know you, but I can’t recall when we’ve met.”

“Are you coming?” I ask from off in the distance, ignoring his statement.


Catching up to me, he falls in step beside me. “I’m sorry, but I seem to have forgotten your name.”


“I’m Jael.”

“I know.”

An awkward silence falls between us. “Is this your first time?” Jael inquires about the Lake. His parents own an adventure landing, where they host different types of outdoor entertainment. “Are you writing a book?” My tone purposely holds more than just a little bit of annoyance. “I’m just trying to be friendly.”

“I’ve been here a few times.”

“That’s probably why you look so familiar.”

Reaching the clearing in the woods, the sight of rows of cabins separated by neatly trimmed bushes greets us. His eyes seek out and find the lodge, where I know his parents will be. The guests are scattered about swimming in the lake, boating, and cooking over open fires. Music blares, and the atmosphere is joyous and inviting.

His nose has been sensitive lately, so it’s not hard to locate Bishop and Deja with his transitioning. They have an earthy scent, and even though they’re a great distance away, he can smell them from across the park. They’re at a card game, and Bishop’s gaze catching his, he waves Jael over. I’m heading in the direction of the cabins when he finally notices my departure. “Hey,” He states. His hand on my wrist stops my advancement. “What?” Involuntarily I connect to him, and he seems to be taken aback by my dark-eyed gaze. He’s captivated, and his heartbeat escalates. I take a few breaths to calm my racing heart as his thumb runs the length of my wrist. My gaze goes to his hand, which seems to be getting hotter by the second. “Don’t be rude.” He makes out.

“I’m not. I need a bath.” She smells good to me. I pick up his thoughts. “Come on. Three more minutes won’t kill you.” He says, taking my hand in his as he tries to resist taking a deep whiff of my scent. It’s intoxicating. “Three minutes,” I reply, reclaiming my hand and ending the connection to him at the same time.

Jael’s received with a welcoming hug from Deja. “It’s good to have you back.” She says. He’s pulled into an embrace from Bishop. “The prodigal son returns, and... with a Missus?” Inquires Bishop with a quick sniff. “Bishop and Deja, this is Reese.”

“We’re associated.” Jael’s not the only one to note the tension in the air or Bishop’s not-so-friendly tone. “If you want to call it that,” I reply with a slight attitude.

“Look, I was trying to be nice.”

“Okay…” Deja says, trying to play referee.

Jael gives Bishop a questionable look, and he shrugs in response.

“Three minutes,” I say to Jael before parting ways.

Why do I feel like I’m always chasing her?

“What was that all about?” He’s followed me back to my cabin.

“What do you mean?”

“Do you and Bishop know each other on a personal level?”

“Are you asking if we’ve fucked?”

“Pretty much.”

“No, it wouldn’t be natural.”

“Why wouldn’t it be natural?”

“Look, I really need my shower.”

“Yeah, of course. I guess I’ll see you later.” I don’t know what the hell is going on.

 His family’s waiting for me when I descend the stairs to their drawing-room. They all have homes on the grounds, but they spend most of their time in the lodge. Some of them come to their feet upon my entrance. I have no time to dwell on the peculiarity of it all as Jael’s mother Lyra greets me. “Thank you for joining us.” She’s a dark-haired slender exotic beauty. My eyes scan the room and its occupants—the pack. Kali acknowledges me with a smile and a nod—a petite brunette who’s always been kind to me. “As always, it’s a pleasure to have you back.” Arden, my friend, offers a flirtatious smile. He’s Six feet, dark brown-skinned, and highly attractive.

Ronyn, the handsome, muscular redhead, doesn’t say anything to me, nor does he offer any welcoming regards. My gaze goes to Deja, the umber-colored pretty female who’s sitting on Bishop’s lap, lightly toying with his dark locs. They remain silent with an expression of indifference. I note the absence of Danika, the beautiful blonde, who can’t stand me.

My appraisal comes to an end with my gaze on the Alpha, the leader of the pack—Jael’s father. I’ve never been invited to their home. They’ve tolerated my being at the lake when Jael is here, but I’ve never made it past the cabins. I’ve been summoned, for what, I don’t know. The unsmiling expression on Lincoln’s face lets me know that I’ll probably be leaving before I’ve had the chance to get settled in.

Glasses of champagne are passed around, and I quickly put mine away. Arden refills my glass with a solemn expression. Yeah, I’m not going to like what’s coming next. “You’ve done what was asked of you, and we’re grateful. Jael will be transitioning soon, and we’ll no longer need your services.”

“We all knew that this was coming.”

“And once it happens, you won’t be welcome here.”

This isn’t news to me. Once Jael transitions, Lincoln will step down as alpha, and Jael will lead the pack. Vampire and wolf hybrids are forbidden. “Jael can’t continue the Dawson line with you.” He says, confirming the truth.

“So, I’m to be used and then discarded.”

“Did you think that I would allow your relationship to continue? It was fine when you were human, but that has changed.”

The pack and I have been affiliated for a while. Jael and I dated for two years before I was changed. We agreed that Jael’s memories of me should be hidden from him. When he transitioned, he would remember. But Jael would be the pack’s alpha, and he would understand that the pack comes first above everything.

“What happens if he chooses me?”

The room’s eerily quiet as I wait expectantly for Lincoln to respond. When he doesn’t, I understand that he won’t be moved from his objective. “You’ve already taken one from my pack. I refuse to let you have another.”

“It wasn’t intentional, and If I could, I would reverse it.” A scoff of disapproval comes from Arden, but I don’t pay him any mind. “You’ve interfered one too many times, Reese. Stop prolonging the inevitable. Let his wolf emerge.” Lincoln’s right. I’ve stopped Jael’s transition because a part of me is afraid he won’t choose me. But, it’s time for me to face reality. “Let him go.” He says.

I’m halfway out the front door when their celebratory praise assaults my ears. “To the family!” Lincoln states loudly, and glasses are raised with him. “To the family!” They all state in unison.

Music blares from speakers as the guests are gathered around multiple fires, dancing, drinking, and having fun. I watch as a couple sneaks off into the woods, and I wish that I had someone special to run off into the night with. I’d peeped Jael watching me as I warmed my hands by the fire. He’s alone when Arden joins him.

“Yeah, I agree. She’s beautiful.” Arden interrupts Jael’s critical study of me. “I was looking through the guest records, and I couldn’t find any information for her.”

“When did you become a stalker?”

“I just want to get to know her.”

“It’s called socializing. Hi, my name is the stalker. I was looking through your records at the lake, and I just wanted to get to know you.” Amused, I turn away from their view to hide my smile. “Seriously, who is she?”

“Reese Summers, she’s literally like family.”

“Then why haven’t I met her before now?”

“When are you ever here?” Asks Arden.

“Is she single?”

A strained pause ensues, and I can pick up on Arden’s possessiveness. I’d compelled Jael with the traveler’s spirit, and he’d departed on his adventurous journey around the world. Then, Arden and I had gotten close. It was nothing more than a few memorable kisses and some aggressive petting. But, I never let it go any further. I didn’t know at the time that Arden had imprinted on me.

“She’s off-limits.”

“Does that mean that she’s not single?”

“She’s not available.”

“Oh, shit, don’t tell me that you want her too.”

Arden knows that I can hear their conversation, so I purposely keep my eyes averted. “I’m a professional, no fraternizing with the guests,” Arden says tightly.

“She’s a guest now? I thought that she was like family.”

“Don’t be dense, Jael. You can’t have her because she belongs to me.”

I want to say something, but his declaration is somewhat valid. I’m his mate as he’s imprinted on me, but the feelings aren’t mutual. I care for Arden, but I love Jael. “Does she know that?” His voice has deepened, and I can hear the wolf behind it. The challenge is accepted. I don’t want any problems, so I silently call for Jael to come to me. He does so without question. Arden knows what I’ve done, and I silently implore him to back off.

“Hey,” Jael says, joining me on the log near the fire.


“Do you mind if I join you?” I can hear him taking in my scent. This compulsion has increased now that his wolf is manifesting. “Shouldn’t you ask that before you do it?”

“Are you always this blunt?”

“It’s the only way to be.”

“It’s Lucky for you that I find it appealing.”

I can’t help laughing at his humor. It brings back memories that I’d buried years ago. “You have a nice smile.” With him being so close to me, I resist the urge to touch him. It’s been so long. The last time that I’d compelled him, it worked too well. He’d been gone for a few years. “Thanks.”

“Good evening, everyone. We want to welcome you all to Lake Bane. The number one adventure getaway for thrill-seekers.” Lyra and Lincoln make an appearance. They announce the night’s thrill of a wolf hunt. “We’re heading out in ten minutes!” States Lincoln. Loud applause follows whistles as some go back to their cabins to get ready for the hunt.

I pick up on Jael’s wolf trying to come through when Jael rubs his forehead. As promised, I won’t stop the change this time. The exchange between Danika, Bishop, and Arden has fueled my anger and my decision.

“How long has he been entertaining the leech?” Danika asks maliciously.

“Have some respect for my mate.” States Arden, knowing that I’ve heard her.

“You know that I can’t stand her kind. Their superiority complex is sickening.”

“They arrived together. It looks like Jael’s made his choice.” Bishop says.

“You don’t know that.” Counters, Danika. She’s had a thing for Jael since before we got together.

“He’s already marked her. I got the back-off or else scent when he introduced her to us for the twentieth time.” He’d marked me when he’d rubbed my wrist earlier. I can’t ignore Danika’s heated glare or the voiceless threats directed at me from her.

“I’d rip your throat out if it wasn’t for Lincoln.”

“I’d love to see you try.” I communicate back to her.

Filled with rage, Danika makes to take me up on my offer. But, Arden stops her with a hand on her arm and a statement that makes her reconsider. “We don’t need a war.” Jael’s headache has ended. His gaze follows mine to Danika, and her expression says it all. “Don’t worry. Her bark is worse than her bite.” Returning my attention to Jael, I lean into him and take his hand in mine for good measure. I’m relieved when he accepts my affections. “I’m not worried about her.”

Danika gets the message, loud and clear, and leaves in a huff. “ Are you going on the wolf hunt?” He asks as his fingers toy with mine. I loved it when he used to do this. We haven’t been this close, this attentive since I’d been made a vampire. “No, are you?”

“Yeah, might as well. We came here to be entertained, right?”

“The wolf hunt is dangerous. Someone always gets hurt.”

“But if you come with me, you can protect me.” He says with a squeeze of my hand. Jael may not remember, but his wolf does. My heart aches at his words, but I force the pain away. When he completes the change, Jael will remember, and he’ll have to choose—the pack or his heart. “Well, since you asked.”

“If you’re joining us, we’re pulling out!” Lincoln announces loudly.

I’m escorted to one of the two waiting trucks, and Jael helps me in. He follows behind me. “You’re not going?” He asks Bishop. The trucks head in the direction of the woods, behind the lodge. “I’m sitting this one out!” He replies.

 The guests are milling about, waiting for the hunt to begin. They’re armed with flashlights, bats, knives, and axes. Jael and I stand apart from the group. I’ve seen this way too many times, and I know how it ends. Lincoln joins the gathering with four giant wolves. They’re abnormally large, and a collective gasp echoes into the night from the guests. It’s Bishop, Danika, Ronyn, and Kali in their wolf form.

“What the hell are those?” Asks one guest.

“These can’t be the wolves that we’re hunting!”

Lyra and Arden lead a chained wolf through the clearing. It snarls and snaps at the guests.

“Those are the wolves that are hunting you!” I inform them.

“What?” Jael Inquires from beside me.

“Wolf hunt, it can go either way,” I explain.

“No one said anything about wolves hunting people!” Jael makes his case to his family. A few exclamations in protest and shock follow his statement. “He’s right—the wolf’s hunting you.” Says Lincoln.

“We didn’t sign up for this!”

“You signed up to be thrilled. And a wolf snapping at your heels is sure to get the adrenaline going.”

“You can’t do this!” Declares an enraged guest.

“You all signed the release and waiver of liability documents.”

“This has gone too far. They’ve changed their minds. Let them go back to their cabins.” Jael’s plea falls on deaf ears. Others have pleaded in the same manner, and they never listen. “Minutes ago, you were pumped to hunt and kill an innocent wolf for sport. You should be ashamed!” Taking the chains from Lyra, Lincoln terrorizes the guests by giving the wolf enough leash to go for them.

“Trion killed his brother, and so he must pay with his life.” Says Lincoln, pulling on the chain.

“We’ve granted him one last hunt. He hasn’t eaten, so as a precaution, I’d suggest that you get up a tree and fast.” States, Lyra.

“I’ll give you all a sixty-second start.” Arden assists Lincoln with the removal of the chains from the beast. “This is illegal!” Exclaims a visitor.

“Fifty-eight, fifty-seven...” Lyra begins the countdown.

“Run! Stay together!” I instruct the others.

The guests panic, screaming hysterically they scatter on cue. Jael takes my hand in his, and we flee in the opposite direction of the others. The wolf is released, and he heads towards the path of the frightened screams of the patrons.

I can hear Lincoln giving the orders to the other wolves. “Kill him. Make sure that if there are any casualties, that there are only a few.” I’m going as fast as humanly possible so that Jael can keep up with me. I can hear a wolf following in our wake, and I know that it’s that bitch Danika. A howl calls to me in the night. It’s Arden, and he’s transformed. “Reese can take care of herself. Make sure that Jael isn’t harmed.” Lyra gives the command, and I pick up Arden’s scent coming towards our location.

Danika’s fast, coming upon us quickly. I push Jael behind me. With my focus on the wolf, snarling and baring her teeth at me, I’m still very much aware of the guest’s screams of pain. And the wolf howling in agony at the other wolves attacking it. “It’s happening. Tonight Jael will transition, and we’ll no longer have to entertain the witch-vamp.” Lincoln’s words assault my ears over the horror-filled screams and harsh growls of the wolves in battle. I’m hurt, but anger replaces it just as quickly.

“What has happened to her isn’t her fault.” Says Lyra in my defense.

“Arden has already foolishly chosen her, and now Jael’s sniffing at her skirts.”

“Jael will do what’s right once he knows his true nature.”

“For her sake, let’s hope so.”

Danika leaps, and before I can react, I’m pushed aside. Jael has her by the throat, squeezing. He’s in pain. I can feel it coming from him in waves. He’s partially changed with elongated ears and a hairy face. Squirming, Danika lets loose a string of strangled yelps. She’s genuinely frightened, and her eyes are bulging out of their sockets from her being choked to death.

He has to accept his wolf, and then we can both be free, hopefully. Unable to withstand the pain any longer, Danika’s tossed aside as Jael doubles over in pain. “Stop fighting him, accept him.” I coach him through it.

Jael goes to his knees, and I’m beside him. “Breathe…” The transition is swift. With my hand on his back, I silently welcome his wolf into our world. I give him the memories of us. The ones that I’d been forced to hide—the time when my sister was alive, and we were happy. The memory of Alicia saddens me, and Jael’s wolf whimpers from my pain. “I’m sorry,” I Whisper.

A mass of white and auburn fur greets my eyes. Jael’s breathing has returned to normal. And coming to my feet, he comes to his in his new form. “What the fuck just happened?” I pick that up from Jael’s mind. I’m trying not to laugh when the other wolves cautiously make their way over to us.

It’s the whole pack, even his mother and father. The father’s advancement stops, and the others follow suit. “What are they doing?” I ask, watching as the father stands tall with his tail held high. “The hell if I know,” Jael responds, watching the others intently as they rally beside the Alpha. It takes a moment before Jael responds in kind.

A howl breaks through the night from his father, and the others echo his sentiments. “I’m not a wolf, but I think that I know what’s going on. He’s not relinquishing his control over the pack. Jael’s howl has the pack growling in response.

Jael’s hair is standing on end when he assumes an attack stance. The pack moves forward slowly in our direction. “No, don’t do this. Please.” I beg, Jael. “Leave!” He tells me. The pack draws closer, but I have no intention of leaving Jael to defend himself against five wolves. “There’s too many,” I state, trying to dissuade him.

“Reese…” he warns me before he charges the pack. Oh, the hell with this shit! Calling forth my magic, I create a whirlwind, directing it at the pack. They try to flee but are caught up in the funnel. I keep it going, letting it carry them miles away from us. “Reese!” Jael’s harsh reprimand echos loudly in my head. “I wasn’t going to standby and let them hurt you!” I communicate just as severely.

His father’s chilling howl vibrates through my body: a challenge—a fight to the death between father and son. I don’t particularly like the man, but I don’t want to hurt him. I’m over to Jael in an instant, In front of him, blocking his path. “If you remember anything about us—If you care for me, you’ll back down,” I tell him. Jael’s response is immediate. His rigid posture relaxes, and he emits a low whimper in submission to my plea.

 I’d left Jael in one of my many homes. It’s far from the city and civilization. I prefer it this way. I needed to report to the coven. I can’t stray too far or too long from them, or my coven’s security will come searching for me. I am, after all, the coven master’s adoptive daughter.

“Where have you been?” It’s Flora, my companion. She’d greeted me upon my arrival, quickly ushering me to my room to prepare for the evening’s event—a ball in celebration of my union with a vampire elder of a powerful coven. Marcel, my father, doesn’t know it, but I have my heart set on another.

He’s very much aware of my past and my relationship with Jael. But he won’t accept my decision. “Don’t even answer. I can smell him on you.” She states, helping me undress for my bath. “No amount of scrubbing will clear that wolf’s scent from you.” She admonishes.

“What will Lord Iordache say when he….”

“Flora, enough,” I reply, settling into the warm bath.

“Well, I hope that you have a plan in place, as your father is going to skin him alive.”

I don’t have a plan. Well, not a well-thought-out plan. I was hoping that Jael would choose me, and then… there’s no “and then.” That’s as far as I got. “Lord Iordache will have to accept that my circle of friends includes wolves.” A not-so-subtle scoff is her response.

Joining the others in the ballroom, I scan the room of attendees. Vintage goth is the fashion for our coven. I love it. The participants are both victorian, Georgian, and even a few Regency-era clad vampires. “Tonight, you finally get to meet your prince charming.” States Lana, a dark-haired vampire who’s had it in for me since day one. “Yes, and one day I’ll be the lady of my very own coven. Which is something that most desire but will never have.”

“Be careful little girl, or you may see that my reach goes far beyond the walls of this coven.”

“Is that a threat, Lana?”

“It’s a warning Princess.” She replies while brushing an imaginary particle from my shoulder.

Shrugging her paws from off of my person, Flora appears. “Your father and Lord Iordache are waiting for you.”

“Let me know how it goes, Princess.” Says Lana, gaily to my back.

“I’ll be so happy when I leave this coven, and she’s one of the reasons why.”

“Lana’s just jealous of you. But enough about her, I can’t wait for you to see your betrothed.”

“Why, what’s wrong with him?”

“Nothing, everything is right about him. You’ll see.”

Her excitement makes me nervous as we come to a stop at the door to the atrium. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves before nodding to the guards. I might as well get this over with as quickly as possible. The doors are opened to us, and the spectacular design of the garden always seems to amaze me. It’s one of the most beautiful rooms on the grounds. I rarely visit it, but I make a mental note to spend more time here before my departure.

The walls are covered in lush plants and flowers. Old fashioned lanterns hang from the ceiling. The entire floor is a beautiful pond with stone steps that lead to a balcony overlooking the grounds. It’s there that my father and my intended waits.

“Lord Iordache, may I introduce my daughter, Reese Dimitrescu.” Flora was right. This man is gorgeous. I’m completely struck dumb by his handsomely dark features. I don’t know what they’re doing in Romania, but they’re doing something right!

My father is pleased with my reaction and takes my hand. He places it in the man’s hand, and a light kiss is applied. “It’s a pleasure to meet you finally.” His accent is the cherry on top of a mouthwatering strawberry sundae. “Likewise.” That is all that I can muster up at the moment.

“We’ll leave you two to get acquainted.” Says my father, with Flora following in his wake. I’m given a small knowing smile from her on her way out the door. “I apologize for my father’s absence.” Wait, what? This is the son? Why wouldn’t he come himself? I hope that he’s not ugly.

“Lord Anton was too busy to come and inspect the goods himself?”

“Yes. He was busy with one of his many pets.”

“Well, that’s something to look forward to once we’re married.”

“My father isn’t interested in marrying. He’s content with his pets. But, he craves an alliance with your father, has for centuries. A union with you will give my father control over the majority of the European covens.”

“What percentage?”

“Ninety-five percent.”

“That’s a lot of power for just one man.”

“But he’s not just any man. He’s my father.”

I’m learning that this family is proud of their dominance and power. I understand now. “So, the son must make the sacrifice.”

“I sacrifice nothing, and I gain everything. I get a beautiful mate and power in blood and land.” They’re greedy too. “It sounds like your family wouldn’t want a half-blood to muddle your bloodline.”I want to get that out the way so that there aren’t any misunderstandings. “You speak of your dual heritage—a vampiric witch, with the oldest of blood flowing through her veins. You’ll give me powerful children.”

“I don’t want to be your family’s shame.”

“Only a few moments ago, you were accepting of your fate. What has changed?”

“Your father has refused me not only because of his pets. It’s because my blood isn’t pure. I was sired, and so I’m not worthy.”

“I won’t lie to you. My father only accepts you because of your procreator and the union. Not to mention that you’re a hybrid, so that also fuels his contempt for you.”

“And you expect me to go willing to your family? Is the entire coven of like mind?”

“We are one and like-minded as one. But, there is hope, Reese. I don’t mind your being lesser.”

“Well, that’s reassuring.”

His light laughter is pleasant and calming. This union may not be as bad as I’d thought. My mate is easy on the eyes, charming, and has a beautiful personality. “I’m leaving tonight for Romania, and I’ll return in a few weeks for our union ceremony. Then we’ll return to Romania together.”

“Romania? Your father’s coven is here.”

“Yes, and he’ll stay here, and we’ll return to Romania to rule the covens in Europe.”

“I’m sorry, lord Iordache….”

“It’s Vasile.”

“Vasile, I wasn’t aware that I’d be living in Romania.”

“Don’t worry over this news. You’ll be happy in Romania, I promise.” His lips lightly graze my hand.

“And if I’m not?”

“You do have the option of checking out.”

“What do you mean by checking out?”

“I’ll release you from your eternal vampiric state.”

That can only mean one thing. He’ll kill me.

“How can one be expected to rule an entire continent of covens, If one cannot do the simplest task of pleasing his wife?”

“So killing me is the resolution to not being able to make me happy?”

“I wasn’t aware that there were any other options.” He says, applying a kiss on my forehead.

 Making my way to the throne room, my steps are purposeful and steady. The doors are immediately opened to me, and I brush pasts the guests harshly, trying to get to the front. “I won’t marry him!” My voice carries over the din of voices in the hall. All conversations come to a halt, as everyone’s attention is turned to me.

The sea of people has parted for me as I come to stand before my mother and father. “I can’t marry lord Iordache.” A wave of hushed whispers follows my statement. “Your union isn’t up for consideration or negotiation.”

“It’s my life to do with it as I please, and I’m not moving to Romania.”

“I assumed that you understood your position in this coven. We’ve sired no others. You’re the sole heir of the Dimitrescu bloodline, which I shouldn’t have to point out is an honor. You’ll do as you’re told.” I’m dismissed with a wave of his hand.

“Then you leave me no choice. I’m no longer a part of this coven. I want no ties to it.”

“My word in this coven is law, and it is binding. I do not give you leave of this coven.

“You have no right.”

“I have every right, now leave my sight. I don’t wish to see you right now.”

My anger and hurt show in the glowing of my eyes. “You forget who I am, Marcel.” I refuse to address him as lord or my father. He is nothing to me, a nobody. His vampiric side manifests to counter the threat. “No, daughter. You forget who I am. Don’t make me remind you.”

I’m lying in bed staring up at the ceiling. Marcel’s an arrogant piece of shit! I’ve been restricted from leaving the grounds. My temper never fails to get me into trouble. I’m contemplating an escape to get back to Jael when the room to my door bursts open.

Seeing Reina’s scowl of disapproval, I’m up and off of the bed in a flash. A backhanded swipe sends me sprawling back onto it. I’m up in a blink on all fours as a hiss of rage leaves my lips. “What were you thinking? Marcel could have killed you!”

“You knew what I was when you made me. My kind doesn’t bow to oppression, and I won’t bow to him any longer!”

“You’re one of us now. Your defiance won’t be tolerated. You’ll marry Vasile and rule with him in Romania.” It’s takes everything within me to calm my raging temper. “I won’t.”

“Your role in this union is critical, Reese. Disobey Marcel, and his only recourse would be to end you.”

That seems to be the norm at the moment. If you can’t make it happy, kill it, and if it doesn’t obey you, kill it. I have got to get the hell away from all of them. “Marcel demands that I return with a reply.” Fuck Marcel. But I dare not say that. “I have no choice but to do as I’m commanded.” But I have no intention of doing so.

“You can’t leave the coven grounds, but you’re not confined to your rooms. Do join the night’s festivities.” Reina says, closing the door on her way out. She’d made me what I am. That night when I’d lost my sister, I’d become a vampiric—forever suspended in this age and body for eternity, and now I’m starting to regret it.

“Reese, Lady Reina has asked that I prepare you….” My raised hand stops her delivery of the breathless message mid-sentence. “I know,” I state, heading towards the window. “Don’t you want to dress for the occasion?”

“For what? I’m leaving this place and all of these psychotic ass bloodsuckers and wannabe weirdos right where I found them!” I snap. Flora was gifted to me by my maker. She’s my pet and has been my friend since my change. She doesn’t deserve my harsh words. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do this. I can’t stay here.”

“I understand. I don’t want to move to Romania either.” She says quietly. As my pet, she would be forced to follow me to the ends of the earth. I haven’t bonded with her, given her a taste of my blood that would elevate her to a familiar. And If she’s an excellent familiar, I would then make her one of us.

“Take me with you.” Her future at the coven is uncertain. I could reject her, release her from her servitude, but Marcel can be ruthless. Although I haven’t fully claimed Flora, he’d kill her out of spite. I can’t leave her behind. As my pet, I’m supposed to protect her. “Meet me at the south end of the gate, by the orchard,” I instruct her.

 I’d taken Flora with us back to the pack. Jael gave a few rejections, but I had no choice. Lyra sent Arden after me. I’m his mate, and he can track me nearly anywhere. I meet with Lyra in the woods with Jael standing guard back at the guest cabins. Dark-haired, she and Jael share the same piercing blue eyes.

“You wanted to see me?”

“I’ll get straight to the point, Reese.”

The seriousness of her tone commands my full attention.

“You’ll release Jael, or we’ll be forced to report you to your people.”

“The witches are no longer my people. They turned their backs on me when I was made a vampiric.”

“And yet, still they’d burn you for using your magic. It’s forbidden for hybrids to do so.”

“Where was this loyalty to the witches when you were using me to keep Jael’s memories blocked?”

“Loyalty has nothing to do with it. It’s about getting what we want, Jael.”

“I don’t have him under any spell. He follows me willingly.”

“Force him away.”

“You know that I can’t. Our magic doesn’t work on… beasts.”

Her mocking laugh holds no humor. “Beasts? Reese, I’ve always liked you, but I have no problem with killing you—For the family.” This bitch is crazy.

“What I did for Jael, for the pack.….”

“What you did is appreciated, and we will remain indebted to you as long as you do as requested.”

“I told you that I can’t!” My raised voice full of anger alerts Jael, and I can hear him moving quickly in our direction.

“We mate for the life of our mates, and as long as you’re alive, he’ll never be with another. What do you think Lincoln’s next move will be if you don’t come up with a resolution to your problem?”

It’s not my problem, and I’m sure the pack will figure that out sooner or later. “You and your friend are welcome to stay with us until you find a resolution.” I like Lyra, but apparently, she’s not to be trusted when it comes to her family and the pack.

“My son.” Jael has joined us. I’m relieved that he’s still in his human form. “Lyra.” Even I have to wince at the slight. “The witch has turned you against your family.”

“My family turned against me.”

“That’s not true. We want you to lead the pack.”

“Without Reese by my side, I can’t.”

“Stay with us. As I’ve told Reese, she and her friend are most welcome.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t trust you or them.”

I don’t know what she’s up to, but her voice doesn’t hold any untruths. “They won’t harm us,” I reassure Jael, with my gaze on Lyra’s stern manner. It’s hard to gauge a wolf’s true intentions by their expressions. One has to listen intently to their vocalization. “I guess we’ll see you all at dinner,” Lyra says with a small smile that isn’t entirely genial.

“Why would you even want to?”

I wait until Lyra is far out of earshot to answer. “I’m not going back. My family will come searching for me.”

“Yeah, and where is Alicia?” Jael inquires. He’s misunderstood me, and he doesn’t know. I never told him about my loss or my change. It makes me wonder why he hasn’t picked that up. Wolves can sense that there’s something amiss with my kind. They know us for what we are when they lay eyes upon us. “She’s dead.”


Dead. Years have passed, and I’ve been living in some sort of daze. Awake but asleep, something similar to sleepwalking. Many secrets have come to light, and being a wolf was the biggest secret ever. It happened so fast that I don’t even remember what it felt like. And I don’t have to, as I get to experience it regularly.

I’m still adjusting to my new form. A wolf… an alpha supposedly. What am I the alpha of, myself? I have no pack to lead, and I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I did. We’re settled in one of the guest cabins, as the festivities outside tempt me to join in.

“Go ahead. I’ll be right here when you get back.” Reese says as she’s exiting the bathroom. The towel that’s wrapped around her comes undone, but she’s quick to correct it. “No, I’m good,” I state, abandoning my post at the window.

“You have to release all of that pent-up energy, or you’re going to have a problem with keeping your wolf in check.”

“I can think of better ways to release my excess energy,” I reply, eyeing her lush body. Reese and I were a couple, I remember. But most of my memories are still kind of foggy. “That won’t be enough. Running is the surest way to keep your energy levels balanced.”

“I don’t want to leave you alone. I don’t know what my family’s capable of.”

“I can take care of myself, or don’t you remember?”

She’s a witch—the daughter of a royal. Her mother was rejected by their coven, but Reese never said why. Witches and shifter-wolves, I wonder what else is out there. “I remember, but still, I don’t want to leave you.”

“Go ahead. I’ll join you in a few.” She says with a small smile. I can’t remember the last time that I’d seen her smile. The anger at what Reese and my family have taken from me springs forth, and I have to turn from her to hide it. “I’m sorry.” She says quietly.

“You did what you thought was the right thing to do at that time.” But the reason why makes no sense to me. More secrets are being kept from me. I know it. I suspect that I’ll find out eventually.

It takes a moment for me to gather my thoughts, as the transition from wolf to human is painful, and vice versa. My body heats up, and I can feel every bone in my body breaking and bending—anger courses through my body, dulling the pain somewhat. It’s taking some time, but I’m starting to get used to the transition.

I’d left Reese a few hours ago for a run, and she was right. I do feel better. Returning to the spot where I’d removed my clothing, I hastily redress. My progress slows as I recall that I’d hear anyone attempting to come my way before they’d have a chance to come upon me. The conversations from the noisy guests assault my ears, but Reese’s scent commands my attention. She’s joined the others, and slipping into my shoes, my feet automatically direct me to her location.

As a group of five competitors are lined up at different trees, a crowd stands around watching. I choose to remain hidden from their sight. The competitors are without a climbing harness as they size up their trees. Arden stands five trees down from Cori. He watches her as she assesses the other competitors. “You’ve won 2 years straight. I’m coming for you.” His voice is barely above a whisper. She offers him a slight smile in response. “We’ll see.” Glancing over at him, he acknowledges her comeback with a smirk and a nod.

“All right, the first climber who climbs the highest and back down without injuring themselves wins.” Announces Bishop while taking the airhorn from Deja.

“You forgot the safety precaution.” Deja Advises.

“Oh yeah, the safety precaution. You are not a cat, so if you climb your ass up there, be prepared to climb your ass back down.” The onlooker’s chuckle at his quip. “The winner gets ten grand or anything they wish of equal or lesser value.” The air horn goes off. Arden takes to the tree, along with two other competitors. “You may want to start on this side.” Reese cautions the guy next to her’s. He’s still trying to decide on a course of action.

He releases a snort at her advice and attempts to take his first steps up the tree. His effort is rewarded with a belly slide downward. Reese is up her tree with a wink and a smirk with ease. Arden has a small head start and has no trouble navigating his tree. Reese moves with human quickness but with supernatural agility. The guests release an excited murmur amongst themselves. This causes Reese to slow her advancement and struggle to calm them.

“She’s swayed by the crowd. Will it cost her?” Bishop proclaims loudly. Ignoring his goading, Reese continues her slow pace. The other struggling climbers give up and proceed back down their trees. “Yep, it was over for you before it started. Let’s give them a hand for embarrassing themselves.” Bishops being a dick.

Arden’s almost to the top before he stops to see how far Reese has climbed. Seeing that she’s still behind him, he smiles and mock salutes her. Reese isn’t even looking at him. Her eyes are on his tree, and she’s anticipating his next move. How I know this, I don’t know. This must be some other weird wolf thing.

She blinks, and I swear that her eyes have changed. The bark is loose. For some reason, I know that these are not my thoughts. They’re hers. Reese’s attention is returned to the crowd. They watch Arden expectantly. I can feel Reese using her magic on a couple who’s observing her. She compels them to watch Arden also.

In a hurry, Arden goes for the loose bark, Reese jumps five trees over in a flash. His hand slips, and Arden loses his grip on the tree. Falling backward, he’s suspended in mid-air as Reese has him by the arm. The crowd lets loose a surprised gasp at her strength as he’s pulled back to safety. “And he’s all right! Okay, the competition is over! We almost lost someone!”

“But he didn’t fall.” Says a male guest.

“And did you see what she did?” Questions another. I know that Reese has powers, but I don’t remember her ever doing something like that.

“He almost did. This is too dangerous.” Counters Bishop, ignoring the statement of the other.

“What a crock.”

“Yeah, that was amazing. She was holding his whole body….”

“Well, who won?” Interjects a female.

“Clearly, he did, lady.” States bishop, his reply is filled with sarcasm.

“Okay, people, we’re moving on to buildering, and then on to bungee jumping!” Exclaims Deja trying to turn everyone’s focus away from Reese’s display of her superhuman strength. “I would have landed on my feet,” Arden says after the guests have moved on.

“Yeah, and how would you have explained that?”

“It would have been a miracle.” Reese makes sure that all the guests have cleared out of eyesight before jumping down. She lands on her feet, and Arden follows suit. “So, what are you going to do with your ten grand?” She asks as Arden walks her back to the cabins. I keep a safe distance as I follow them.

“I don’t know. Maybe, I’ll ask you out for dinner. I have a friend that I want you to meet.”

“You know that I don’t do dinners.”

“I don’t suspect that you won’t do much of anything since Jael’s here to stay.”

“Are you trying to make me feel guilty? If so, it isn’t working.”

“I’ve renounced my beta title.” His response halts her steps. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

“Jael isn’t going to accept his father’s offer, and we know that. What do you think is going to happen, Reese?” We all know the answer to that question. My father’s unable to be moved from his frame of mind. “Lincoln is going to order the pack to kill you.”

“They’ll try.”

“Regardless, I can’t be a part of that.”

Arden’s imprinted on her. Even if he wanted to, he couldn’t go against his instinct to protect his mate. “I never meant for any of this to happen.”

“But it did,” I state, infringing upon their conversation.

“I don’t know why you insist on concealing your presence. The best of us can smell you from at least a mile away.” Arden states tightly.

“You said something about meeting a friend?” Reese inquires, trying to diffuse a potential altercation. Anger and resentment are detectable in the air surrounding us. “Lexa, she’s one of your people.”

“Okay fine.” Reese quickly accepts.

“Tomorrow, my place at seven.”

“You’re not going anywhere without me.”

“I’ll be there,” Reese says.

The scowl that’s plastered on Arden’s face remains when he gives me one last look before departing. “So, you’re just going to ignore me?”

“Look, I know that you have this insane impulse to protect me, but I’m good. Arden’s not going to let anything happen to me.”

“ I’m not worried about him. I’m concerned about you.”

“It’s just dinner.”

“I heard, and what did he mean by she’s one your people? Is she a witch?”

“More than likely.”

“More than?”

“We’ll talk about this later. Let’s enjoy the rest of the evening.”

That’s code, for she’s hiding something and isn’t ready to face the truth just yet. All these damn secrets, I’m about tired of all the drama. “Yeah, later.” I’ll get her to tell me everything and put an end to all this mess. I know how to get her to talk.

The climb up the mountain gets easier every time that I do it. My thoughts drift back to the many times I’d gotten Reese to join me. The memories were when I was sleepwalking through life when she had me under her spell. I love the cool crisp mountain air. I’m at the last leg of my journey when a cable car of guests passes by.

I’m so close that I can hear their noisy exit, and then the empty car comes rumbling back past me. There’s an artificial construct built onto the mountain that we’re diving from. Deja, Bishop, and Kali are busy checking a few of the guest’s parachutes. Although they don’t acknowledge me, they know that I’m there. A man accosts his girlfriend as I’m hanging from the ledge watching them.

“How stupid can you get?” He exclaims as he corrects her parachute. “Could you be any ruder?” A loud stinging slap follows her inquiry. “Yeah, I can.” No one is paying them any attention except Reese. She’s watching from a dark corner where the Boyfriend goes to relieve himself. “All right, everyone, it’s now or never!” Kali gets a slight running start before jumping fearlessly over the edge. She leaves a loud cheering in her wake. A few look nervously over the edge after her.

“The car isn’t coming back up until tomorrow, maybe. So if you don’t jump, you get to spend the night up here in the dark.” Bishop states derisively.

“Or longer, who knows, we may forget about you.” Adds Deja.

Winking at her, they both jump, holding hands. The wall behind the guests rumbles and starts to move toward them. “What the hell!” Yells the male who assaulted his girlfriend. Reese manages to pull him out of the way at the last moment. The startled guest’s panic and some jump. The rest follow suit after the wall almost pushes them off.

It slides back into place, and the man walks backward out of the dark corner. Reese follows him. Hoisting myself up onto the ledge, I’m not too fond of the way that he’s eyeballing her. “Well, well, well... I guess it’s just the two of us.”

“Yeah, I guess it is.”

“Thanks for the save, but who’s going to save you?”

“Who says that I need saving?”

“You will once...”

His sentence is interrupted with Reese at his neck—A surprised yelp exits his lips. The hairs on my arms rise, and I become alert and aware. There’s a slight struggle and a confused expression which quickly gives way to euphoria from the man. Enemy is the only word that comes to mind. My skin starts to burn, and a dull ache begins behind my eyes. A snarl bubbles forth from the pain, and in my rage-filled transformation, I slip and go over the edge.

I’m privy to the man stumbling about as Reese is over to me in a flash. She catches me by the arm and pulls me back onto the ledge. I’m released from her grip. The transformation has stopped, and we’re just watching each other. I’m racking my brain to come up with an explanation. This is the second time that I’ve seen her do this, exhibit superhuman strength. “You should be more careful.” She says, breaking the silence.

“Reese…” Out of the corner of my eye, I see the disoriented man take a tumble off the edge. We’re staring silently at the space where he was last standing. “He’s not wearing a parachute.” She says with a sigh before going after him. “I’m still pondering her display of strength and speed when realization hits. “You’re not wearing a parachute either!”

Quickly gearing up, I go after them. Catching up to them is relatively complicated. The man’s spiraling out of control, and Reese is like a bullet streamlining directly for him. She latches on to his ankle as he’s waking from his blood loss daze. “Ah….!” I refrain from laughing at his high-pitched shrieks as the situation is no laughing matter.

Plummeting towards the guests, they scatter out of the way. I manage to finally catch up to them, pulling Reese into the safety of my embrace. I pull the parachute, but it’s too late. The man takes the brunt of the hit at full force. There’s a small power struggle as I try to maneuver Reese so that I break her fall. She positions herself under my body at the last minute, and we land hard.

I’m slightly disoriented but recovering fast. I can feel my body healing itself. “Reese, are you okay?” I inquire, panicked. She isn’t moving. “Reese!” I can hear Bishop and crew with the guests in tow quickly emerging upon us. Her body’s broken. Her arms and legs are grotesquely bent out of place. “Reese, answer…” Her bruised body starts to heal instantly. The fractured parts crack and slip back into place.

Her eyes open, and she sits straight up. “Are you okay?” She asks quietly.

“What are you?” I demand. I’m glad that she’s okay, but she’s not the same Reese that I fell in love with. She’s changed.

Read the rest of the story on Inkitt

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