The Baker’s Daughter

WARNING - (Possible Non-Consent Scene)

Lia's to be married and she's accepted her father's choice. A silvan elf, the daughter of a Baker. She's to wed a man from the province that her King claims a vassal state of.

A meeting at the festival in honor of the Spring Equinox, Thranduil's taken with her and offers her a position in the palace. He's attracted to her willful nature and sharp tongue. He wants her, and so he shall have her.

Lia plans to honor her father's arrangement, but the King doesn't intend to make it easy for her.

It's been another long day at the shop. The heat from the ovens in the early mornings are delightful but as the day runs on it turns into an aromatic hell.

Waiting outside the shop, my father arrives with the horses. Helping me onto mine, we trudge along at a steady pace.

We're both tired in need of a bath and a soft bed. No conversation between us, I reflect on my soon to be marriage to the Baron Arryn Venler.

He's respectable and kind, not hardened by war as one would expect of a soldier. He's not of elvish blood, but marriage to him will raise my status and get me out of the kitchen.

I love baking, but it would be nice to not have to do it as a means of living.

In Mirkwood, if you are not upper class then you are middle class, the working class. You have a talent or you develop one as an apprentice.

Farmer, guard, baker, herbalist, messenger, carpenter, attendant, clothier, we are not paid wages for our work.

But we live as good as the kings of man. Depending on where your parentage falls, you are either served or the server.

Mirkwood is ideal, everyone is healthy and no one goes hungry, or without, the system works. I just want something better, even if it means merging with man.


"You should be asleep, I would have found something."

I'd made him a plate of warmed-over duck and dried fruit. "It was nothing, and you've been on your feet all day."

"Thank you, but so have you. Go take your bath, and make sure that you eat something before going to bed."

Kissing him on the forehead, I retire to my rooms with my drink. Soaking in a bath, the warm water's relaxing and the wine comforts me.

The Spring Equinox will be here within a few days time and preparations will be horrendous. One day spent baking, no rest and then the next serving the gentry at the festival.

Two whole days spent slaving away. I welcome my union with Arryn, it can't come soon enough.


"This is so good!"

That's my good friend Kelrona, gluttonously devouring an almond cake. "I can't wait for the Spring festival, I know that you're going to beat the stuffing out of Mr. Goren."

Our rival, he's held the title of the best baker in Mirkwood for four years straight. Taking a rack of muffins out of the oven, the ringing bell summons me to the front of the shop.

"Hello." I greet a couple with three young ones.

"Good evening."

"What can I get you?"

Taking their order, I quickly package their goods. "From my peripheral, I'm aware of Kelrona joining me. "Here you are." I state, giving them their foodstuffs.

The man seems nervous, taking quick glances at Kelrona while keeping the children from making supper out of the samples.

He departs quickly, literally snatching the bag from my hands. "Thank you." Says the woman, ushering the small ones out the door after him.

"What was that about?"

"I don't know." She responds quickly.

Shrugging, I retire back to the kitchen with her in tow.

"Lia, you can go ahead and leave for the day." Says my father, already working on the prep for tomorrow.

Our ritual, so that we aren't completely wore down at the festival. I'll sleep while he finishes the rest of the day.

The morning shift baking will be me alone, while he rests. He'll take the evening shift finishing up the baking, and I'll handle the first part of the festival by myself until he arrives in the evening.

We make a good team and I'm definitely going to miss him when I marry.

The music, the bright colors, and the wonderful smells, the spring equinox is finally here!

Amazingly I'm not tired, the festival music has me in good cheer. The smile on my face is genuine as I serve the masses, groups of attendees who praise our many desserts.

Custards, pancakes, creams, seed cakes, gingerbread, and various pastries make up our bill of fare.

Murmurs of approval from the guest's strokes my ego, as I take joy from their gratification of our sweets.

"What happened this year, did you only bake four pans?" I'd recognize that voice anywhere. The proud studious Mr. Goren approaches my stand, looking well kept and handsome.

His reference to my depleted storage ruffles my feathers. "I thought that I smelled a foul stench upon the air." I state, offering him a strawberry tart.

"The lazy are apt to be envious, where's Dorren?"


"If this is all that you have to offer, then he's just handed me the award again this year.

Poking at a lemon cake, I swat at his prowling fingers.

"It's no wonder the King is searching for a new royal baker, some just don't have the natural gifts that I have. My win again this year will guarantee my elevation."

To just under the upper class, highly regarded as a royal server, and envied by most. Of course, he won't be baking anymore. He'll oversee the bakery artisans.

"What do you want?" I ask, tired of him already as he's soured my attitude.

"Nothing, just taking a gander at the second rate bakers products." A slight bow and he meanders on over to another table.

I definitely won't miss him when I'm gone.


The sun is going down and I'm becoming quite fidgety when my father doesn't show.

"Am I to be served crumbs?"

I'm quickly packing to leave the fair early when a male's voice interrupts me.

"If you see anything that you like, feel free to take it and make it quick. I have somewhere to be, and can't fiddle around." I state dismissively, trying to stuff as many cakes as I can into the baskets.

"You're here by yourself?"

"Yes." I reply automatically, still going about my business of putting the food away for travel.

There's an extended period of silence, as my mind is working at full speed. My father's always on time, I probably shouldn't worry but he's all that I have left in the world.

"Am I to think that a woman made these?"

"Perhaps not, now if you're not here to quietly sample the wares, then you'll need to move along." I snap.

"Is that an offer?"

Finally turning my hate-filled eyes to the ill-mannered miscreant, his mischevious smirk is quite becoming. Light-haired, beautiful blue eyes and...

"I'm so sorry." I state going to my knees before him, my head bowed low.

"It's fine, please." He says, beckoning me to come to my feet.

It's the king himself, Thranduil.

"I didn't know to whom I was speaking."

"By all means, I rather favor a forward tongue."

The king's perfectly beautiful with more than a dash of masculinity that quickens my heart.

"What can I do for you, my king?" I state, recovering from the shock of his intense gaze.

"You can provide me your name."




"Your wares are very pleasing to the eyes Lia, and soon I hope to taste them."


"What! The king said what to you?"

We're taking a stroll with Arryn and my father. Discussing our union I tune them out, as Kelrona and I feed the swans.

"Shh... I'm just as confused as you are." I whisper.

"Had he tasted the wares?"

Giving her the evil eyes, she laughs lightly. "I meant the actual food..." A giggle bubbles forth from her, and I can't help but smile. Her good-natured humor's catching.

"I think so, I wasn't watching."

"He probably was referencing the food. What would a king want with a baker's daughter?"

"Well... I hear someone's jealous."

"I mean it in the most respectful way, Lia. He's the king and not just any king. Thranduil... Mmm..."

"Mmm-Hmm..." I echo.

Bursting out in a fit of girlish laughter, Arryn joins us."

"I'm happy to see you in such good cheer."

Kelrona leaves us, heading in the direction of my father.

"Life is good and will be better once we're married." I reply. His lips gently graze my hand, before quickly meeting mine.

"Your father and I were just discussing that. We'll marry within a fortnight."

The joy, the happiness, I can't help expressing my excitement. Pulling him close, my arms around his neck, I revel in the solid strength of his body joining with mine as I stake my claim.

"Maybe we should move it up to a week?" He says playfully.

"We don't want to appear anxious, now do we?"

"Who cares what everyone thinks."

Enough time has almost passed since his courting of me. I don't want the tongues wagging about our relationship, and how I was reaching for the stars.

"Two more weeks..." I state, his lips meeting my hand once more.

Our moment's interrupted by a rider on horseback. A few words are exchanged before he delivers a letter to my father.

Watching as he departs as quickly as he arrived, the butterflies start to swarm within my stomach.

His attire was official, a royal messenger.

"Good news..." I hear him tell Kelrona before I detach my ears from their conversation.

"Are you well?" Arryn inquires of my flushed countenance.

No, I'm not.

"Yes, it's just a bit warm."

'Well, let's get you back inside then."

"No it's beautiful day, I want to enjoy it."

"Lia, the king's requested our audience at the palace." Says my father, intruding upon our space.

"Why?" Asks, Arryn.

"Apparently he's sampled Lia's wares, and she left him wanting." Kelrona's double meaning isn't lost on anyone except my father.

The bawdy wench...

"You didn't tell me that the king tasted our desserts."

"He visited our tables while I was preparing to leave."

"Well hopefully, this visit will mean good fortune for us."

For my father, I've already made my fortune and I'll receive it within fourteen days.

The palace is wonderful and beautiful. Waiting in line with the others for an audience with the king, I gaze in awe at the grandeur of it all.

Kelrona waits with us, smiling charmingly at the guards. I'm almost embarrassed for her, I don't know what's gotten into her.

"What's he like?" She whispers excitedly to me.

"The king?"

"No, Mr. Goren. Of course, the king. I've seen him from afar but never up close, and in person."

"Well... he's... he's..."

I'm at a loss for words to explain his beauty, his power. I don't know if it's because he's the king or what.

But the strength that I felt emanating from him that day, made me uncomfortable in a good way.

"Come Lia, it's our turn.

Ushering us into the throne room, I'm trying to appear as if all of this isn't new to me.

And then I lay eyes on him. It's a long walk to where he's seated, and we make the trek in silence.

The closer that I get to him, the faster my heart beats.

"He's perfect." Kelrona states quietly, but I know that he's heard her.

His inquisitive gaze forces mine from his, and I fidget with my gown.

"You look fine." My father assures me.

"Indeed she does." The king replies.

"My king." Says my father bowing, with us following his lead.

"I've invited you here to extend an offer of employment, an upgrade in your position."

"I accept." My father states, quickly.

"Did you not want to know what position it is?"

"I apologize, I thought that it was the baker's position."

He must know how appealing he is with that endearing smirk of his, as I've become rather fond of it.

"The position of royal baker is filled, Goren or something. There's an opening for Lord of the bedchamber, to which I am willing to offer you."

My father and I share a look when I hear a small intake of breath from Kelrona.

"Shouldn't that position go to a relative or one of the nobles?" I Inquire, perplexed at such a generous offer.

"He'll be like family if you accept the role of royal mistress."

The breath that Kelrona was holding, is released right before she crumples to the floor like a sack of potatoes.


"Royal mistress? How dare he!" I'm in a tizzy over the insinuation that I'm not worthy to be his queen. Instead, I'm reduced to a mistress... his whore!

Pacing the floor of my appointed room I voice my concerns.

"You don't have to accept, you have Lord Arryn's offer to fall back on."

His words give me pause. And what does he have to go back to if I don't accept?

The king made it clear, that they'll be no need for my father's position if I don't take him up on his offer.

I know his truth, he's not happy with our profession. It no longer appeals to him.

Am I to be selfish, and leave my father to live the rest of his days in misery? Or do I share the king's bed as his doxy?


"A courtesan..."

"A royal tart, don't forget the royal part. It adds significance to the role." States Kelrona sarcastically.

When did she become so vicious? As the royal tart's good friend, she could benefit from my advancement also.

The king's given me some time to think about it, which I don't actually need. My mind is made up, I choose Lord Arryn.

A server presents us with a tray of drinks and after a quick study, I choose the strongest looking one.

The king's held in high favor, glasses are raised to him from afar throughout the night.

The room's brimming with conversations, laughter, and merriment, a celebratory event for something or other I wish that could be in high spirits, but I can't.

I'd told my father of my decision and he'd left soon after. There was work to be done in the bakery, he had to earn his keep.

A crescendo of murmurs from the nobility demands my attention. The source of their wagging tongues, he's making his way through the parting crowd.

My mind is set on escaping as his steps are directed to a path straight for me.


"My king." I state in greeting, with a small bow out of courtesy to my superior.

"Thranduil, if you will." My body reacting to his voice, I can only respond with a nod. "May I have the pleasure of a dance?”

"The king dances?" I ask, genuinely surprised by his request.

"Not often and not for a very long time."

"No one else is dancing."

"A casual wave of his hand and the space around us becomes even greater. The guards move the crowd back, as his hands extended in an offer.

"I didn't ask anyone else to dance, I asked you."

Reluctant at first, I accept. There should be no harm in accepting a dance with the king, who would dare turn down such an offer?

Pulling me into his arms, I'm startled when our bodies meet. Immediately tensing at the connection, I exhale a breath of air that I didn't know that I'd been holding.

Leading me into a dance, I'm nervous about the stares from the crowd. His acute gaze doesn't do anything to help ease my discomfort either.

"Can I ask that you not stare at me so?"

"You can." He says, still watching me.

I don't know if I expected him to actually comply, but he doesn't.

"Can you not watch me like that?"


The king needs a lesson in the art of romance, as he's failing miserably. He's not taken another after his wife's death, I wonder if he's been with any others since.

"Have you given my proposal some thought?"



"My answer is no, however it was very generous of you to offer." I state, trying to lessen the sting of the rejection.

"Do you find me lacking?"

Of course not!

"I'm committed to another."

"I'm aware."

"And still that didn't deter you?"

"It doesn't deter me."

"I'm happy with my intended, I won't change my mind."

"I can forbid the marriage."

One has to admire his pluck, but I'm in no mood to do so right now.

Removing my person from his clutches, the sound likened to bees buzzing resonates from the crowd.

"I'm not a noble, you have no say in who I choose to marry."

I expected a rebuttal and got it, and something much worse.

"Lia Dorren, the baker's daughter is hereby known as Lady Lia Dorren, Royal Mistress." The King states loudly, his face set and his eyes daring me to dispute his claim.

I would have collapsed if it hadn't been for my ranging anger and immediate intense hatred of him.

Lia, the baker's daughter... I was taken with more than the sweets on her table. At our first meeting, the irritation evident in her harsh words heightened my interest.

Her table wasn't the first that I'd visited, but it was the last. I'd found my queen.

The nobles seem to think that I've spent enough time in my grief and need to move on. They demand another queen, another heir and had hoped that I'd choose one from amongst their daughters.

I can comply with my people's wishes but at my own discretion.

"The people aren't happy with your choice." Elen my advisor, counsels.

"I didn't expect them to be."

"This can be reconciled, as you've named her your mistress. She's not a royal and not of noble blood, the people will not accept her as their queen."

Rattling on about her poor birth, I'm distracted. An outing in the courtyard, I keep a careful watch of her.

Arms linked together, she's taking a stroll about the gardens with her father.

Lord Dorren, I've given him a small fiefdom. Lands to be used as he wills, he knows my plans for her and keeps my secret.

"There are also whispers of her having an arrangement with another."

"And it seems that you've spoken him into existence." I reply as her betrothed appears. Bringing her hand to his lips, he's intercepted by her guard.


"What are you doing?" She's a good distance away but I can still hear their conversation.

"You cannot touch the queen." States the guard.

"I'm not a queen!"

"What is he talking about?"

It's.. it's... will you excuse us father?"

A kiss from him and he takes his leave, uttering a few brief words to the two guards they back away a few paces.

"Queen?" He asks.

"King Thranduil has titled me as his mistress."

"And are you?"

"No, I'm not..."

"His whore?"

"I'm nobody's whore, king or other."

"Forgive me, hurt fuels my anger and my cruel words."

Using my elvish gifts, I tune into her. Picking up on her emotions, she cares for him, respects him, but she does not love him.

Sensing my intrusion, her gaze falls to mine. "Come let us talk in private." She says, accepting his offered arm.


"Now you see? This is not the behavior of a queen."

"You're right, it's not the behavior of a queen but she's not just a queen. She's my queen."

His sputterings and low mutterings are worthy of a good laugh.

"Send word of our union that is to take place within a week's time."

His babbling's halted as he attempts to discern if I'm being sportive.

"Has she already consented?"

"She will."


I hate the way that he looks upon her, a doting smile that causes her to blush. She's accepted an invitation to dine with me and took it upon herself to invite everyone with her.

Her father, her friend and the man. My mouth was fixed to send everyone away but her, but her narrow-eyed glare forced me to endorse her opposition.

"I've been told that you're a soldier of fortune."

"Yes, I've been given land in exchange for my loyalty to my prince."

"You must be well versed in your craft, to be kept on as a liegeman."

"Perhaps I can personally show you, one day soon." He replies.

Of course, he's not to be driven away so easily, but neither am I.

"Challenge accepted..."

"There's no need for games, and definitely no time for them. We have our hands full with "our" wedding." Interjects Lia, pointedly.

I've become accustomed to her heated stares and sour words. Offering her an amused smirk, a small aggravated huff is her response.

Lia doesn't have to accept me, and she knows this. I'm intrigued as to why she doesn't just walk away, why she tolerates me.



"There are many suitors but my father is waiting for the right one, we aspire to be like you."

Kelrona's being too familiar with the king.

"Everyone who's anyone was waiting to be introduced to his lordship, I myself included. I had wild imaginations that I would be chosen." She adds.

And definitely too forward... I don't know why but my fingers are itching to be locked in her hair.

Of noble blood, she could have easily been his other half. "Maybe there's still a chance that you might be." His response upsets me more than I care to admit.

A night out under the lights of the stars, we're celebrating new beginnings and new life.

"Are there any other lovers brave enough to venture into the maze of delights?" A royal attendant calls out.

"Let's go in."

"I don't know, what happens if I get lost?"

"Call out to me, and I'll find you." Taking my hand, I let Arryn lead me to the entrance.

"Ladies first, ten minutes head start." States the attendant with a wicked smile.

The maze is darker than the night. No light, but my elvish eyes can see moderately to make my way safely.

For comfort, I think of my mother and my favorite song that she used to hum to me as a child.

Eerily I can hear it softly playing on the air. A rustle near the hedges behind me, I peer into the darkness.

"Is anyone there?"

No response, I move along. Following the trail at a quicker pace, I haven't been in here long and I want to be done with it.

The humming has come to an end when I hear the sound of footsteps coming my way.

"Arryn?" I inquire.

The footsteps stop, and the silence is unnerving as I wait for them to restart again.

The "Maze of Delights", it should have been named the "Maze of Mystery and Spooks".

I'm officially done and make a dash for it. Skirts lifted, I'm at full speed when I hear someone giving chase.

Done playing someone's game, I come to a stop as the steps move closer to me at a slower pace.

Angered, I run straight for the sound and connect with a body.

A hand on my mouth stifles my screams as I struggle to remove myself from my assailant's arms.

"It's just me."

Relieved, I hug him tightly.

"You scared me."

"Shh..." He whispers, pulling me into the hedge.

It parts, closing around us. "I thought that I heard her."

Peering through the leaves, Thranduil and Kelrona move past our hiding place. Her arm's linked through his and she seems right at home on his arm.

Waiting in silence, his body moves behind mine and I relax into him. Loving the firmness of his hard body, I accept his fingers linking with mine.

My hand's lifted to his lips and a sigh escapes me. My eyes closing, I revel in the delightful sensations coursing through my body.

Wanting to feel his lips on mine, I hungrily capture his lips in a heated kiss. Matching my need for him, he pulls me through the other side of the hedge.

An enclosed space, my mind is on one thing and that's the removal of my clothing.

My body seems to be on fire and pulling at my clothing, his hand on mine stops me.

Trying to twist from his grasp, his grip tightens. Obeying his non-verbal command, I become submissive.

His eyes in the night seem to have gone from dark brown to a dark blue.

I have no time to worry about how, when a kiss subtle yet electrifyingly pleasurable moves from my lips, and on to my neck.

Leading his hands underneath my gown, my breath leaves my body in a quick gasp when his fingers meet the warmth between my thighs.

I love the pleasure that his fingers offer, the excitement, it's pure bliss.

My hips rocking in tune to his strokes, I ride his hand. My breathing matching his caresses, my senses are high.

The heat of his tongue circling my nipples through the fabric heightens the intensity of his roaming fingers.

My thoughts go to the king, I imagine that it's his hand between my legs, his lips upon my neck.

My climax peaking, I bury my face in his neck.

"I want you to cum for me."

That voice...

Spasms rack my body, as I succumb to my orgasm. His strong arms keeping me supported, I cling to him.

"You'll reject the soldier's claim."

That's not Arryn's voice.

The king, I don't know what came over me. Arryn and I have never...

I saw Arryn, but it was the king that I'd shared such an intimate moment with.

The Maze of Delights, it was indeed delightful.

Quietly berating myself for my treachery, a hand about my waist startles me.

His tall frame so close to mine forces me to catch my breath.

I love being near him and hate myself for it. That night in the maze has swayed my body if not my heart.

I want more of him...

The nosey nobles in the hall watching us make no attempt at discretion.

"My queen..." He says, his lips gently grazing my hand.

My king...

"What can I do for you?" I state, fighting the swoon that's threatening to take over.

"You can join me in my rooms later."

"That wouldn't be proper."

"And what happened in the maze was?"

"I didn't know that it was you."

"But in your heart you wanted it to be me." His words low and conspiratorial sends an unexpected shiver through my body.

I'm at a loss for words as he speaks the truth and I'm unable to deny it.

"Tonight then..." He says in parting.

Watching his departure, I'm aware of the open stares from the crowd.


"Lia...!" I'm pulled into a tight hug." Testing my archery skills, I miss my mark.

"You're happy..."

"I am..."

"Well... I'm happy for you."

"That's just like you, to not care for the source of my happiness."

"I'm sorry, I just have a lot on my mind."



"Oh... I'm so sorry. He's a king and you're a commoner. You really didn't think that the people would stand for that, did you?"

"Stand for what?"

"You and the king... Lia, I don't know if he's told you but we... you know."

"No, I don't know."

But it sounds like I'm going to have to snatch her bald at the end of this conversation.

"We were in the maze together." She says, delicately.

"Okay and..." I respond.

"The king and I... He... um..."

"Seduced you?"

"Yes, I know that you don't want him so everything should be fine. You'll be married soon, and I'll marry the king... Lia? What's wrong?"

"Get out..."

"Was it something that I said?"

"Leave me..."

"No, not until you tell me why."

I saw her with the king in the maze, but he was with me.

"You weren't with the king, Kelrona."

She's quiet for a moment letting my words register.

"Look, I know that being in a king's favor is romantic and unheard of for someone on your level."

"And I know that bedding a commoner is unheard of for someone on your level, but you did. And if the gossip about you is true, then it's been more than just Arryn." I snap back.

Her jaw drops, closes and reopens again. The trainer that I'm with exits, leaving just the two of us.

"Liar, you're just jealous that the king wants me!"

"The maze plays tricks of the mind, Kel. I know that it was Arryn that you were with because I was with the king."

"How do you know that, if the maze plays tricks?"

"He confirmed it when I spoke to him."


"He referenced what we did when we were alone in the maze." I state, quietly.

"Well, I wonder what Arryn would have to say about all this. I would love his input on the matter."

"You wouldn't..."

"What do I have to say about what?"

My blood runs cold at the sound of his voice.

I'm graced with a wicked smirk from Kelrona, it's a game of hearts, dignity, and titles.

I'm uncomfortable when I'm pulled into his arms, turning away from his kiss. Arryn's confused expression says it all.

"What are you two squawking about?" He says cheerily.

"You and me and Lia... and the king." She says in a sing-song voice.

"What about us?" He's become alert hanging on to every word.

"Kelrona..." I caution.

I know that she's not willing to jeopardize our relationship over a king. I hope that our friendship means much more than that.

"Lia thinks that I was with you in the maze."

I guess it doesn't...

"That's absurd, why would you think that?"

"Yes Lia, why would you think that?" Kelrona inquires.

Fine, it's time that I put Kel in her place. I'm done with it all.

"What did we do Arryn, in the maze?"

"You know what we did."

"It's okay, Kelrona's a good friend. I have no secrets from her."

Her small smile drops.

"Well you're going to be my wife soon, so there's no shame in it."

"No, it's not." I state in agreeance.

"We made love in there that night."

"Did I lead or did you?" I ask.

"You initiated it."

"Did I ride you or did you dominate me?"

"You rode me."

"Did I say anything?" I probe.

"That you loved me and that Lia was going to be upset about it, but that she would get over it. I thought that you'd had too much wine."

Kelrona's been quiet the entire time and turning my attention to her, she's deathly pale.

"Are you all right?" Arryn inquires, going to her aid.

"Arryn you were with Kelrona in the maze."

The silence is loud and the tension's thick. "No, I was with you." He says, breaking the silence.

Kelrona's removed herself from his arm, her gaze going from him to me and then back to him.

"Then where were you?"

"She was with the king." Kelrona states, acting as if her whole world has come to an end.

She appears to be in a state of shock.

"I'm sorry Arryn..."

"Sorry about what? No, this... us it's not over. It was a mistake." He says, drawing me close my hand in his.

"I know..."

"I love you not her, I thought that I was with you. I saw you."

His words are sincere, he didn't know and so I can't hold that against him.

"I wonder how it feels to have the love of two men, while your friend has no one to love her."


"No... Lia, I'll be fine. Just... I wish you the best in whomever you choose."

"She'll be okay." Arryn states, stopping my attempt to go after her.

Kelrona's upset with me and I didn't do anything. She's left the palace and has refused to respond to my letters.

I'm miserable and alone. My father is enjoying his new life as a merchant, and I don't want to bother him.

Refusing to entertain anyone, I've kept to myself. Eventually, I decided to take my leave of the palace and all the troubles it brought me.

Resuming my position with my father's new apprentices, I'm back to slaving away in the bakery.

"What's gotten into you?"

Too late I finally smell the burnt biscuits.

Removing them from the oven, I fan the smoke from my face.

"Another pan, Lia?"

"I'm sorry, It won't happen again."

"You said that four pans ago. Maybe you should go home and get some rest."

"I'm not tired, I promise I won't..."

"We don't need you for the rest of the day. Thank you." The head of the kitchen states, removing my pinny.

Taking the long route home, I pick some flowers for my table. Walking beside my horse, I reflect on my new life.

What am I going to do? My future was set and suited me just fine.

What can I do besides bake? Am I to accept Arryn, he'd bedded my friend. I care for him, but I can't.

Everything's been ruined...

Taking the letter from my door, I place it and the flowers on the table.

Removing my clothing for a bath, I place a pillow in front of my stomach. Turning sideways, I try to imagine what I would look like being pregnant.

Which won't be anytime soon, sighing I take my bath in silence.

I'm awakened in the middle of the night by footsteps and a low conversation. Venturing into the dining area, I have a small dagger for protection.

Two unknown men, one of my guards at the palace, and... the king. "What are you doing in my home?"

Those beautiful blue eyes watching me, I can't even look away.

A slight wave of his hand and the others exit my house, closing the door quietly behind them.

"You missed our union ceremony." Refilling his cup, he offers me a drink.

"What?" I state, ignoring his offer.

"Your father gave his blessing."

"That doesn't mean that I've accepted you."

"We both know that that's not the truth." He says, handing me a drink

The king is very pleasing to the eyes, and I can't deny what my body feels for him.

"Your suitor sends his regards." He says, handing me my letter.

"Must you take liberties with everything."

I'm the king, why should I not?"

"It's late, and I'd like to go back to bed. What do you want?" I ask snatching the letter from his hand.


That one word causes my heart to skip a beat. His eyes hold more than just a hint of lust in them. A heated gaze that warms my body in all of the right places.

"And if I deny you." I make out. My throat seems to have become restricted as I try to regain control of my breathing.

The room seems smaller with him so near. "You wont..." He says, his fingers trailing lightly over my breasts.

The soft material of my gown brushes against the peaks of my nipples, and the sparks of pleasure streaking through my body leaves me breathless.

I love the way that he kisses me. Forceful and aggressive, as my gown's lifted above my head.

His lips returning to mine, I'm in a frenzy trying to remove his clothing. I want to feel his bare skin on mine.

Removing his shirt, it's tossed aside. Running my hands along his chest I'm turned on by the solid strength of his body.

Going lower still the hardness that greets my hand alarms me. Forcing my hand back onto his manhood the intensity of his gaze emboldens me.

Releasing him from the confines of his trousers an audible gasp of pleasure escapes his lips.

The light kisses applied to my sensitive area as I stroke his length makes my knees weak.

A hand on the table for support, his tongue gently circles my breast as his large hands firmly tease my sex.


My legs around his waist, a wave of pain hits me as his staff slowly invades my center.

Holding onto him tightly, my body tenses as I endure the taking of my virginity.

His soft words and well-placed kisses offer me consolation as the pain becomes less severe.

Lying back on the table, I'm pulled down towards the edge. I can't keep my hands off of him, his hard steady strokes has his name coming from my lips.

My craving for him is overwhelming as I aim to reach my end quickly. In tune with each other, I match his tempo.

Keeping pace with his rhythm, the excitement of our bodies joined as one I'm pulled back into his arms.

The heat of the moment, the pleasure his body gives mine, his whispered endearments...

My orgasm cresting, my pace increases. Giving in to his passion mine soon follows, the warmth of his seed filling my flower.

The last waves of our sexual climax leaving my body, I'm in ecstasy. A kiss from him, heartfelt and flaming...


When I awake the king is gone. A peek under the covers and I know that it wasn't a dream.

A smile lights my face, as I prepare for the day.

Going out into the noon sun, I feel refreshed and happy when I notice the two guards.

"What are you still doing here?"

"The kings has tasked us with escorting you back to the palace."

"Tell the king that I have work to do."

"He also advised us to chain you and drag you back if you declined."

"You wouldn't dare..."

The chains dangling from his hand, I offer a tense smile and accept his assistance onto my horse.


Shut up into a room and guarded at the palace. Attendants bathe and dress me, I endure it with barely controlled anger.

I can't wait to lay eyes on the king. A good closed fisted tap upside his head, should right all his wrongdoings.

I'm still stewing over his mistreatment of my will when I'm deposited in front of a door.

It's immediately opened to an assembly of my people. A path leads to my father and the king, they're waiting for me.

Turning to escape, two guards appear at my side. "I still have the irons, my lady." Whispers one.

Fine. Head held high, back straight I make my way down the aisle with my wardens.

Nor wanting any further delays, I keep up a brisk angry stride.

The closer that I get to him, the faster my heartbeats and I slow to a snail's pace.

He's stunningly beautiful and coming to a stop in front of him, my legs almost give out.

Latching onto him for support, his arms about my waist save me from an embarrassing tumble.

The memory of our sexual tryst fresh in my mind, flushed and overcome with a wave of heat I release him.

Fanning myself rapidly, a loud unanimous chuckle from the crowd heightens the inferno and makes me nervous.

"Why do you act as if you're afraid of me?" He says, taking my hand in his.

"It's not you."

"Then what is it?"

"Your title, all of this." I state, with a wave of my hand.

"You don't want to be my queen?"

I don't mind being his queen...

"I'm a baker's daughter, the highest that I aspired to was the wife of a Baron, and not from my people."

"A title does not make you who you are."

"Tell that to the nobles." I state, with just a hint of acid.

"I chose you, and you're my queen."

I'm at a loss for words, I don't know how to be a queen. I know how to bake and I'm sure that queens don't do that.

"I don't know what to say."

"Say that you'll accept me."

His small smile as his lips, greet my hand sends a quiver of excitement through my core.

"Lia?" Questions my father.

I'd have to be unbalanced to reject him. The King's handsome and what he does to my body is heavenly.

"I accept you." I reply.

Placing my other hand in my father's, the king's hand is placed atop mine.

His fingers linking with mine, I can't stop the smile and blush when I receive a slight squeeze from him.


Thanks for reading!