A collection of messages, thoughts, dreams, and epiphanies!—My Virtual Journal
Rules of Engagement:
If you don’t understand the message, then it’s not for you
If you think that I’m talking about you, maybe I am
If you don’t like foul, crude language, don’t read this
If you’re easily offended, leave now
To everyone who has ever fallen for me and had the pleasure of me falling in love with them, I never meant to hurt anyone. My intentions are always good.
I’m a lil “different” or, as most like to say, “crazy.”
“People use the word “crazy” to mean silly, strange, or outlandish; they use the word as a modifier like “extremely” or “intensely”; they use it to mean irrational or unexplainable; and mostly they use it to describe mental illness.”
Whatever the case may be, I have a good heart. And sometimes, I let people take advantage of me and my good nature.
“I’ll ride with you and for you until I can’t ride anymore!”
To everyone who knows me personally, I want to apologize for making your life a living hell. 😁 But the good thing that you can say about me is that I always made you smile and laugh.
To everyone who doesn’t know me, this is your final chance to leave now. Do not read on! I will not be held liable for your hurt feelings! So if you are prone to have delicate sensibilities, phuck off!
The Awakening—All That Glitters Isn’t Gold
Lost Soul— How dare you?
You sit high, and you look low. You’ve taken what the divine has given you, and you’ve used it for your personal gain.—How dare you?
My kid’s father left me scarred, mentally and physically damaged. He couldn’t control me, so he tried to break me. —And he almost succeeded.
Women can’t be assertive or dominative, why not?
When you’re assertive, possessive, and jealous. And he’s assertive also, and then he asserts that pussy doesn’t run anything over here. Dick does.
The Advice
“Leave these internet men alone!”—It came from someone that I no longer speak to. And did I listen? Hell no!
How To Flirt
I don’t know how to flirt.
Get Out Of My Dreams
What are you doing in my fucking dreams? I’ve closed out this chapter of my life. I’m over the delusions and lies. It’s crazy.
Welcome —(03/06/2023)
Omfg… Your energy is amazing. And that “Monster” is really a third leg. —Damn… There’s intense sexual energy between the both of us.
The Realization—(03/11/2023)
I was walking down a path, and I looked up, and there was a mountain. And at the top of the mountain was a big shiny, sparkling thing.
Dream #1—(03/11/2023)
I was in some kind of compound or campus or something. There were plenty of women around, but for some reason, the men’s focus was on me. I was the one that they were singling out. They were watching me hard.
He has a sharp tongue, but he’s a sweetheart.
His silence confuses me, but when he speaks to me, there’s an outpour of emotions that overflows and melts my heart.
Heartbroken —(03/18/2023)
Your anger and pain is valid. I wasn’t empathetic to your feelings and you broke my heart with your words.
The One—(03/18/2023)
Did you know?
Did you know that he was going to fuck up?
You smug bastard.
Divine Feminine—(03/19/2023)
Do you see me? Do you see how bright my light shines?
I’m a divine feminine.
I can touch you physically without touching you. I connect with your soul on a higher level.
The Fallout—(03/21/23)
“I’m a part of a harem.”
I was different. He treated me like I was different.
Got to be more careful—(03/23/23)
I don’t know why you’re desperate for my attention.
You’re chomping at the bit to get to me.
He’s the only thing/person holding you back. ❤️
Since you’re so concerned—(03/23/23)
“What had happened was…”
What was done had run its course.
He decided that he would release me. No harm, no foul. You tried it!
Dream #2—(04/01/2023)
You took me out in this expensive-looking car. It was silver. The trunk opened up weirdly. It opened up, facing the rear window. I don’t know why that stuck out to me the most.
Dream #3 —(04/19/2023)
You’re a great kisser. In every dream I’ve had of you, you were kissing me.
In the first dream, you were standing behind me. And your dick was pressing into my ass. —Well Endowed (Damn)
It hurts—(04/19/23)
I never dissect my dreams of you. I always take them as is.
But when thinking of this last dream, I have to take from it the locked room.
Dream #4 —(04/25/2023)
My “mystery man,” that’s what I’ll call you.—Even though I know who you are.
I had another dream about you.
Dream #5—(05/02/23)
I was in bed, and you were with me. You said, “What are you hiding?” (Do you remember saying this to me?) And you pulled the covers back. You didn’t say anything, but I saw the disappointment in your eyes.
Dream #6— 06/03/2023
“What makes you a woman is what you do when that storm comes. You must look into that storm and shout as you did. “Do your worst, for I will do mine!”
You're The Devil
You didn’t deserve my tears.
You didn’t deserve my hurt and pain.
I Offend People
It’s a Vanilla way of saying that I hurt people.
I hurt them with my words when I write.
He’s in love with me. That’s why he’s trying so hard to hurt me.
Bitch If You Ever —07/02/2023
I wrote about you bc you struck the first blow on the monster’s platform. You hit me, and I hit you back. We're square.
Dream #7—Damn!
“I was like, why is he talking to me that way." Like I’m a child or I’m slow.
That’s why it took me a moment to answer.
I was playing around. In case you haven’t figured that out about me.
Down Low —07/18/2023
Say that it ain’t so.
Tell me that I’m getting the message wrong!
How are you sexually confused?
Gangstalicious Rejects
I thought that I was tripping.
Nah… these niccas can’t be gay.
It’s a whole community of “Gangstalicious” motherfuckers.
Y R U Single (07/27/2023)
Someone asked me why I’m single.
Every man I’ve interacted with on a “dating” level has always been younger than me.
Like seriously, 8 - 15 plus years younger than me.
Don't Get Touched— (07/30/2023)
People think that because they have money.
Or that they have fame and fortune…
That they can’t be touched.
Did I scare you?
I scare a lot of “people.”
I’ll be as nice as I can be, and I’ll try not to offend.
“Omg, she’s in your DM’s… ha ha ha…”— Tink, Tink… settle down.
Dream # 8 —Did He Know?
How old is she?
“She’s 14.”
Dream # 9 Who Are You?
You didn’t care what motherfuckers said about me.
#ShallowHall—I know that you’re reading this motherfucker!
Dream #10 You Left Me
Why the fuck did you leave me in the room with those bitches?
The Games That We Play
The games that we play!
We’re just game pieces on a gameboard to y’all.
Am I Ready For You?
Now I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t add this.
“I can’t wait to fuck the hell out of you!”
The Flex Is Real
I stay pissing you off.
I get under your skin!
Closing Spiritual Debts
Try it if you want to.
And The Winners Are?
That man is a MONSTER.
Black Magic
You’re standing above me.
Slowly, you’re easing your dick into my mouth.
My lips lightly tease your nut sack.
Dream #11
I didn’t understand the dreams.
But now, as they’re coming back to me, I see now.
I didn’t know who the people were in my dreams back then.
Dream # 12
I know that it sounds weird, but he was either dressed or in his underwear. I would look away when I saw him in his skivvies. The Bulge is real —Can I have some?
Dream #13 —(09/03/2023)
You matched my bet of $20.00.
I’m not a gambler, and I don’t know anything about it.
I'm Done—(09/04/2023)
I’m confused.
I cease all contact with them, per their request.
I do what they tell me to do, and the next thing I know, I’m a broke bitch.
Dream # 14 —Day Day Got Shot
In my head, I was like, “Oh my god… He’s about to get a gun!”
So this girl and I crouched down behind a counter or large cart.
Dream # 15—Run Away
I was telling him to come with me, but he refused.
I started to walk away, but I turned back.
“We can make it,” I told him.
Dream #16 —(09/10/2023)
I knew what he wanted.
So, we came to a compromise.
I agreed to fuck him.
I don't Want Him —09/12/2023
Last night I was on someone’s social media platform acting like a donkey.
I will not apologize because I’m owed an apology.
Your woman is out of pocket.
Dream #17
I’ll keep it short and sweet because that’s what it was.—recurring, and some parts are left out.
I was with this Hispanic guy (and, of course, he was younger than me) and his sister.
Everybody Hates Lola
I was about to be in tears writing the part about me having to suffer so that the Divine’s work could be done.
I’m your child!
Why would you want this for me?!
Dream # 18
Mr. “Hello” —You were there.
You ran right past me.
There was a war that was being raged on the streets.
Dream # 19—09/18/2023
I sit down at my computer, and it’s like I’m burnt out.
But I’m going to set aside time on my days off to write.
Maybe one day, my work will be made into a movie.
Dream # 20 —(09/20/2023)
I got into bed with two of them.
And then the instructor comes into the room, and he says something that I don’t remember.
But he gets into the bed with us.
Dream # 21—(09/22/2023)
We were at your home, and we had just got married.
Dream # 22—(09/24/2023)
This big, huge, booty male waiter delivered an order to a table near ours.
And his butt was all up in “A pimp named Slickback’s” face.
Dream # 23—(09/25/2023)
I never got to see his face.
But he came and stood behind me and pressed his body up against mine.
He hugged me from behind.
Dream # 24—(09/26/2023)
"Whatever you hear or see, don't pay it any attention." He advised her.
And then bam! He was on me, pulling at my clothing!
"You gone give me this!" He stated as we were grappling.
Gah! —(09/26/2023)
For no reason, I did nothing to this man.
I took those hits.
I wasn't even trying to hurt him.
Dream # 25—(09/30/2023)
I’m getting tired of fighting.
But, It’s time that I make good on a few promises.—“I get rid of my problems.”
Dream # 26—(10/02/2023)
You spoke to me, and you were nice.—Really nice
I was confused as to why you were being nice to me.
You know that you don’t like me, and I don’t like you.
Why You Mad Though?
If the Bossman is with “Mel & Lee,” why are you mad at me?
If you’re with “Kel & Gee,” Why are you mad at me?
Dream # 27 —10/08/2023
I went to the bathroom to shower, and the Hispanic guy went with me.
We were showering together.
The Awakening
It’s been a wild and bumpy ride!—Fuck everybody
My dream men, well… 99.9% of them are now Hispanic.
I love my black men, but It’s now time to change lanes.
Dream # 28 —(10/22/23)
There was a home, a baby, and a bedroom.
And there was US.
And I was rubbing your feet.
The Over 40 Plus Club
If he is who I think he is…
*I’m going to fuck the caviar and champagne out of his ass!
Dream # 29 (10/26/2023)
From what the woman said, he was doing a good job of reading her life.
He was a cool-ass, chill-ass white guy.
The type that fucks with black people.
Dream # 30
And then he walked away.
But then he turned around and came back.
Dream # 31 —10/30/23
There were four of us, including Rollie, straggling behind.
Lil Fizz showed up, and he was watching us from a distance.
So, I put a lil wiggle in my strut. —Lol
Dream # 32—11/07/2023
Your father is watching you and protecting you.
dream # 33—11/13/2023
What Done Happened now?
Dream # 34
I just so happen to look down at his lap.—I don’t know why, Lol…
I put my hand in his pants.
Dream # 35
Dream # 36
Dream # 37
Dream #38—11/30/2023
Dream # 39—12/01/2023
Dream # 40
Dream # 41
Dream # 42 —12/08/2023
Dream # 43—01/16/2024
Dream # 44
Dream # 45
Lulu's Blues
Dream #46
I'm Coonfused—02/05/2024
*I paraphrased the interaction with Queen Latifah.
Dream # 47
Dream # 48
Dream # 49
And some BLACK WOMEN are just sitting there going along with it!
Some are even instigating it!
Dream # 50
Dream # 51
Dream #52
Dream # 54
Dream # 55
Dream # 56
Dream # 57
Dream # 58
Dream #59
Dream # 60
Dream # 61
Dream # 62
Dream # 63
The Majority of my content will be made available under my MEMBERSHIPS! Check back for updates!
The Majority of my content will be made available under my MEMBERSHIPS! Check back for updates! 〰️
Limited access to content that is posted at least once a week.
All Access to content that is updated a couple of times out of the week.